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Conseils, Guides et Tutos pour le Multiroom

Les solutions multiroom Heos, MusicCast, Fireconnect...

Message » 10 Oct 2016 19:23

Je vous propose d'aborder dans ce topic les différentes solutions multiroom proposées par les fabricants japonais comme Yamaha, Denon-Marantz et Onkyo-Pioneer. Les retours d'expérience, les conseils, les réglages et tous les tutos sont les bienvenus :D .

Yamaha: MusicCast


Mode d'emploi : ... t_____.pdf

Denon et Marantz : Heos

Mode d'emploi :


Onkyo et Pioneer: FireConnect (basé sur Blackfire)

lien: comparatif entre les différentes solutions ... a1931.html
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Message » 11 Oct 2016 10:01

Présentation des fonctionnalités : ... ast/about/


L'indispensable appli MusicCast controller disponible sur android et ios

Jouez le même morceau dans différentes pièces ou écoutez différents titres. Grâce à MusicCast, profitez en toute liberté de la musique que vous aimez, qu'elle soit disponible dans votre smartphone, depuis un service de streaming, un PC ou NAS, Tous les modèles MusicCast sont compatibles Bluetooth. Des plateformes de streaming au son de vos applications, distribuez tout, partout. MusicCast est compatible avec de nombreux formats audio sont FLAC, WAV et MP3. Tous les produits MusicCast supportent également les codec audio haute résolution en 192kHz-24-bit, vous permettant de profiter de votre musique dans une excellente qualité sonore.
MusicCast propose deux méthodes de connexion réseau. Le mode Standard permet de se connecter en sans fil directement vers le routeur. Le mode Etendu active les émetteurs WiFi des produits MusicCast pour étendre la zone de couverture sans fil. Choisissez la méthode qui convient à votre installation.

Modèles Compatibles :
RX-V3081/2081/1081/781/681/581/481, RX-V481D
RX-AS710, RX-AS710D
RX-S601, RX-S601D
WXA-50, WXC-50
R-N602, R-N402
YAS-706/306, YSP-2700
YSP-1600, SRT-1500
WX-010, WX-030
ISX-18, ISX-80
MCR-N470, MCR-N570

Pour connaître les produits Yamaha (19 à l heure actuelle) embarquant une version de MusicCast comprenant quobuz, c'est ici que cela se passe: ... ode=paging
Amplis HC:
RX-V481 et suivants
RX-A860 et suivants

Pour le moment aucune info pour le préampli Yamaha CX-A5100

Liens utiles: ... t_____.pdf (mode d'emploi) ... multiroom/ ... tion178317
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Messages: 7233
Inscription Forum: 06 Déc 2006 19:26
Localisation: Ile de France
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Message » 11 Oct 2016 10:02


L'appli est disponible sur android et ios

Principales caractéristiques (merci à domkishoot :wink:) :

- Lecture des fichiers Hi-Res jusqu'au 24/192, a priori bientot le DSD
- Compatibilité avec les AVR Denon 4300H et 6300H, l'intégré Marantz SR7011 et le processeur AV7703H
- Pilotage IP de tous les AVR Denon et Marantz avec l'HEOS Link
- Pilotage IR de tous les produits Denon (avec entrée IR in) avec l'HEOS Link
- Nombreuses entrées/sorties analogique et numérique sur le Link
- Sortie sub avec gestion des filtres passe haut et passe bas
- Jusqu'à 32 zones
- Intégration dans Lifedomus, Crestron, C4, RTi, etc...

Historique des mises à jour:

09/01/2019 (U18.3)
HEOS Bar / HEOS AVR firmware (1.481.135)

Resolves an issue with disconnecting surround speakers
13/12/2018 (U18.2)
HEOS iOS App (1.481.160)
HEOS Android App / Kindle Fire App (1.481.150)

iOS: Support of latest iPad Pro
Bugfixes & performance improvements
31/10/2018 (U18)
HEOS iOS App (1.481.130)
HEOS Android App / Kindle Fire App (1.481.130)
HEOS firmware (1.481.130)

