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PACER [PC-PS4-X1] par les ExDevs de WipEout

Message » 22 Mai 2015 21:08

A 20H de la fin de la campagne Kickstarter, Formula Fusion est à 2 doigts du 2eme palier avec 71179£ sur 75000£
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Message » 23 Mai 2015 10:46

ça y est 2ème palier atteint :P
Je croise les doigt que ça ne redescende pas d'ici là
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Message » 23 Mai 2015 11:24

Tout à changé à partir du moment ou kotaku à publié un article sur leur kickstarter. Dommage qu'ils ne l'aient pas fait avant...
Mr Eric
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Message » 23 Mai 2015 14:44

Pour moi la 1 ère erreur est que R8games ait attendu quasiment 15jours après le lancement de la campagne Kickstarter pour montrer l' engine
Et encore les fans ont du les relancé sévère sur Facebook
Kotaku aurait put en parler avant certes mais r8games n'a pas mis toutes ses chances de son côté non plus
c'est regrettable car les 100 voir les 150000£ étaient jouable
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Message » 23 Mai 2015 14:57

Et là t'as Sony qui arrive, tranquille : "Salut les gars, on veut bien vous filer du fric pour que vous nous fassiez une version PS4". La blague :hehe:
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Message » 23 Mai 2015 15:05

Mais là, honte à Sony qui ont été les fossoyeurs de Wipeout et de psygnosis :evil:
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Message » 23 Mai 2015 18:32

Bon Voila campagne kickstarter terminée à £79,656 :P
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Message » 26 Mai 2015 23:39

SnipizZ a écrit:Et là t'as Sony qui arrive, tranquille : "Salut les gars, on veut bien vous filer du fric pour que vous nous fassiez une version PS4". La blague :hehe:

Ou Microsoft qui achète l'exclu console pour "faire sauter" une ancienne "exclue" Sony :p
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Message » 26 Mai 2015 23:52

Spacewolf1 a écrit:
SnipizZ a écrit:Et là t'as Sony qui arrive, tranquille : "Salut les gars, on veut bien vous filer du fric pour que vous nous fassiez une version PS4". La blague :hehe:

Ou Microsoft qui achète l'exclu console pour "faire sauter" une ancienne "exclue" Sony :p

Pas mal comme idée également, Mouhahahahaha ^^
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Message » 27 Mai 2015 5:36

Si l'idée est marrante :lol: , il faut savoir que si la filiation de Formula Fusion avec Wipeout est evidente , Wipeout reste quoi qu'il arrive propriété et exclusive à Sony.
Formula Fusion est une nouvelle licence indépendante. Tout comme Wipeout vis à vis de F-Zero en son temps :wink:
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Message » 28 Mai 2015 16:53

Formula Fusion Update

Greetings People of Formula Fusion!

Hello KickStarters,

We would just like to say a huge thank you from everyone here at R8 Games, without your support we would not have been able to take the next step. Just as much as you are all eager to try out the game already, we are working diligently in developing the game you have been wanting for.

In the coming months we will be preparing everything and eventually hand out the KickStarter PC Steam keys to everyone that wishes for the PC version of the game. What can you expect when you get the Alpha Version? We are planning to have this available to you when you get your keys:

    - 1 Racing Track
    - 1 Craft
    - Gamepad support
    - Windows only support (for now)

As the game is developed through the months you will see a massive change to the game, from new tracks, crafts, textures, the menu system, multiplayer, and ESL. So lots to come!

Because we’re using Steam as the distribution platform, it means that we can send you patches directly without you having to worry about a thing. Just download the game, stay connected, and the patches will be installed faster than Zone Mode.

With the way console distribution works, we unfortunately can’t give any keys out to anyone until release of the game. To compensate for this we will be bringing you lots of juicy information such as gameplay videos, screenshots, AMA’s (ask me anything), fan kits (for websites), and more throughout the months leading all the way up to the game’s release and beyond.

To help keep in touch with everyone, both PC and Console players alike, we will be introducing a message board on our website in the near future, there we can help you with various Q&A’s, general banter about the game, and keeping you updated with everything Formula Fusion - we might even add in a few other surprises too.

Shortly we will be sending out surveys to everyone to ask what they have asked for, some people might not have changed their PC pledge to a console pledge so if you did want a console version then please mention in the survey. Anyone that has pledged for the game that does not mention the game’s format then you will need to also mention what version of the game you would like the game to be.

As a lot of you will also have purchased add-ons then please mention these as well. If there is some funding discrepancies between your pledge amount and the pledge + add-ons + shipping then we will notify you in due course.

Get your craft ready, weapons loaded, and we will race with you soon - just no Quake please!

See you on the track,

R8 Games Team
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Message » 04 Juin 2015 14:42

What we've been doing and how you can still help!
Posted by R8 Games Ltd

Dear Pilots

Its been a crazy few weeks since we were successfully Kickstarted by you beautiful people! We've been Greenlit, we're in the process of taking on a few new hands and we're getting ready to do the huge task of getting all the rewards sorted.


With being Greenlit we can now go onto Steam which will get rid of a massive headache of Digital Distribution for us.
Members of the TPP will be given a key to download their Pre-Alpha test build in the coming weeks. The reason why it has taken so long is that there are various things we need to get finished paper work wise for Valve before that can go ahead.


We haven't forgotten about you! We're hard at work working on what we promised. The Alpha release will be ready for you towards the end of July or early August.

Your rewards may take some time to get to you but they're coming. Once our new Community Manager arrives, he'll be your first point of contact with any questions you have. So keep your eyes peeled for that survey we're sending out

Can I still back the game even though the campaign has finished?

We're in the process of setting up a store front on our website which allow you to purchase the game at the same rate as it was here on Kickstarter (£20). We'll also offer some other goodies but some things were exclusive to KS.

I have a question. Who do i ask?

You can either directly message us here on KS or email and someone will be happy to deal with your question :)

Thanks again for the support!!!
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Message » 04 Juin 2015 22:57

hop drapal

une affaire à suivre.
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Message » 18 Juil 2015 22:25

Source =>

Hey everyone.. Next week we are going to give you a glimpse at what we have been up to - leading up to early access. Thanks for your patience (and sorry we have been off the radar for a while). We are going to be in a position very soon to give you some positive TPP news too. Sorry, we had to organise it all through Valve and there were a few unavoidable issues/delays with authorisation details/taxation/laundering checks (frustration on a whole new level). Just letting you know where we are with things. We have been really busy since KS nailing what we promised and I think you will be happy with the results. There have also been some company restructuring (recruitment) and we moved office (we will be moving again at the end of August as we ramp up further) - in future we will engage more with you all. That's a promise. Love, R8!


autre info
Formula Fusion a désormais son Forum Officiel =>
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R8games sera à la Gamescom

Message » 22 Juil 2015 19:12


We will be at gamescom this year. If you want to meet and discuss all things 'Formula Fusion' then let us know. We have some time on the Friday. ‪#‎gamescom2015‬

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