sur AVS, ARROW-AV a écrit:Hi folks, having now seen multiple demos of the JVC projectors at both IFA and CEDIA, including demos of both JVC 640/9900 and JVC RS4500/Z1, and also multiple demos of the new SONY 885/760ES, including a shootout run by SONY directly comparing the performance of the new SONY 885/760ES as compared with the JVC RS4500/Z1, I am able to offer the following subjective opinions:
(1) Regarding eSHIFT5... The answer to the question of whether or not eSHIFT5 is all marketing hype without substance and no noticeable difference as compared with eSHIFT4, is that it's not and the marketing information regarding eSHIFT5 is factually accurate. As compared with eSHIFT4 the video image is indeed clearer, with more depth and reality; and the manifestation of unnecessary artefacts and noise is very much reduced. Specifically, with respect to the 'mosquito' noise associated with eSHIFT4 that has the appearance of clear and well-focused film grain this is now for all intensive purposes a complete non-issue; in that with eSHIFT5 it still exists however instead of well-defined and clear grain the prominence is circa 80-90% reduced and now has the appearance of being both considerably faded and out-of-focus, where even looking from a distance of 2 feet away it's hardly noticeable and from 4-6 feet away you quite simply cannot see it at all.
Furthermore, the image appears sharper and more closely resembling native 4K as compared with eSHIFT4; and it does have more depth and reality.
And you can now calibrate the focus without turning off the eSHIFT.
(2) Regarding CMD associated banding. This is completely cured and is now entirely non-existent.
(3) HDR video performance is significantly improved, contributed towards by the fact that the Dynamic Iris now remains functional with HDR video content.
(4) HDMI sync times remain the same (unfortunately)
All things considered the new models provide outstanding video performance at extremely good value for money. So in answer to the question of whether there is much of a difference in performance as compared with the existing models, the answer is that yes, there is, and it’s not insignificant.
With respect to the JVC RS4500/Z1… There was a shootout today carried out by SONY between the new SONY 885/760ES and the JVC RS4500/Z1. My takeaway from that event was that the JVC RS4500/Z1 performs noticeably better in all respects, including native contrast and black level; and the superior lenses and optics of the JVC RS4500/Z1 yielded a sharper, crisper video image; the HDR performance of the RS4500/Z1 significantly outperformed the SONY 885/760ES yielding a wider luminance dynamic range with slightly deeper blacks but at the same time brighter highlights. And this was with the SONY 885/760ES having its HDR dynamic contrast slider cranked up to 80 as compared with the JVC set to vanilla. And no, the SONY 885/760ES is not brighter than the JVC RS4500/Z1 in any regard.
That said, the SONY 885/760ES produces a very nice looking video image indeed. It’s simply that the JVC RS4500/Z1 yields superior video performance, which is appropriate given it’s more expensive, but where the additional cost is more than worth it. But for those on more tighter budgets the SONY 885/760ES produces great video performance for the price.
What would be very interesting to see would be a shootout between the SONY 885/760ES and the JVC 640/9900.
We ourselves will be carrying out a side-by-side direct comparison between the JVC 620/9500 and JVC 640/9500 where we hope to provide photographs that illustrate the respective differences. We will also add into the mix an accompanying direct comparison between the new JVC RS640/X9900 and the JVC RS4500/Z1 native 4K laser projector as well, again such that you can see the differences. So in fact it will be a three-way direct comparison between these three projectors.