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Bien comprendre l'Ultra HD, la 4K, et les normes THX, Dolby, DTS, Auro 3D

DTS:X, index en page 1

Message » 08 Jan 2015 16:03

Mais non , il y aura l'ampli de Hugo à racheter ;), si tu peux te contenter du dolby atmos et de l'auro 3D.
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Message » 08 Jan 2015 16:16


lordserra a écrit:Mais non , il y aura l'ampli de Hugo à racheter ;), ...

:lol: :lol: :lol: ... et processeur seulement... :lol:

Hugo S
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Message » 08 Jan 2015 16:30

Oui milles excuses seulement la partie préampli :hehe:
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Message » 09 Jan 2015 12:25


Un article twice : ... sion/55571


Las Vegas -- The emergence of DTS:X object-based surround as a Dolby Atmos competitor shouldn’t inject uncertainty or confusion into the market.

For one thing, audio suppliers already accommodate multiple formats – such as Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master—in A/V receivers and preamp processors, and they’ll likely be able to do it again. “Major chip companies historically have built multicodec solutions,” DTS chairman/CEO Jon Kirchner points out.

Many audio components are also firmware-upgradable, so it’s likely that many Dolby Atmos AVRs and preamp processors could be upgraded to include DTS:X decoding to prevent obsolescence.

More important, DTS:X “supports any speaker layout,” including Dolby Atmos speaker layouts that include height speakers, said Kirchner. Consumers won’t have to worry about cluttering up their living rooms with two separate speaker configurations and switching between them depending on the soundtrack they’re playing.

DTS has “worked with manufacturers to make sure the first implementations include pre-selected [speaker] layouts which overlap with familiar layouts,” a spokesperson added.

Familiar layouts include 5.1 layouts without height speakers. “We don’t require elevation speakers,” Kirchner said. “We can render height virtually.”
It will be the manufacturer’s decision to support traditional 5.1-speaker layouts, he noted. Although there are advantages to more speakers, “flexibility adds more value to the consumer.”

Here at International CES, DTS is demonstrating 22.2-channel DTS:X. “You identify the locations of the speakers and render to it,” Kirchner said.
DTS will reveal more about its technology sometime in March.


qui aux infos déjà connues rajoute la confirmation que :

- le processing DTS:X possède la capacité de fonctionner sur n'importe quelles configuration pré-existante d'enceintes y compris Atmos (et probablement Auro),

- de même que le DTS:X possède la capacité de "virtuellement re-créer" des height dans les configs 5.1, 7.1 ( :wink: Fred),

- sachant que le DTS:X saura gérer (au moins) 22.2 canaux, ce qui correspond à la base de configuration du système de démo du DTS:X au CES 2015.

Hugo S
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Message » 09 Jan 2015 12:33

re Bonjour,

Hugo S a écrit:Bonjour,

Bien qu'aujourd'hui soit une triste journée où il nous appartient peut-être de prendre conscience de la réelle fragilité de notre quotidien... le repli et le silence n'y sont pas forcément la meilleure réponse.

Ainsi pour affirmer la continuité de l'identité de ce que nous savons être, voilà ce que j'ai écrit sur AVS :
re Bonjour,

sur AVS, Hugo S a écrit:

When you say in DTS:X format, do you mean that these film extracts are encoded on this DTS Demo Disk with a specific encoding format, needing a specific Bluray player to be read?

Or are these titles encoded in DTS-MA (for example), so today they can be read by any actual Bluray player reading this format. And then if the processor has a DTS:X decoding capacity, it can so extract, decode and play the DTS:X complementary information?

In other words can you watch these DTS:X encoded titles with your current Bluray player and reproduce the sound with a DTS-MA capable processor? If so, how do you rate the sound results that can be obtained with a DTS Neo X (or DSU if equipped) processing of these same titles?

Many thks for your answer,


... une confirmation qui me semble essentielle dans le contexte DTS:X, objet de nos échanges ici.


En réponse :

sur AVS, SWavePro a écrit:From what I've heard on these discs, the sound is great! The DTS:X decoding works just as Atmos as far as backwards capatibility. Right now of course there are no DTS:X decoder son the market, so the best we can get is DTS-HDMA 7.1. Which can be played by any bluray player(always update your firmware) and any DTS-HDMA capable receiver.

