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Qui connait ce produit:Tuner analogique Kenwood KT-7550

Message » 06 Fév 2003 21:54

Je cherche des infos sur la qualité de ce Tuner.
Messages: 494
Inscription Forum: 20 Mai 2002 15:41
Localisation: 59 Vieux-Condé
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Message » 06 Fév 2003 23:07

ci-joint , un lien vers l'avis d'un utilisateur sur, ce n'est qu'un seul avis :wink: ... px#reviews

je continue mes recherches :lol: j'ai un tuner analogique kenwood, mais quelle réference :o :o , je vérifie.
Messages: 404
Inscription Forum: 11 Oct 2001 2:00
Localisation: Drancy (93700) , France
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Message » 06 Fév 2003 23:24

Le KT-7500 est l'un des tout meilleurs Kenwood, donc l'un des tout meilleurs tuners, point barre. Probablement du niveau d'un Magnum Dynalab.

Comme c'est une occasion, si tu as la possibilité de l'essayer, fonce.

Kenwood KT-7500 (1978, $310, photo, w/case1, w/case2) - The KT-7500 has 5 gangs and 5 filters, with one filter being used for the wide IF bandwidth setting and 4 for narrow mode. The KT-7500 is very easy to work on and will sound fantastic when its audio section is updated. It will also blow away most of today's top tuners (at any price) for DXing with a few narrow filters installed. Unmodified, it can sell for $75-160 on eBay without a wooden cabinet (but one went for only $53 in 9/02). KT-7500s with cabinets usually sell for $160-225. Two KT-7500s modified with narrow filters sold for $300 and $200 in 1-2/02. Two KT-7500s with DIY audio section and power supply mods as described on our DIY Mods page each sold for $350 in 2-3/02, and one was resold in 6/02 for $338. See how a stock KT-7500 compares to other top tuners on our Shootouts page. Our Kenwood Group on Yahoo has a Kenwood brochure page describing the KT-7500. [BF][EF][JR]

Kenwood KT-7550 (1978, photo) - This very rare tuner is the same as the KT-7500, but with a bronze face. They have been seen occasionally on eBay and sell for not much more than a KT-7500. Our panelist Jim, who has a weakness for bronze-faced Kenwoods, paid $139 for one in 9/02. [JR]
Messages: 1526
Inscription Forum: 22 Aoû 2002 16:37
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