In the last few days we received a report from Dolby relating to their compliance and certification tests. There are a small number of issues that need to resolved, and we’re working on replicating the problems and then fixing them. We believe that all of the issues can be resolved with a firmware update, which will allow Dolby to quickly retest the device. It’s difficult to put a timeline on this, but when we have issued the updated firmware to Dolby, we will let you all know by way of a short update.
At the AES 2019 show in Dublin we were demonstrating the Realiser operating in two modes. One application was as an immersive audio monitoring tool, using the USB port for 16-ch playback of PCM tracks from an audio workstation, whilst the second application was more consumer oriented, decoding Dolby Atmos bitstream tracks from a Blu-ray disk. The overall response to the demos was very positive, and it was particularly encouraging to see the high level of interest from students and educators from all parts of Europe.
Ça reprend globalement ce qu'a dit Gilles Gérin en rajoutant qu'il est difficile pour eux de donner une date mais que quand ils auront renvoyé le Realiser à Dolby après l'amélioration du firmware ils y verront un peu plus clair et feront une courte update pour nous donner plus d'infos.
Ils disent entre autre que Dolby "retestera rapidement" le Realiser ce qui voudrait dire qu'il n'y aurait pas le temps d'attente de la première phase de certification j'imagine.