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[EP_4K] SONY KD65ZD9 - HDR 4K / LCD FULL LED ( IFA 2016 )

Message » 11 Aoû 2016 15:23

Bien analyser bernuz, je suis d'accord avec toi.

Par contre ce comparatif pipo de Sony a Shanghai c'est vraiment nul, dérégler deux écrans et mettre un calibré au milieu c'est facile je peux faire ça avec n'importe quel modèle ...
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Inscription Forum: 27 Déc 2005 20:57
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Message » 11 Aoû 2016 20:53

"même des cinéphiles commencent à hésiter dans le remplacement de leurs plasmas"

Argh! Je suis découvert...
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Message » 12 Aoû 2016 0:19

Dites dans AVS:
Aussi une "fuite" de l'événement de lancement chinois suggère que 100Z9D utilise 220x124 matrice de W-LED à base de CLEDIS la technologie de Sony, avec un pic de luminance 3000 nit.
Messages: 90
Inscription Forum: 15 Aoû 2009 15:02
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Message » 12 Aoû 2016 0:42

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Message » 12 Aoû 2016 1:05

Environ 3 heures de visionnement de cet ensemble dans mon salon. Vous avez encore vu aucune floraison.
Si elle est noirs ne sont pas noir absolu, ils sont certainement fabuleux et assez bon pour moi.
Angle de vue? Debout environ 8 pieds de l'écran, je peux aller 7 ou 8 pieds sans chute détectable au large. Au-delà de ce que je tombe sur un mur ou sur le patio. ... st45991729
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Inscription Forum: 15 Aoû 2009 15:02
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Message » 13 Aoû 2016 1:45

Un commentaire à considérer le propriétaire:

I know you folks want all sorts of technical details and pics, but I'm more of a "how does the picture really look" than a technical person. I'm certainly interested is some of the technical details that might affect the picture quality, even if not obvious with a regular image, but ultimately, it's the picture that counts.

The 65 Z9D picture quality is simply incredible. I spend hours watching it last night and this morning. What impressed me most was the depth and clarity of the image. The blacks were truly impressive as was the brightness of the image without any blooming or blown highlights that I could see. Colors were incredibly rich and pure looking. The animated Blu-ray movies I checked never looked better. The black levels and color fidelity of my Z9D are so beautiful, it's hard to imagine it being much better. And given what I think is superior shadow detail and motion handling of this set compared to the OLED's I've seen, I can't imagine being more satisfied with any other set.

I understand that these terms can be nebulous and very subjective. I've heard many people describe a 3D quality to an image. I've never been able to see that, until now. The picture just seems to be more "alive" and "vibrant" than any previous display I've seen. I'm wondering is this appearance is due to the greater local contrast from the master back light drive.

As good as my Sony 950B is (was), the 65Z9D is better. Earlier this year, to get HDR, I purchased the Sony 65" 930D. I knew I was trading FALD on the 950B for Sony's new Slim Backlight Drive. I had hoped it would be good enough. In the store, the 930D looked OK, but didn't cause me to swoon. Sadly, within an hour of setting it up at home, I knew I had made a mistake. The picture was good, but not nearly good enough when compared to my 950B. It lacked a vibrancy and clarity I had come to expect with my 950B. It was returned.

Enter the Z9D. In the store, even with terrible ambient lighting, I sensed a special quality to the image that really excited me. Throughout the evening of viewing many different sources, I was continually saying "wow" to myself. I know this is very subjective, and maybe I'm full of it, but this is one gorgeous display, even better than I expected. I saw absolutely no imperfections. Even if, when you folks do more sophisticated testing that I can do, you find a slight negative, I don't believe it would change my opinion of the image quality.

I'll be interested in hearing what other owners say about this display. I think it's the best set that Sony has every produced
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Inscription Forum: 15 Aoû 2009 15:02
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Message » 13 Aoû 2016 15:23

Également à l'événement tenu à Shanghai, un modèle commémoratif spécial 65ZD9G de Sony a annoncé, avec une production limitée de 200 unités au Japon et a été faite d'or et de platine (lunette et arrière) et un verre de revêtement saphir pour augmenter le niveau de noir et de contraste:
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Inscription Forum: 15 Aoû 2009 15:02
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Message » 17 Aoû 2016 9:36


having gone thru a few setup screens etc with white text over black background, i can make a few ridiculously premature comments about the PQ. black is v good but prob not quite at the level of my former E6. blooming seems very well controlled on axis - see pic. offaxis there is a bit more. difficult to capture either way bc camera either hides it or greatly exaggerates the effect. brightness not overwhelming at all so far. again, that is all OOTB. more later when it gets dar

watching champs league qualifier now. wow Sony motion is sooo nice. motion flow off. clear upgrade on the OLED.

too soon to say about blacks. re:uniformity - grass is not greener. no banding but some DSE. hoping it will improve.

colors are excellent OOTB. combined with the excellent motion, it makes for a very natural looking picture. tons of headroom for brightness. haven't tried HDR yet.