I did find out; however that DTS:X will work in principle the same way Atmos does. With using a 7.1 surround channel "bed" and adding objects with metadata to that bed. That being said DTS:X will be fully backwards capatible just as Atmos is all the way back to 5.1 channel decoding.

Hugo S
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Message » 09 Jan 2015 12:45

re Bonjour,

Quelques précisions qui permettent de mieux cerner le concept DTS:X et singulièrement ses 1ères itérations :

sur AVS, jwtracey a écrit:Reading the various responses in this thread it seems some of you are missing what object based audio delivery to the home represents. First off let me be clear that neither Dolby Atmos nor DTS:X are pure object based delivery solutions. That is they both rely on a traditional 7.1 (as you would get with Dolby THD or DTS-MA) bed for backward compatibility.

The additional 'objects' are added in a backward compatible fashion so that the respective decoders can extract them from the bitstream and subsequently subtract them from the full 7.1 mix. The real benefit of an object based delivery is we are no longer tied to one definition of the optimum speaker configuration. So if you've already built your theater to the Atmos spec you'll be able to play a DTS:X disc and the DTS:X renderer will have no problem rendering to that specific speaker placement.

According to DTS the first release will either have some presets or recommendations as to placement but in theory you should be free to place your additional speakers wherever you see fit. Now having this ability requires that the user either enter the location of the additional 'object' based speakers or DTS will have to provide an automated speaker location / characterization routine built into the upgraded AVR or processor. The object based renderer requires the spatial location of the additional speakers so it can make the best decisions on how to distribute the sound in order to place the object in 3D space as specified by the accompanying metadata. This feature again in theory makes your speaker placement future proof.

Build your theater once with as many speakers as you can afford and practically support and then using either the Atmos decoder or the DTS:X decoder and information describing the physical location of those speakers you will presented with the optimum experience for your specific layout. Hopefully someday the entire mix could be delivered via objects thus supporting any setup from a soundbar to 44.2 with the same payload. That was the original concept.

Hugo S
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Message » 09 Jan 2015 14:18

Hugo S a écrit:- de même que le DTS:X possède la capacité de "virtuellement re-créer" des height dans les configs 5.1, 7.1 ( :wink: Fred),


Merci Hugo :thks:

Si ML signe une license(pas sûr), le 502 pourrait être mis à jour au vu de ces 4 "sharcks" ou en remplacement d'1 ou 2 si besoin...

Au pire ou au mieux, le lecteur(actuel ou futur) se chargera du DTS X...cela est rassurant pour la pérennité des installations déjà faites et montre un peu le chemin à ceux qui sont en cours de projet!

Tout vient à point à qui sait attendre :grad:
tonton flingueur
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Message » 09 Jan 2015 14:31

Bonjour Frédéric,

tonton flingueur a écrit:...
Tout vient à point à qui sait attendre :grad:

... d'où ce conseil : "attendre" tout au long des échanges initiaux sur Atmos...

... et ceci alors même que ce qu'il est aujourd'hui possible d'obtenir avec Atmos et le processing Dolby Surround associé est objectivement superbe. On verra donc si le DTS:X et (un nouveau ?) DTS Neo X sauront faire mieux, aussi ou moins bien.

Perso je suis "processing brand agnostic", seul le résultat compte dans le contexte qui est le nôtre. :oldy:

Hugo S
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Message » 09 Jan 2015 15:16

re Bonjour,

Un feed-back video "very impressive" de l'équipe AVForums sur la démo DTS:X au CES : ...

Hugo S
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Message » 09 Jan 2015 16:34

re Bonjour,

DTS:X, le contexte spécifique des Marantz 7702 et 8802 :


Hugo S
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Message » 10 Jan 2015 20:35


DTS:X quelques réalités à garder à l'esprit :

le 31/12/2014, sur AVS, M Code a écrit:The major audio brands have already committed to DTS-X..
DTS will have a demo @ the CES 2015 show in Las Vegas next week..
But basic availability for hardware is about 1 year away, as higher resource DSPs are required and compatible DTS-X software needs to be available..
DTS beat out Dolby for the Blu-ray audio standard (DTS Master Audio) but for the object based format, the Dolby Atmos has gotten a head start...
But then again, Dolby has more resources than DTS and deeper $ pockets..

