worf a écrit:Ekkehart mit welchen DVD Spielern machst du deinem Test ?
Ekkehart avec quel lecteurs de dvd fais tu tes tests ?
Doesnt matter, any quality DVD-player. I will NOT start a discussion about this topic (it was tried many times in german forums and never worked out due to bad moderation).
I just say that: From our thousands of measurements, we got the result that white-balance deviation on modern quality players, especially over HDMI / DVI, ist pretty much a myth.
A player which does not give correct white balance, is a bad player, it is as easy as that!
But even low cost players work according to the videonorm, here some examples (HDMI / DVI):
Denon 2910
Denon A11
Denon 1910
Panasonic S97
Pioneer668 / 868
and even the total crap player Samsung 850 (hope I dont insult any owner

So as long as you buy a known player from a reliable brand, you are on the safe side. Everybody expects a good D65-grayscale from the projectors, so everybody should expect a neutral grayscale from the players. Which is, like we found out, in 99% the case for good brands.
The whole article:
(already a year old)
The other link for analog sources, you gave already.
This is all I have to say about this topic, as this discussion, usually not based on facts but rather on "rumors" or "common sense", never leads to anything.