Addition of eARC for all eARC compatible AVRs
Addition of IMAX Enhanced for flagship model
Addition of web control / smart remote management for flagship model
Addition of Tuner control for CEOL from HEOS app
Amplifier control (on/off + input switching) for ND8006, NA6006 and DNP-800NE from HEOS app
Fast forward / rewind for CD control for ND8006 and CEOL in HEOS app
Bugfix: AVR log files created prior U17 cannot be read by AVR with U17
Bugfix: Distorted sound for 7.1.4 with Top speakers when using Dolby Surround after U17
Bugfix: When using Front Wide and Surround Back with DTS codec in flagship AVR, no sound will be output from Surround Back Left
Other bugfixes and performance improvements
05/09/2018 (U17.1)
HEOS iOS App (1.466.240)
HEOS Android App / Kindle Fire App (1.442.230)

Resolves an issue on Android app that an error message occurs when trying to switch surround modes on HEOS HomeCinema
Resolves an issue on iOS app that setup of a new speaker takes very long
Stability and performance improvements
09/08/2018 (U17)
HEOS iOS App (1.466.200)
HEOS Android App / Kindle Fire App (1.466.190)
HEOS firmware (1.466.190)

Addition of AirPlay 2 for compatible AVRs and ND8006 + HEOS HomeCinema HS2
Stability improvements for wireless surrounds (used with HEOS Bar or HEOS AVR)
Addition of ALLM (HDMI function: Auto Low Latency Mode) for compatible AVRs + HEOS Bar + HEOS AVR + HEOS HomeCinema HS2
Addition of DTS Virtual:X for compatible AVR models from model year 2017/18
Dolby, DTS and AURO 3D maintenance updates for selected AVR models
Other bug fixes and performance improvements
Note: The iOS app is supported only on devices with iOS 8 or higher.

03/07/2018 (U16.1)
HEOS iOS App (1.454.280)
HEOS Android App / Kindle Fire App (1.454.320)
Firmware update for AVRs only (1.454.280)

Changes to privacy policy.
Please see here for our privacy statement.
06/06/2018 (U16.05)
HEOS Android App / Kindle Fire App (1.454.231)

Removed asking for permission for location
Note that we are not collecting or using the location data from the smart device.

31/05/2018 (U16)
HEOS iOS App (1.454.230)
HEOS Android App / Kindle Fire App (1.454.230)
HEOS firmware (1.454.240)

Improvements for discovery of HEOS devices
Stability improvements for wireless surrounds and HEOS Subwoofer (used with HEOS Bar or HEOS AVR)
Bugfixes for various grouping issues
Improvements for FLAC file playback
Other stability improvements and bugfixes
27/02/2018 (U15.1)
HEOS iOS App (1.442.220)
HEOS Android App / Kindle Fire App (1.442.220)

Resolves an issue where individual volume control for legacy AVRs was not possible with HEOS app
Other stability improvements and bugfixes
15/02/2018 (U15)
HEOS iOS App (1.442.190)
HEOS Android App / Kindle Fire App (1.442.190)
HEOS firmware (1.442.150)

Support for ND8006 CD Control, TV Sound Grouping and DSD native playback
Security Fix for KRACK vulnerability in WPA (HS1 based HEOS products)
Bugfix for chipmunk sound during TV Sound Grouping or usage of surround speakers with HEOS Bar / AVR under certain conditions
Bugfix for no sound from AVR after ungrouping
Bugfix for timeout errors and dropouts on Android devices with TuneIn
Bugfix for Android HEOS app or Android Spotify app loosing connection to a HEOS device after some time
Bugfix for sluggish app control on Android 8 / 8.1 devices
Bugfix for login to Deezer account via Google not being possible
Bugfix for EQ settings not being visible for all grouped devices in iOS app
Bugfix for distorted sound when using specific distance settings for Front and Center in HEOS AVR
Bugfix for no sound from HEOS Bar but from subwoofer / surrounds under certain conditions
Bugfix for various grouping issues
Other bug fixes and performance improvements
Note: The iOS app is supported only on devices with iOS 8 or higher.

Known Issue:
Due to a TuneIn server issue, only US stations will be displayed when you select TuneIn > Local Radio.

