coucou, pour ceux qui en ont (déjà ?) marre de Diablo III, est-ce que vous connaissez Path of Exile ?
Ce jeu est toujours en beta mais il est possible d'obtenir des clés pour 10$ ou plus, un peu à la manière de PCARS...
Je me laisserais bien tenter.
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Path of Exile [PC]
- Han Solo
- Messages: 8062
- Inscription Forum: 28 Jan 2002 2:00
- Localisation: Belgique
Ben ça a l'air excellent, ce jeu.
Pourtant, je ne suis pas trop fan des Diablo et consorts. Mais ces bandes-annonces donnent carrément envie. Et puis ça semble très bien réalisé (très beaux graphismes).
Je m'en vais surveiller tout ça de près, moi.

Pourtant, je ne suis pas trop fan des Diablo et consorts. Mais ces bandes-annonces donnent carrément envie. Et puis ça semble très bien réalisé (très beaux graphismes).
Je m'en vais surveiller tout ça de près, moi.

- Dirty Vincent
- Messages: 9571
- Inscription Forum: 24 Juil 2000 2:00
- Localisation: Mystic Falls...
Ça me plaît bien aussi
Avec des graphismes somptueux
beaucoup plus sombre, ainsi que son ambiance que Diablo 3
Je vais suivre ça aussi de très très près.

Avec des graphismes somptueux

Je vais suivre ça aussi de très très près.

- julianf
- Messages: 14940
- Inscription Forum: 23 Aoû 2005 13:42
- Localisation: Normandie
Pour Info, il y a une Open Beta ce WE.
Malheureusement je ne serais pas chez moi pour tester le jeu
Malheureusement je ne serais pas chez moi pour tester le jeu

- julianf
- Messages: 14940
- Inscription Forum: 23 Aoû 2005 13:42
- Localisation: Normandie
En effet, je vous colle le mail :
Hi Golguth,
Action RPG Path of Exile will be open to everyone this weekend, July 27-29, so that we can stress-test our servers in preparation for entering Open Beta in a few months.
If you've been patiently waiting to try Path of Exile's dark and customizable gameplay, now is your chance to check out the game - for one weekend only.
The game has been in Closed Beta since last August and we have been regularly adding new content, classes and skills. The latest version adds a huge Act Two boss fight, the end-game Maps system and a new passive skill tree with over 1300 skills to customize your character with. The open weekend will include the first two acts of the game, Default and Hardcore leagues, six character classes, approximately 70 active skills, 40 support gems and hundreds of item types.
We will make the game servers public from 5pm on Friday 27 July Pacific Daylight Time until 11:59pm on Sunday. Over 48,000 people played during our last Open Weekend in May. Any feedback you provide this weekend will help us get ready for our permanent Open Beta.
Check out the FAQ about the open weekend at
If you have any questions, feel free to post them on the forums. See you this weekend!
Kind regards,
Chris Wilson
Grinding Gear Games
Hi Golguth,
Action RPG Path of Exile will be open to everyone this weekend, July 27-29, so that we can stress-test our servers in preparation for entering Open Beta in a few months.
If you've been patiently waiting to try Path of Exile's dark and customizable gameplay, now is your chance to check out the game - for one weekend only.
The game has been in Closed Beta since last August and we have been regularly adding new content, classes and skills. The latest version adds a huge Act Two boss fight, the end-game Maps system and a new passive skill tree with over 1300 skills to customize your character with. The open weekend will include the first two acts of the game, Default and Hardcore leagues, six character classes, approximately 70 active skills, 40 support gems and hundreds of item types.
We will make the game servers public from 5pm on Friday 27 July Pacific Daylight Time until 11:59pm on Sunday. Over 48,000 people played during our last Open Weekend in May. Any feedback you provide this weekend will help us get ready for our permanent Open Beta.
Check out the FAQ about the open weekend at
If you have any questions, feel free to post them on the forums. See you this weekend!
Kind regards,
Chris Wilson
Grinding Gear Games
- Han Solo
- Messages: 8062
- Inscription Forum: 28 Jan 2002 2:00
- Localisation: Belgique
je vient de m'inscire, histoire de tester, merci de l'info:)
- xolooth
- Messages: 5235
- Inscription Forum: 04 Déc 2007 21:40
- Localisation: 42 loire, proche Roanne
Si vous pensiez savoir ce qu'était un bon skill tree...

