D'après ce que j'ai pu glaner, il n'y aurait pas forcément besoin de Fugu sur l'iMac.
Mais en se servant tout bêtement de Terminal on a effectivement l'impression que ça peut le faire directement mais voilà :
lorsque j'essai de décompresser le fichier tar sur la squeezebox, il ne la trouve pas...
Voilà les lignes de commande :
imac-de-joel-chevassus-3:squeezeboxtouch joelchevassus$ ssh
root@'s password:
This network device is for authorized use only. Unauthorized or improper use
of this system may result in you hearing very bad music. If you do not consent
to these terms, LOG OFF IMMEDIATELY.
Ha, only joking. Now you have logged in feel free to change your root password
using the 'passwd' command. You can safely modify any of the files on this
system. A factory reset (press and hold add on power on) will remove all your
modifications and revert to the installed firmware.
# exit
Connection to closed.
imac-de-joel-chevassus-3:squeezeboxtouch joelchevassus$ cd /Users/joelchevassus/Documents/squeezeboxtouch
imac-de-joel-chevassus-3:squeezeboxtouch joelchevassus$ scp touchtoolbox2.0.tar
root@'s password:
touchtoolbox2.0.tar 100% 40KB 40.0KB/s 00:00
imac-de-joel-chevassus-3:squeezeboxtouch joelchevassus$
imac-de-joel-chevassus-3:squeezeboxtouch joelchevassus$
imac-de-joel-chevassus-3:squeezeboxtouch joelchevassus$ ssh
root@'s password:
This network device is for authorized use only. Unauthorized or improper use
of this system may result in you hearing very bad music. If you do not consent
to these terms, LOG OFF IMMEDIATELY.
Ha, only joking. Now you have logged in feel free to change your root password
using the 'passwd' command. You can safely modify any of the files on this
system. A factory reset (press and hold add on power on) will remove all your
modifications and revert to the installed firmware.
# cd /
# tar xvf touchtoolbox2.0
tar: can't open 'touchtoolbox2.0': No such file or directory