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changpolion a écrit:Dernière question à JPG-le-sage : quitte à mettre le même prix je prend le Pio 656 ou bien le Pioneer DV585AK chez toi (question piège il est vrai) ?
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La configuration dans mon profil
changpolion a écrit:A priori dispo en exclusivité chez Son-Vidéo
JPG tu peux nous en dire plus ?
La configuration dans mon profil
Apparently the unit is a re-badged Philips DVP720SA with DVD-A support enabled.
Review here: http://www.cdrinfo.com/Sections/Reviews ... 6&PageId=1
I have tried this with my player, a DVP720SA/02, and it does not play DVD-AUDIO. For DVD-AUDIO it just stops. I think this maybe has to do with servo version. Yamaha DVDS657 is using servo version:, while my player is using servo version:
Anyway, your tests confirm that the Yamaha DVD-S657 is most likely a modified DVP720 OEM to Yamaha.
?puce Mediatek MTK1389 "qui fait tout".
changpolion a écrit:Je demandais l'avis éclairé de JPG (d'hifissimo, les fans auront reconnus) au cas où il connaitrait le Yam.
changpolion a écrit::(I have tried this with my player, a DVP720SA/02, and it does not play DVD-AUDIO. For DVD-AUDIO it just stops. I think this maybe has to do with servo version. Yamaha DVDS657 is using servo version:, while my player is using servo version:
Anyway, your tests confirm that the Yamaha DVD-S657 is most likely a modified DVP720 OEM to Yamaha.
Laurent ça veut donc dire qu'il utilise aussi la?puce Mediatek MTK1389 "qui fait tout".
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