14/12/2017 (U14.1)
HEOS iOS App (1.430.180)

Bug fixes and performance improvements

20/11/2017 (U14)
HEOS iOS App (1.430.160)
HEOS Android App / Kindle Fire App (1.430.160)
HEOS firmware (1.430.160)

Support for searching for playlists, radios, artists and albums in Amazon Prime Music and Amazon Music Unlimited
for UK, Germany, Austria, Spain, France and Italy
Support for custom URLs entered in TuneIn app
Stability and reliability improvements for HEOS App
Bugfix for Bluetooth pairing not working anymore with HS2 speakers, Amp HS2, Link HS2, HEOS capable AV Receivers
Fix for HEOS Bar automatically rebooting / switching off after some time under certain circumstances
Bugfix for automatic volume changes after playback of Airplay in iOS App
Bugfix for search function in Soundcloud does not return results
Bugfix for no audio / video from AVR after AirPlay is executed in Standby mode
Bugfix for TV Sound Grouping with HEOS capable FY17 AVRs not working for multichannel PCM or bitstream input
Bugfix for HEOS units not reaching Quick Start Mode after 20 minutes inactivity under certain circumstances
Bugfix for short IR control range if HEOS Bar is wall mounted
Security Fix for KRACK vulnerability in WPA (HS2 based HEOS products)
Other bug fixes and performance improvements
Notes for iOS users:
1. Please note that this is the last HEOS app version that supports iOS 6 and iOS 7. We strongly recommend to always update your iDevice to the latest iOS version.
2. If you still experience one of the app related issues listed below after the update, ensure in the HEOS app (under Settings > Help > Check My System > About) that the latest version is installed (1.430.160). If this is the case, please go to Settings > Help > Reset Controller. Note that you will need to login again to your HEOS account after this was done.

13/09/2017 (U13)
HEOS iOS App (1.421.150)
HEOS Android App / Kindle Fire App (1.421.150)
HEOS firmware (1.421.153)

Support for Amazon Prime Music and Amazon Music Unlimited for UK, Germany, Spain, France and Italy
Support of Dolby Vision passthrough for HEOS Bar and HEOS AVR
Improvement of HEOS Favourite management
Addition of format and bitrate to info of Now Playing screen
Improved Report An Issue functionality in help section
Addition of QQ music service (for China)
Fixed: No sound on surround speakers and subwoofer with HEOS Bar and HEOS AVR when playing back a source with Multichannel PCM
Fixed: Dropouts on surround speakers and subwoofer with HEOS Bar and HEOS AVR when playing back from external input
Other stability and performance updates

24/05/2017 (U12)
HEOS iOS App (1.406.141)
HEOS Android App / Kindle Fire App (1.406.140)
HEOS firmware (1.406.140)
HEOS Bar firmware (1.406.150)

Support for music shares from PC, Mac or networked storage directly with HEOS without DLNA server
(requires at least one HS2 device in the network)
Support of TV Sound Grouping for HEOS Link and HEOS Amp
A new Help section with Check My System functionality
Support of HLS streams in TuneIn (e.g. HLS-AAC coded BBC streams)
Fixed: Delay between HEOS Bar and surround speakers when playing back specific Internet Radio stations
Fixed: Issues with missing or incorrect display of equalizer or sound options with HEOS Bar, HEOS AVR, HEOS HomeCinema
Sound improvements when playing back music for HEOS Bar and HEOS AVR when used with HEOS Subwoofer
Improvement of user interface for pairing the HEOS Subwoofer or adding surround speakers to the HEOS Bar or HEOS AVR
Addition of AWA music service (for Japan)
Language support for Chinese
Other stability and performance updates

12/04/2017 (U11)
HEOS iOS App (1.397.200)
HEOS Android App / Kindle Fire App (1.397.180)
HEOS firmware (1.397.190)

Support of new models: HEOS AVR, HEOS Bar, HEOS Subwoofer
Support of TV Sound Grouping for HEOS capable AVRs Denon AVR-X4300H, AVR-X6300H, Marantz SR7011, AV7703
Introduction of additional HEOS power management features
Fixed: Volume issues while Spotify Connect playback (read this FAQ for further information)
Fixed: Grouping issues when using Bluetooth while connected to 2.4GHz Wi-Fi
Other stability and performance updates

28/11/2016 (U10)
HEOS iOS App (1.382.80)
HEOS Android App / Kindle Fire App (1.382.80)
HEOS firmware (1.382.80)

Introduction of a distribution mode for HEOS capable AVRs
Germany only: Support of JUKE! as new music service
Improved stability of TuneIn Internet radio
Improved stability with 3rd party control systems
Enhanced compatibility with some routers to improve control of HEOS speakers
Other stability and performance updates
14/10/2016 (U9.2)
HEOS iOS App (1.373.141)
HEOS Android App (1.373.140)

Name of Amazon Music changed to Amazon Unlimited (US only)
5/10/2016 (U9.1)
HEOS iOS App (1.373.130)
HEOS firmware (1.373.120)

