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Prélude/Prélude Mini - Casque autonome de Debussy Audio

Message » 01 Juil 2019 11:22

la derniere update d'Avril

=> ... ts/2492541

Dear Debussy community,

Please find our monthly update.

Rewards & Surveys

Some of you may have received a survey through Kickstarter. Those surveys will help us to collect your shipping info as well as the details of your orders (colour, finishing, accessories).

So far we've sent out 12 surveys ; we'll send out the remaining 4 surveys once we collected enough feedbacks. We expect to collect all the information by the end of June.

If you need assistance, you can either check the support page ( ... -questions) or contact our team by sending us a private message.

Project Status

Electronic engineering: As mentioned in our last update, we're working on an updated design that could bring substantial improvements to the product (including but not limited to: BT 5.0, latest generation APTX, increased battery life...). It will impact the overall product release plan, including planning and cost. More info in the next update, but in the meantime don't hesitate to let us know your opinion through the comments section.

Mechanical engineering: Improvements to the mechanical design are on-going. We've been able to find an international partner with a strong expertise to help us go through the certification process.

Audio & Acoustic engineering: Serious improvements were made to the audio rendering, thanks to Philippe, our newly recruited acoustic engineer. This was achieved mostly by redesigning the "driver holder" (the piece that holds the audio driver/speaker). Philippe will publish soon an article talking about this topic.

We apologise for the lack of update, but we were fully focused on setting up everything in order to go ahead. We'll provide you a full assessment of the project status in a coming update.

Ce serait quant meme bien qu'ils communiquent plus régulièrement
Membre d'Honneur
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Message » 04 Aoû 2019 8:39

Nouvelle Update du 1er Aout :bravo: => ... ts/2582123

Dear Debussy Community,

Over the past months we have strengthen our technical team by adding experts in fields such as audio acoustics and electronics. Scaling up is not easy: we are still understaffed, that's why we're progressing slowly.

Recent Activities
  • We are excited to announce that we've established a partnership with one of the best research labs in RF (radio-frequencies) and hired an R&D engineer. As member of the lab's team, this person is in charge of developing new RF technologies and designing antennas for our product line, while ensuring that the products are safe to use. We are allowed to make use of the lab's equipment, which includes an amazing anechoic chamber (please see image below).
  • We are working with a senior audio consultant who worked on most of the audio products you may know of (beats, apple, sony...). Also, we made tremendous progress on the acoustic design thanks to our recent hires. The team has been doing a new round of lab testing (frequency response measurement) and we expect the audio mechanical design to be fully validated by the end of September.
  • We are working closely with Antoine Chabert to design sound colours optimized for Prélude. A prototype with a first batch of pre-defined sound colours will be available in September.


Project Status
  • Audio: As mentioned above, now that the mechanical-audio design is almost complete and the final product specifications have been defined, we're focusing on correcting all the minor audio imperfections through signal processing programming. A good DSP programmer will join us this fall.
  • Electronic: Project is moving forward with the initial design. We're still working on alternative solutions but so far the impact on cost and planning seems greater than the benefits. As mentioned above, we have now all the resources we need to finalise the design and integration of the wireless technologies such as 4G, Wi-Fi and BT.
  • Electronic: Our electronic team is looking for innovative battery solutions that could replace the batteries we're currently using. Should you have any recommendation, please let us know in the comments section.
  • Mechanic: As mentioned in the previous update, we've identified a company to help us to improve our mechanical design (comfort, durability, security standards...). The next generation of prototypes - that will hopefully be the last - will be based on the improvements and design changes they proposed.
  • Software: Limited progress, still ramping up.
  • Industrialisation: We have identified all the key suppliers and are preparing for mass production with our manufacturing partner.
We are making progress but so far we've not been able to keep up with the initial project plan. The release date will be postponed, we will share the new planning as soon as we can.

However, we'd like to emphasise that we take product quality very seriously. Over the past months, we've been reviewing and improving each part of the project plan. We do our best to find the most qualified engineers and consultants in each field in order to release the best product possible. We are late - we apologise for that - but we won't compromise on audio quality.

Other Information
    We have been received plenty of requests from people asking for an invoice: Please contact Kickstarter directly. Kickstarter is the organisation from which you paid for the product thus they have to issue the invoice.
Membre d'Honneur
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Inscription Forum: 25 Mai 2008 9:32
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Message » 25 Oct 2019 8:23

Lors de ses derniers updates Debussy Audio a annoncé désormais viser le 2e semestre 2020 pour la sortie de ses casques

=> ... ts/2642090

Community Monthly Update - Oct 2019

Dear Debussy Community,

Please find below the monthly report.

