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MOONDROP Para Planar.

Message » 04 Avr 2024 13:44

MOONDROP Para Planar.


tovarich007 a écrit:
Pour Eric, je ne vois aucune raison de faire un fil unique sur tous les planars de Moondrop, il y a une rubrique pour les IEM, dans laquelle figure le Stellansis (mais pas le petit LAN bon marché qui n'est pas un planar. Oubli ?).
Moondrop ne fait pas que des planars, en particulier pour ses IEMs.

Image ... es-review/ ... drop-para/ ... drop-para/


Bonne journée.
Contributeur HCFR 2018
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Inscription Forum: 29 Sep 2010 12:38
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Message » 13 Avr 2024 14:45

Bonjour à tous.

Après l'excellent casque Moondrop VENUS Planar, le premier casque orthodynamique pleine grandeur de la talentueuse marque chinoise Moondrop, Moondrop ne serait-elle pas à la pointe de la technologie avec son deuxième casque Planar, le PARA ?
(Nb : pour le COSMO je pourrais en discuter avec vous dans un bon mois).

Citation : "Holy f**k, all the dots just connected in my mind tonight. What Moondrop did in the Para was actual innovation. Kinda like what Fostex did in T50RP with zigzag traces, but I don't know if any other modern orthos did these things before Moondrop, let me know if you have clues."

"Basically they perforated the traces to soften out the metal layer. They also added the metal islands to stiffen up the plastic bridges. As a result the diaphragm is more evenly stiff and damped in all directions. Hence the waterfall chart looks pretty evenly damped in across frequencies. It's similar to what Fostex did in the T50RP's zigzag trace diaphragm, but in the modern style. I'd bet they are the only ortho engineers who actually looked into how the diaphragm breaks up.

I hope Moondrop patented this technology. I'd imagine every well designed ortho brands will adopt similar technologies to address this problem in a few years. Para still feels like an engineering prototype to test out the concept. So far it's doing good. I guess it could actually have better drivers than the Venus. I'd expect Moondrop to come up a next iteration more premium version of this concept in a year or two. Here's my wishlist of what they could do:
1. Tune it better like with the Ether pads. Find the most optimum pantyhose and foam to dampen at the back of the driver, which we can't reach without taking the whole assembly apart.
2. Keep doing great experiments with the diaphragm. Maybe do FEM simulations to figure out where to punch holes and add metal islands to completely even out the stiffness and dampeness in the polar coordinate.
3. Try to eliminate the 16kHz ringing perhaps with more tensioning or dampening.
4. Maybe consider gold or gold coated traces too, so we won't worry about silver getting oxidized in humid environments.
5. Draw denser traces or thin down the metal layer to bring up the impedance around 50 ohms. Some amps could have stability issue with 8 ohm loads.
6. Pair with better sounding cables out of stock. Purer copper ones would be great, and maybe offer 4pin XLR too.
7. Solve the thermal expansion rattling issue. Seems to be a QC problem that should get solved with better build quality.

Anyway 2024 should be an interesting year. Going by chinese zodiac signs, it's the best year to start doing big things (both for good and for evil). I wish solving the ortho wall problem is one of them. 2024 probably wouldn't be a boring year in many fields. Let's just pray for all those things that's going to happen will be serving for the greater good."

Source (SBAF) : ... ost-421236

Bon WE.
Contributeur HCFR 2018
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Inscription Forum: 29 Sep 2010 12:38
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Message » 13 Avr 2024 15:01

:wtf: "Il se raconte une histoire technologique", j'adore la sf ! :ko: :ane:

La configuration dans mon profil

La musique avant tout.
La haute fidélité est une utopie bien sympathique.
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Message » 13 Avr 2024 15:07

à bon ?

Alors, c'est pour faire joli, les petites micro-perforations visibles sur les pistes en argent (pur) du diaphragme du PARA ; quelle autre utilité, sinon ?
Contributeur HCFR 2018
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Message » 26 Avr 2024 6:27

Bonjour à tous.

J'ai commandé en chine deux paires de pads hybrides d'upgrade Moondrop EP-100A (velours, cuir peau de mouton), vu le prix 10 fois moins cher que les pads de remplacement d'un Focal Utopia, par exemple.

J'attends de les recevoir, pour savoir si ils sont encore meilleurs que les pads stock hybrides du PARA, pour voir si j'ai fait un bon investissement.

Image ... ack-earpad


Bon WE.

EDIT: pour info, sonorité du PARA avec les pads stock hybrides appelés dans cette revue "pads velours"

"5.1 Sound with velour earpads

With the velour earpads, the PARA deliver a lively and realistic sound with balance and airness for key properties.

Subbass is extended and perfectly smooth by ear without ‘narrow’ accents in any section. It’s really very dense and powerful, and at high volume, the earpads even vibrate noticeably. In this area of the frequency range, the PARA don’t add anything that isn’t in the track, but modestly and carefully reproduce the recording.

The bass is also speedy and pretty technical. No dirt, mumbling or detail omission: the lower frequencies are sterile (in a good sense).

The mid-frequency range goes on with the trend: it’s full of details, a bit ‘lightweight’, and a little brighter and ‘dry’ than I’m used to. Just in case: I’m only talking about the sound signature and personal preferences – not about that frankly clumsy tuning. The upper section of the mid-range is slightly emphasized, the area of about 8 kHz is highlighted (as in many models).

The ultra-high frequencies live their best life, so to speak. They are full-fledged and extend up to 20 kHz without any dips along the way. I can hear a curb at the 13 kHz, but this is exactly that part of the spectrum where different people can hear completely different things, so it’s extremely subjective here.

What’s the verdict? Formally, it’s a fantastically smooth (compared to the IEF curve) sound delivery, almost devoid of tuning flaws, and only slightly shifted towards the upper middle and increased airiness. You can define the sound as accurate, realistic, balanced, or sterile, dead, expressionless – it all depends on what you normally like or what you’re used to.

I’d personally say that this one is practically a neutral benchmark.

As for the sound stage, at such tuning, only one thing can be said about the instrument positioning, the width and depth of the stage, the recording quality retranslation: the PARA play it exactly how the track was recorded and mixed. The sound stage is only larger than usual because of the full range from 10 kHz and above.

The subjectively perceived amount of details is simply magnificent. On the other hand, the musical material should be perfectly mixed, because any tiny shit in the recording can be heard right away. If anyone bets you to distinguish mp3 from flac, choose PARA with standard earpads for this. "

Source : ... es-review/
Contributeur HCFR 2018
Messages: 5716
Inscription Forum: 29 Sep 2010 12:38
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