Stability improvement for playback of Spotify Connect
General stability and performance improvements
iOS App: Support for the lighning > headphones jack adapter for iOS10
iOS App: Support for iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus
21/9/2016 (U9)
HEOS iOS App (1.373.96)
HEOS Android App / Kindle Fire App (1.373.96)
HEOS firmware (1.373.100)

Support of new models: Denon AVR-X4300H, AVR-X6300H, Marantz SR7011, AV7703
incl. interaction of HEOS app with 2016 AVR Remote App
HEOS HS2 and AVR: DSD file support (2,8 and 5,6 MHz)
HEOS Link: Added support for IR control of digital inputs of PMA-2500NE, DRA-100, PMA-50
Stability and performance updates
Solved issues with Spotify connect playback
Solved issues with Deezer playback
25/7/2016 (U8)
HEOS iOS App (1.364.100)
HEOS Android App / Kindle Fire App (1.364.110)
HEOS firmware (1.364.110)

Support of TV Sound Grouping for HEOS HomeCinema and HEOS Drive (BETA feature)
Mood:Mix music service (Available in US, Canada, many countries in Europe, Australia)
Reorder the Music Tab - long press and drag to rearrange tiles
Japanese Language Support
Access tone controls from Now Playing screen
Bug fixes and performance improvements
NOTE: This release supports iOS 6 and later as well as Android 4 and later.

13/4/2016 (U7)
HEOS iOS App (1.349.50)
HEOS Android App / Kindle Fire App (1.349.60)
HEOS firmware (1.349.101)

Support of the HS2 model generation (new versions of HEOS 1, HEOS 3, HEOS Link and HEOS Amp)
Add functionality to reorder HEOS favourites
Bugfixes for the app and compatibility improvements with specific Android smartphones
Bugfixes for USB and high resolution playback for HS2 models
Solves compatibility issues with specific TVs when using ARC
Solves an issue that sound may be distorted when grouping players
Solves an issue that playback is stopped from external source when network connection is lost
Solves an issue that the EQ setting had no effect on the sound of the speaker
NOTE: This will be the last release supporting iOS 5 and Android 2.x / 3.x.

25/1/2016 (U6)
HEOS iOS app (1.337.90)
HEOS Android app (1.337.90)
HEOS firmware (1.337.100)

Support of the HS2 model generation (new versions of HEOS 7 and HEOS 5)
Stability improvements for app (especially for iOS)
Compatibility improvements with Android smartphones
Solves an issue with Bluetooth streaming from MacOSX
Solves a compatibility issue of HEOS Home HomeCinema with some LG-TVs
NOTE: If you experience a red blinking LED after the firmware update of the HEOS HomeCinema you may need to restart your Heos HomeCinema. First of all please remove the HDMI cable which connects your TV to the Heos HomeCinema. Please only reconnect this again once you see a solid blue light on the LED of the HomeCinema.

12/1/2016 (U5.1)
HEOS iOS app (1.331.135)
HEOS Android app (1.331.130)
HEOS firmware (1.331.120)

Stability improvements for speaker recognition
Added Wi-Fi scan monitor for each speaker
Deezer improvements
Please note: It may be necessary to sign out from Deezer in the HEOS app under Music Sources > Online Music > Deezer and sign in again.
3/12/2015 (U5)
HEOS iOS app (1.331.70)
HEOS Android app (1.331.80)
HEOS firmware (1.331.70)

New design of HEOS App
Improved TV compatibility, performance and stability of HEOS HomeCinema
Improved setup assistant for HEOS HomeCinema with extended compatibility to various TVs
Bugfixes for HEOS HomeCinema and HEOS App
Added swipe down and lockscreen controls for Android (depends on Android version)
Added wireless performance monitor
Collapsible groups
General performance improvements and bugfixes
Auto update functionality
6/8/2015 (U4.1)
HEOS iOS app (1.310.150)
HEOS Android app (1.310.170)
HEOS firmware (1.310.170)

Performance improvements when grouping HEOS HomeCinema with other HEOS speakers (using network sources)
Improved TV compatibility of HEOS HomeCinema
Correction of spelling and translation mistakes (all languages)
Added landscape mode for Android and Kindle Fire app
Stability improvements for TuneIn stream selection with iOS7
Stability improvements for the Command Line Interface (CLI) and 3rd party CI drivers
14/7/2015 (U4)
HEOS iOS app (1.310.60)
HEOS Android app (1.310.100)
HEOS firmware (1.310.120)