Recent Activities

  • New Joiner: An Electronic Director
  • New Joiner: An R&D Engineer, specialist in radio-frequencies

Project Status

  • Audio: Mechanical-audio design is almost complete and the final product specifications have been defined, we're focusing on correcting all the minor audio imperfections through signal processing programming. We have started working on the audio pads, which is a major part of the audio rendering.
  • Electronic: Project is moving forward with the initial design.
  • Mechanic: Preparing for industrialisation, working on durability.
  • Software: Limited progress, still ramping up.
  • Industrialisation: We have identified all the key suppliers and are preparing for mass production with our manufacturing partner.
As explained in this update, we're now aiming at a S2 2020 product release.

=> ... ts/2633784

About Bluetooth audio performance
At Debussy, we do not want to make any compromise on quality. This is why we are integrating 4G and WIFI in our headphones to offer you a unique experience that you will not find in any other nomad audio device. The entire audio chain is built directly inside the ear-cups, from the source to the audio transducer, and it is a true advantage and a guarantee of excellence.

But we do listen to what you have to say - we understood from your early feedbacks that it is important for you to be able to use your Prélude the way you’re used to: over Bluetooth with your smartphone.

That’s why our devices also support music playback over Bluetooth.

As you may know, a BT connection is limited and audio broadcast means most of the time a loss of audio quality. Since the bandwidth dedicated for the audio signal is much smaller than the raw audio signal, a compression algorithm is applied. The audio signal is coded at the source (audio player) level and decoded at sink (receiver) level; this is why this processing is called CODEC (for coder/decoder). It is important to know that all codecs are not equal in term of compression rate and audio quality.

"what occurs once my audio stream is compressed with loss?".

BT codecs have to lighten the audio signal to avoid any cut in the transmission and most of the time the audio restitution lacks definition in the whole spectrum with a poor soundstage, a bad dynamic and a less immersive experience.

Bluetooth protocol for audio transmission (A2DP for Advanced Audio Distribution Profile) has been created with one single codec (SBC) but is evolving and several codecs can now be used depending of their availability on the sink and the source. For example, Android 8 devices supports the following codecs: SBC, AAC, aptX, aptX HD and LDAC.


First of all, the very basic Bluetooth codec is SBC (Sub Band Coding). SBC delivers low-end audio quality because of its old coding algorithm. Independently from the codec quality, the original audio file has to be decoded then encoded through SBC to be broadcasted. SBC encoding is deleting some audio information (high frequencies mostly) reducing the signal to a specific bitrate before it can be transmitted. This bitrate is 345 kbps max for a stereo file. It is almost 4 times lower than CD normal bitrate (1 411 kbps).

For example, whatever the original quality of the audio source (e.g. a 256 kbps mp3 or a hi-res FLAC), the SBC codec will end up being the bottleneck, leading to poor audio performance.


AAC (Advance Audio Coding) is a Bluetooth codec (used by Apple). Typically, bitrate is between 256 and 320 kbps and is made with more complex psycho-acoustical models, but it still doesn't reach frequencies high enough to match CD quality.

We could imagine that one advantage of AAC codec is when used within apple environment as both file format and BT codec is AAC. This is seldom the case, and most of the time the audio file is decoded to be mixed and then re-encoded with the BT encoder, leading to a loss of information.

Note that AAC encoder is pretty complex and power consuming; this could explain why on many (android) phones the encoding quality used is not optimal.

aptX and aptX HD CODEC

Qualcomm developed a couple of new gen codecs: aptX then aptX HD. Because aptX didn't reach the expected audio quality, Qualcomm launched aptX HD in 2017.

Supposed to deliver a Hi-Res audio experience, it can handle Hi-Res files (24 bits / 96 kHz resolution) but with respectively 352 kbps and 576 kbps, it can only deliver a lossy rendering.


Sony codec is the first to propose a "CD quality" via Bluetooth, promising bitrate up to 990 kbps (48 and 96 kHz sampling frequencies files) and 909 kbps (44.1 and 88.2 kHz) and strong coding-decoding algorithms. Nonetheless, there are still strong limitations with true lossless Hi-Res audio file (24 bits / 96 kHz requests a very minimum of 2 000 kbps with good compression ratio algorithms). As stated in interviews, they are quite far from truly Hi-Res performances.

LDAC is a proprietary solution and so far, only Sony’s devices support LDAC decoding. LDAC is by default enabled on Sony’s device but if you have a poor BT connection or if you decide to activate specific audio effect (like audio EQ for instance) you do not have any other choice than using the SBC codec.

Talking about competitors, Bose headphones (QC35 II or headphones 700) only supports SBC and AAC, no recent BT codecs are available.