- Han Solo
- Messages: 8062
- Inscription Forum: 28 Jan 2002 2:00
- Localisation: Belgique

ce truc de ouf

- xolooth
- Messages: 5235
- Inscription Forum: 04 Déc 2007 21:40
- Localisation: 42 loire, proche Roanne
C'est parti !...
Hi Golguth,
Welcome to the Path of Exile Beta!
We've been working on Path of Exile for five years now, and are incredibly excited (and a little nervous) to be finally sharing it with people, especially other fans of action RPGs.
This is a genuine product testing beta, not a 'marketing beta'. We're a small indie team that wants your honest feedback. The game will continue to change regularly based on your opinions.
Path of Exile is currently unfinished. We have many months of changes planned, including revamps of almost every major system in the game. Some large features are not enabled yet and will be during the Closed Beta. We intend to openly discuss our plans for these systems so that we can get quality feedback. Please visit the Beta forums to read our plans for these areas.
There is currently no NDA in effect. You may talk about whatever you'd like. You may stream gameplay or post screenshots and videos without permission.
Please do not share your account. We periodically allow you to invite some friends to play with. If you abuse these rules we reserve the right to remove your access.
Please post bug reports, feedback and suggestions for improvement to the Beta forums on
We believe the quality of your feedback and suggestions during this Beta will be one of the biggest contributors to the success of the final game. So, please don't lurk and do give specific feedback and constructive suggestions not just complaints. We're listening to everything you say.
Also please note that characters will be wiped at the end of the Closed Beta period and might be wiped periodically during Beta for any reason.
The game is approximately 3gb and can be installed with the following installer: ... taller.msi
To log in, use the email address and password that you signed up for your account with.
Enjoy the Beta!

Hi Golguth,
Welcome to the Path of Exile Beta!
We've been working on Path of Exile for five years now, and are incredibly excited (and a little nervous) to be finally sharing it with people, especially other fans of action RPGs.
This is a genuine product testing beta, not a 'marketing beta'. We're a small indie team that wants your honest feedback. The game will continue to change regularly based on your opinions.
Path of Exile is currently unfinished. We have many months of changes planned, including revamps of almost every major system in the game. Some large features are not enabled yet and will be during the Closed Beta. We intend to openly discuss our plans for these systems so that we can get quality feedback. Please visit the Beta forums to read our plans for these areas.
There is currently no NDA in effect. You may talk about whatever you'd like. You may stream gameplay or post screenshots and videos without permission.
Please do not share your account. We periodically allow you to invite some friends to play with. If you abuse these rules we reserve the right to remove your access.
Please post bug reports, feedback and suggestions for improvement to the Beta forums on
We believe the quality of your feedback and suggestions during this Beta will be one of the biggest contributors to the success of the final game. So, please don't lurk and do give specific feedback and constructive suggestions not just complaints. We're listening to everything you say.
Also please note that characters will be wiped at the end of the Closed Beta period and might be wiped periodically during Beta for any reason.
The game is approximately 3gb and can be installed with the following installer: ... taller.msi
To log in, use the email address and password that you signed up for your account with.
Enjoy the Beta!
- Han Solo
- Messages: 8062
- Inscription Forum: 28 Jan 2002 2:00
- Localisation: Belgique
Tu as prit une formule à 10$ ?
Car l'open Beta devait commencer que ce WE.
Car l'open Beta devait commencer que ce WE.
- julianf
- Messages: 14940
- Inscription Forum: 23 Aoû 2005 13:42
- Localisation: Normandie
Non rien Julian mais j'ai juste recu le mail que je partage hein,
je pense pas qu'on puisse déjà jouer
je pense pas qu'on puisse déjà jouer
- Han Solo
- Messages: 8062
- Inscription Forum: 28 Jan 2002 2:00
- Localisation: Belgique
@Han Solo : Sympa, ton petit nom de scène...

- Dirty Vincent
- Messages: 9571
- Inscription Forum: 24 Juil 2000 2:00
- Localisation: Mystic Falls...

lequel ?
Golguth ?
- Han Solo
- Messages: 8062
- Inscription Forum: 28 Jan 2002 2:00
- Localisation: Belgique
pas encore recut de lien pour dl le client 

- xolooth
- Messages: 5235
- Inscription Forum: 04 Déc 2007 21:40
- Localisation: 42 loire, proche Roanne
ben je l'ai mis dans le message xolooth !
- Han Solo
- Messages: 8062
- Inscription Forum: 28 Jan 2002 2:00
- Localisation: Belgique
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