Support of HEOS HomeCinema and HEOS Drive
Support of rdio and Soundcloud music streaming service (subscription required)
Added item Favorites under tab Music
Easier individual volume control for grouped speakers
Stability improvements and bugfixes
27/5/2015 (U3)
HEOS iOS app (1.304.60)
HEOS Android app (1.304.70)
HEOS firmware (1.304.61)

Support of HEOS 1 and HEOS 1 GoPack
Support of Bluetooth streaming to any HEOS player using the Bluetooth USB stick included in HEOS 1 GoPack
Stereo pairing of 2 x HEOS 1, 2 x HEOS 5 and 2 x HEOS 7
Support of TIDAL music streaming service (subscription required)
Added landscape mode for iPad app
Added item Inputs under tab Music, custom naming of (analog and digital) inputs, hide inputs
Completion of the Command line interface, release of Control 4 driver
Stability improvements for speaker recognition

26/3/2015 (U2.1)
HEOS iOS app (1.289.95)
HEOS Android app (1.289.95)
HEOS firmware (1.289.95)

Introduction of the volume limit feature for HEOS Amp
Improvements for Spotify playback
Separate item "USB Music" in Music tab
Stability improvements
22/12/2014 (U2)
HEOS iOS app (1.280.80)
HEOS Android app (1.280.96)
HEOS firmware (1.280.96)

Support for TuneIn podcasts
Implementation of the CLI (Command Line Interface)
Addition of the feature to disable the Wi-Fi network when LAN is use
Improved strero pairing feature for HEOS 3
Addition of IP control for Denon AVRs in HEOS Link
Introduction of the balance feature for HEOS Amp
Stability improvements for speaker and DLNA server recognition
Added support for ALAC files
Added support for other folders than the standard music one on Android devices
Improvements when setting up a speaker with Wi-Fi
Other stability and performance improvements
06/11/2014 (U1.1)
HEOS firmware (1.265.96)
HEOS Android app (1.265.96)
HEOS firmware (1.265.96)

Published HEOS app for Kindle Fire (in Amazon app store, 1.265.97)
Performance and stability improvements
05/09/2014 (U1)
HEOS iOS app (1.265.60)
HEOS Android app (1.265.60)
HEOS firmware (1.265.50)

Introduction of the feature to reduce the brightness of the Status LED
Improvement of speaker recognition by the app
Improved update procedure
Improvements for mode change of the HEOS Extend
Bugfixes and performance improvements for iOS
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Messages: 7233
Inscription Forum: 06 Déc 2006 19:26
Localisation: Ile de France
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Message » 11 Oct 2016 10:02

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Messages: 7233
Inscription Forum: 06 Déc 2006 19:26
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Message » 12 Oct 2016 14:38

Je connais bien le système HEOS de Denon, je peux lister ce que je trouve important et intéressant :

- Lecture des fichiers Hi-Res jusqu'au 24/192, a priori bientot le DSD
- Compatibilité avec les AVR Denon 4300H et 6300H, l'intégré Marantz SR7011 et le processeur AV7703H
- Pilotage IP de tous les AVR Denon et Marantz avec l'HEOS Link
- Pilotage IR de tous les produits Denon (avec entrée IR in) avec l'HEOS Link
- Nombreuses entrées/sorties analogique et numérique sur le Link
- Sortie sub avec gestion des filtres passe haut et passe bas
- Jusqu'à 32 zones
- Intégration dans Lifedomus, Crestron, C4, RTi, etc...
- Application simple, fiable et ergonomique.

J'ai poussé un peu le truc avec, c'est vraiment bien comme système.
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Message » 12 Oct 2016 19:20

Merci pour ces précieuses infos :wink: . Je vais compléter du coup le post du système HEOS. Tu utilises des enceintes HEOS ?
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Inscription Forum: 06 Déc 2006 19:26
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Message » 13 Oct 2016 17:48

vindermere a écrit:Merci pour ces précieuses infos :wink: . Je vais compléter du coup le post du système HEOS. Tu utilises des enceintes HEOS ?