Prélude is APT-X HD compatible.
Prélude will support AAC, aptX and aptX HD and appropriate sound enhancements, designed by the awarded sound engineer Antoine Chabert, will be automatically applied.
Membre d'Honneur
Membre d'Honneur
Messages: 32309
Inscription Forum: 25 Mai 2008 9:32
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Message » 28 Nov 2019 23:02


Ils font paraître des articles dans la presse les valorisant à 15M€.
On se demande maintenant à quel point ils sont sérieux vu l'absence de communication de Debussy sur Kickstater avec leur soutiens qui est vraiment lamentable. ... monde-1788
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Message » 29 Nov 2019 10:41

La finalisation du projet demandant la coordination de différents intervenants extérieurs, la date de livraison a été repoussée.
Entre temps, j'imagine comme seules news : on avance ... c'est pas super productif comme communication.

Il faut espérer que le projet puisse aboutir car le casque sonne super bien et les fonctions semblent réellement un plus face à la concurrence.

La configuration dans mon profil

Tout peut se mesurer et se calibrer du moment qu'on dispose des bons outils.
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Message » 30 Nov 2019 19:00

Ce serait bien que cela aboutisse mais leur communication est tellement nulle que cela inquiète fortement sur leur capacité à mener à bien leur projet.
En entreprise on a généralement des points hebdomadaires de communication et on répond aux questions. Ici, ils lancent une com tous les 2 mois en disant qu'ils vont améliorer leur com et ensuite plus rien, pas une réponse aux questions posées, ce n'est pas sérieux tout cela.
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Message » 01 Déc 2019 12:34

Oui c'est un projet ambitieux et très innovant par rapport a ce qui ce fait sur le marché

Je croise les doigts que le report soit juste un contre temps et une bonne occasion pour bonifier les choses

Concernant la question de la com c'est un travail complexe encore plus dans un projet participatif.
Même dans le jeu vidéo beaucoup s'y sont cassés les dents,
Entre Ne pas communiquer assez et communiquer trop au risque d'être contre productif, la frontière est selon moi mince. Il n'y a pas recette parfaite
Membre d'Honneur
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Message » 01 Déc 2019 13:09

La communication appel toujours à la prudence car ce qui est écrit est attendu voir exigé !
En cas de problème et ça personne ne peut y échapper, une annonce peut rapidement être critiquée comme un mensonge ...
Souvent ne pas trop en dire c'est éviter les problèmes. Et lorsqu'il n'y a rien de neuf à communiquer autant ne rien dire !

La configuration dans mon profil

Tout peut se mesurer et se calibrer du moment qu'on dispose des bons outils.
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Message » 01 Déc 2019 13:52

Tout a fait
En jeux vidéo sur l'actuelle génération de console on a eut le cas de Driveclub

Lancement catastrophique , jeu en ligne buggé a souhait. Ils ont trop communiquer et avec trop de détail a coup de Twitt tous les jours.
Des détails comme sur les origines des pbs de codes ou de serveurs ce qui les a fait passer pour incompétent alors que ce qui importait sur les joueurs c'était les date de correctifs c'est tout. D'ailleurs le jeu a été très bien patché et très bien suivi sur le temps
Après quelques mois le jeu était excellent
mais le mal été déjà fait. Le studio a été fermé par Sony et le jeu n'aura sans doute jamais de suite
Membre d'Honneur
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Message » 24 Jan 2020 0:43

Oui mais il y a quand même un juste milieu, cela fait plus de 3 mois qu'ils n'ont pas communiqué ni répondu à un seul message. Un peu de com même sans rentrer dans trop de détails serait la bienvenue, surtout après avoir annoncé qu'ils allaient s'améliorer sur le sujet.
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Message » 26 Fév 2020 12:47

Des nouvelles du projet ?
Membre d'Honneur
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Message » 01 Juin 2020 20:36

Je viens de voir que depuis qq jours des backers invoquent les CGU de Kickstarter pour se demander un remboursement :-?
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Message » 01 Déc 2020 18:27

plus de nouvelles depuis Juin 2020 pour les Bakers
depuis Octobre 2019 pour les non backers

Des demandes en masse de remboursement

Je trouve tragique de upper là dessus
Triste d'une idée brillante 2ans plus tard d'en est arriver là
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Message » 01 Déc 2020 19:13

dire que j'avais vu ce casque aux sound days de 2019 et il avait l'air pas mal du tout.

Encore un vaporware made in Kickstarter :-?
Mr Eric
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Message » 01 Déc 2020 22:07

Ecouté pour ma part et il sonnait très bien.


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Tout peut se mesurer et se calibrer du moment qu'on dispose des bons outils.
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