Just my $0.02... ;)


le 09/01/2015 sur AVS, M Code a écrit:OK...
Here is what I heard @ CES about DTS-X...
We went to their DTS-X demo its sound was incredible. To date we don't have a lot experience with Dolby Atmos but have installed/sold 3 systems. The sound of Atmos was very good and our customers are very satisfied..

Regarding DTS-X demo we particularly like their demo cut from Between Zero and One, also the music track of Wampire-Wizard Staff was superb. In talking to their VP of product, he advised that the DTS-X code has been certified and (3) major brands are already up/running with prototypes.. He wouldn't divulge each brand but definitely Yamaha was one of them.. He said the launch plan was scheduled for the FALL @ CEDIA & IFA shows product would be available by September/October, plus @ least 25 titles will be available. He gave me couple copies of their 2015 CES Blu-Ray disk that has 11 DTS-X tracks..

In closing we 1st heard DTS-X then called DTS-UHD almost 2 years ago @ SRS and it has progressed forward big time. Knowing how DTS has incredible contacts within the studio community we think that they will come on strong vs. Atmos. He promised to forward me more technical info within the next couple of weeks..

Just my $0.02... ;)

... en d'autres termes, même si la dispo d'infos plus précises sur le DTS:X sera @ début du printemps, la réelle disponibilité du DTS:X se fera dans des produits GP @ de la rentrée lors de l'IFA et CEDIA 2015... AMHA probablement conjointement avec les lecteurs capables de lire les futurs BRD UHD... :wink:

Hugo S
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Message » 12 Jan 2015 14:36

Que l'année 2015 sera triste.......que peut on encore en attendre :

- on connait déja l'arrivée de nouveaux amplis (UHD, DTS : X, HDCP 2.2 pour tous)
- on connait l'arrivée des nouveaux lecteurs bluray UHD

On va s'ennuyer , non ? :hehe:
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Message » 12 Jan 2015 16:33

c'est sur: ça stagne !
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Message » 21 Jan 2015 0:36


Le DTS Demo Disc 2015 avec les morceaux encodés en DTS X est désormais à la maison... :D

DEMO 2015 Demo Disc avec DTS X.JPG
DTS Demo Disc 2015
DEMO 2015 Demo Disc avec DTS X.JPG (30.66 Kio) Vu 3199 fois

... et dans notre contexte 7.2.4, les 1ères écoutes des morceaux DTS X sont exceptionnelles en DSU.

Hugo S
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Message » 21 Jan 2015 1:41

re Bonsoir,

Au sujet du DTS Demo Disc 2015, une copie de ce que j'ai écrit sur AVS :

sur AVS, Hugo S a écrit:

sur AVS, MasterAudio a écrit:
Listening to the DTS demo disc as I type this. Grant it, I'm only listening via DSU. Not super impressed. The disc is lengthy, but the Dolby Atmos demo disc is much more impressive even with it's shortened time. And I'm not even just talking Atmos vs. DTS:X.

There is very little dynamic range in the DTS disc compared to Dolby's. Not much punch at any of the demo's. 5.1, 7.1, DTS: X, whatever the format. In the atoms disc, I feel enveloped from the lowest frequency to the highest. I don't get that feeling with this DTS disc.

Aside from the actual movie snippets, the demo's themselves are rather boring and they really don't showcase much.

Anybody else feel this way?

As I just received this disc today, sorry, but my initial impressions are just the opposite to yours.

Now very interestingly, on this disc the audio flow between the standard DTS MA version and DTS X version of a same title, is not the same.

For example "Between Zero and One" averages @ 5.8Mbps in standard DTS MA, when the DTS X version averages @ 8.8Mbps. Something that happens with slightly different values, for 2 other titles that I directly compared : "Locked up" & "Pinnipèdes".

This being said, all this ends up in our 7.2.4 context processed in DSU by a Marantz 7702, that there is a clear perceived ambiance difference between the DTS MA and DTS X versions of a same title. This can be more or less subtle, but the DTS X version is always much better defined with a sort of "precision" which feels as being "natural" and though more involving.

When I find some time I'll take some pictures showing the flow differences.

Anyway in my opinion, this DTS 2015 Demo Disc is the best I've listened to, since quite some years now.


et qui donne une petite idée de ce que je pense de ce disque DTS... des plus intéressant... ( :wink: Fred).

Hugo S
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