Oui, j'en ai quelques unes... :wink:
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Inscription Forum: 03 Déc 2003 16:21
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Message » 22 Oct 2016 15:17

Apparemment le nouveau firmware des amplis Yam a ajouté le support de Quobuz sur les modèles 2015 :
1, Added Playlist and Queue function
2, Compatibility with AAC format(internet radio)
3, Improved design of Source Screen
4, Added Disklavier Link function (for MusicCast modeles with AUX input)
5, Other operation improvement
6, Support Qobuz
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Inscription Forum: 06 Déc 2006 19:26
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Message » 22 Oct 2016 15:26

Une comparaison intéressante entre les différentes solutions sur avsforum:

Sonos Pros
Its own network which not only extends the network but doesn't tie up Wifi bandwidth.
Great selection of music services
Works with Apple Music which is a request by many people
Best integration for whole house music
Apps for computers as well as phones and tablets
Has Mood:Mix for commercial applications

Sonos Cons
Play bar doesn't support DTS - Not the end of the world for most. Pretty much only Discs use DTS so get a player than can re-encode to Dolby Digital
Many TVs are not capable of 5.1 from their optical output - You will get stereo so it is not like you don't get sound but the Playbar definitely does better with a Dolby digital signal. If buying a TV and plan on using a Playbar make sure your TV can process Dolby Digital.
Proprietary equipment

MusicCast Pros
Can handle lossless formats above CD quality
Greatest number of devices, receivers (stereo and surround), Zone2 on receivers, sound bars, wirless speakers, amps, pre-amps
Probably the best app - sunnjective
USB inputs can be used on devices that have them and works with an NAS connected to the USB.

MusicCast Cons
More limited services, no Apple Music
If streaming lossless only about 3 different streams before WiFi problems and this is with nothing else on Wifi. This can be less if you have people watching Netflix or doing other things on the network. About 10 different streams for most lossy streaming services. To clarify by different streams I mean different music not the same music in multiple rooms. The same stream in multiple rooms is OK.
Proprietary equipment but with a huge number of options

DTS PlayFi Pros
Can handle lossless formats above CD quality
Can use devices from different manufacturers so not tied to one brand.

DTS PlayFi cons
More limited services, no Apple Music
If streaming lossless only about 3 different streams before WiFi problems and this is with nothing else on Wifi. This can be less if you have people watching Netflix or doing other things on the network. About 10 different streams for most lossy streaming services. To clarify by different streams I mean different music not the same music in multiple rooms. The same stream in multiple rooms is OK.
App not as polished as others

Denon Heos Pros
Can handle lossless formats above CD quality
Installer features for integration with other systems
Multi zone amps
Has Mood:Mix for commercial applications

Denon Cons
More limited services, no Apple Music
If streaming lossless only about 3 different streams before WiFi problems and this is with nothing else on Wifi. This can be less if you have people watching Netflix or doing other things on the network. About 10 different streams for most lossy streaming services. To clarify by different streams I mean different music not the same music in multiple rooms. The same stream in multiple rooms is OK.
Proprietary equipment
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Messages: 7233
Inscription Forum: 06 Déc 2006 19:26
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Message » 12 Déc 2016 22:30

Sur le page des téléchargements de votre ampli, la dernière mise à jour du 25 octobre 2016 estampillée 1.89 ne contient malheureusement pas de référence à Quobuz. ... t_id=68450
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Messages: 7233
Inscription Forum: 06 Déc 2006 19:26
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Message » 19 Déc 2016 21:56

L'appli musicCast pour android vient de passer en version 2.10
Les nouveautés :
- Ajout de la fonction ASTUCE pour l'utilisation de MusicCast
- Compatibilité complète avec Android 7.1 (raccourcis d'application)
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Messages: 7233
Inscription Forum: 06 Déc 2006 19:26
Localisation: Ile de France
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Message » 15 Jan 2017 22:54

J'ai depuis peu une HEOS 7 HS2 dont je suis plutôt satisfait, en tout cas dans le but de diffuser de la musique dans une grande pièce.
Par contre je ne comprends pas pourquoi pour certains albums j'ai l'option jouer l'album et d'autres cette option n'est pas présente. Je n'ai que du flac 16 bits, dossiers ne contenant que les pistes...
J'ai fait moultes essais en vain...
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Message » 17 Jan 2017 21:45

C'est étonnant :wtf: . Tu peux me donner un exemple d'album pour lequel l'option ne fonctionne pas ?
Modérateur Installations
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Messages: 7233
Inscription Forum: 06 Déc 2006 19:26
Localisation: Ile de France
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Message » 27 Jan 2017 22:02

Par le biais d'une petite radio Roberts j'ai découvert undok

Je n'ai pas eu l'occasion de tester le multiroom mais l'application m'a fait plutôt bonne impression.

Cette solution serait disponible chez de nombreux constructeurs, certains renommés.

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