Jump in brightness is v noticeable and welcome although tbf i never considered the E6 to be dim.

Just watched a bit of the last Harry Potter BD and it looked spectacular. based on brief viewing, im thinking near blacks are better than OLED. still too soon to be sure.

can't get over how good the potter movie looks on this. thinking local dimming must have been off when I first posted bc these blacks are really really good. transitions from black to just above black are seamless. no crush!

uverse, which is about as bad as it gets. ive been paying close attention to dark content, and so far i haven't noticed any of the macro blocking that I saw on the E6. while it's premature to draw conclusions, i do think up scaling is better. sorry. Ugh...i really hate sounding like a Sony fanboy.

i already have most of the LG demos on a flash drive. so far, the thing I'm most surprised by is not how much better this or the E6 is but how similar they look most of the time. Z9 really could pass for an OLED if you didn't know any better. both are amazing with good quality content

black bars are black. disappear in a dark room

one thing fald will never do as well as oleds - star fields. on the sharp saturn's rings demo, the oled was almost like being outside at night and looking up. z9 the blacks are black but stars are not quite as bright.

Seulement, il indique que a une certaine DSE.

Image ... st46092049
Messages: 90
Inscription Forum: 15 Aoû 2009 15:02
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Message » 17 Aoû 2016 10:49

Le gars ne regrette absolument pas son OLED LG E6...

En particulier, il trouve le motionflow très supérieur, et une absence de macroblocking.

Ça sent très bon tout ça ! :D
Messages: 392
Inscription Forum: 23 Sep 2007 5:31
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Message » 17 Aoû 2016 12:04

Flateric a écrit:Le gars ne regrette absolument pas son OLED LG E6...

En particulier, il trouve le motionflow très supérieur, et une absence de macroblocking.

Ça sent très bon tout ça ! :D

Ca ne m'étonne pas du tout, si le ZD9 arrive à avoir 90% du contraste perçu du OLED dans les scènes sombres sans les défauts (bruits, macroblocking, noir bouchés) avec en plus les nouveaux traitements d'image Sony, ça doit être assez ouf !

Merci Sony :thks:

PS: en ce qui concerne le DSE, c'est comme le banding, ça sera toujours la loterie ... :friend:
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Inscription Forum: 27 Déc 2005 20:57
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Message » 17 Aoû 2016 12:36

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Inscription Forum: 15 Aoû 2009 15:02
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Message » 17 Aoû 2016 12:53

SCEJ a écrit:

What Hi*Fi trouve le Samsung UE65KS9000 meilleur pour l'image. Le Sony n’a "que" 4 étoiles :o

Sachant qu'on parle d'un écran incurvé et Edge LED pour le Samsung, la comparaison me parait douteuse.

Je vais attendre le test HDFever pour me faire une opinion.... :siffle:
Dernière édition par Flateric le 17 Aoû 2016 14:37, édité 1 fois.
Messages: 392
Inscription Forum: 23 Sep 2007 5:31
Localisation: Hauts de Seine
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Message » 17 Aoû 2016 13:07

Flateric a écrit:
SCEJ a écrit:

What Hi*Fi trouve le Samsung UE65KS9000 meilleur pour l'image. Le Sony n’a "que" 4 étoiles :o

Sachant qu'on parle d'un écran incurvé pour le Samsung, la comparaison me parait douteuse.

Je vais attendre le test HDFever pour me faire une opinion.... :siffle:

a mon avis ils ont plus de marge avec les coréens que les japonais ! :wtf:
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Message » 17 Aoû 2016 13:08

Flateric a écrit:
SCEJ a écrit:

What Hi*Fi trouve le Samsung UE65KS9000 meilleur pour l'image. Le Sony n’a "que" 4 étoiles :o

Sachant qu'on parle d'un écran incurvé pour le Samsung, la comparaison me parait douteuse.

Je vais attendre le test HDFever pour me faire une opinion.... :siffle:

:x n'aime pas les couleurs du téléviseur Samsung, j'aime Sony.
Messages: 90
Inscription Forum: 15 Aoû 2009 15:02
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Message » 17 Aoû 2016 13:29

Il est vraiment bizarre leur test je trouve. Ils trouvent les noirs moins profond sur le Sony que le Samsung alors que le Sony est Full Led avec plus de zones et le Samsung un Edge Led.
Messages: 298
Inscription Forum: 31 Mar 2009 19:13
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