Désolé pour la longue réponse.
C'est Bass Control qui enlève le creux en effet.
Je peux essayer de bouger le curseur vers 50hz, pour voir si le résultat est meilleur.
Je ferai cela un autre jour, mais il ne faut pas oublier que deux optimisations avec les mêmes paramètres peuvent donner des courbes corrigées différentes. Dirac travaille avec un algo de machine learning, donc possible que l'algo ne fasse pas exactement les mêmes choix.
Et pour ta réponse de 50hz idem, il est possible qu'il part sur un 70-80hz surpondéré, et ne calcule pas toutes les combinaisons possible sur une base de 50hz.
Voilà un post intéressant de Dirac que je quote
Originally Posted by markus767 View Post
Dirac never showed combined responses in the past. They didn't always look very pretty. This now bites them in the ass as they can't say "look how bad it looks with regular DL and how good with BC". Now people compare single speaker responses with BC. You're not the first one that thinks the results are bad when in fact they are rather good.
Dear Markus,
nobody can accuse you of being a "Dirac fan boy"
as far as I know no company in the world is displaying and correcting the interactions among the subwoofers and the main speakers.
CptSpig case is interesting and I thank him for his cooperation, his patience and for sharing his project at our HelpDesk.
He was concerned by a dip in one channel when implementing Dirac Bass control and this is the screenshot that was attached:
https://www.avsforum.com/forum/attachme ... 1594390742
I had a look at his project and these were my comments/findings...
the improvements in the integration of FrontRight with the subs are dramatic and speak for themselves:
https://www.avsforum.com/forum/attachme ... 1594390742
https://www.avsforum.com/forum/attachme ... 1594390742
As far as the FrontLeft is concerned we should take into account that we must look at how close is the corrected curve to the target.
Even if less dramatic I see improvements in this case also:
https://www.avsforum.com/forum/attachme ... 94391169VS.
https://www.avsforum.com/forum/attachme ... 1594391277
That being said I tried moving the left curtain to the detected range and changing the crossover to 50 Hz.
These are the results... not so good without Bass Control:
https://www.avsforum.com/forum/attachme ... 1594391457
but very close to ideal with Bass Control:
I realize that the above can be boring so I'll try to post a video of Artificial Intelligence at work with Dirac Live Bass Control in another post
This is a short video with Artificial Intelligence of Dirac Live Bass Control working on CptSpig's project,
worth noting that a large number of calculations is performed... so be patient, and there is a randomness factor, two sessions with the same parameters can produce slightly different results... so export your best filters
Initially the Upmix option is enabled so that one can see the effects of interactions in the combined response of two subs and main speakers, that should be compared with the final result with Bass Control.
Fascinating in my (biased) opinion: