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Marantz AV7702 / 7702Mk2 proç 11.2 XLR - Atmos + XT32

Message » 25 Sep 2014 15:16


N'ayant pas trouvé de sujet sur ce nouveau processeur Marantz AV7702 qui en intéressera plus d'un d'entre nous avec ses capacités Atmos 11.2 (7.2.4, 9.2.2), Audyssey MultEQ XT32 compatible Pro, nouveaux modules HDAM, 11+2 sorties XLR, voir page officielle (US) ici : ... tId=AV7702

Marantz AV7702 Av.JPG

Marantz AV7702 Av ouvert.JPG

Marantz AV7702 Arr.JPG

Prix public : @ 2000€, dispo Oct/Nov 2014

et pour le Marantz AV7702Mk2 :

le manuel d'emploi :

avec accès à le version FR via la petite fenêtre en haut de la page à droite.

Dernière édition par Hugo S le 19 Aoû 2015 9:08, édité 10 fois.
Hugo S
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Message » 25 Sep 2014 15:16


Des infos complémentaires des plus intéressantes :

sur AVS, SteveH a écrit: I was at the CEDIA and had a couple of long chats with Kevin Zarow who is the VP at Product development for D&M. I've known Kevin for several years and he is a great guy. I have always found his subjective opinion to correlate with my ears. I also talked off line with Jeff Cowan VP of training at D&M to find out what he knows. He is a walking database. Finally, I spoke with a lot of the Dolby folks trying to understand how SQ will be impacted with Atmos EVEN with a 5.1 system.

Here is the cliff note:

1.) The Hyper Dynamic Amplifier Modules (HDAM’s) were reworked on the AV7702. "HDAM's" are discretely built operational amplifiers which is a key component in the analog signal chain. For clarification. "discretely built" means individual resistor, capacitors and FET's are used versus a semiconductor operational amplifier. A semiconductor operational OP amp is used on the lower cost Denon product family. The 7701's previous design has a 6.2V/μsec slew rate as compared to the redesigned 41.7V/μsec improved HDAMs for 2014. That works out to be nearly 7 times faster. A lion's share of the audible enhancements is beening credited to the new HDAM's re-design. According to Kevin, the differences were immediately noticeable to the engineers as well as his own ears. The 8802 (Feb 2015) will get this new tweak plus other enhancements TBD. To be clear, the 8801 (il faut comprendre 8802) has different tweaks over the 7702.

2.) Video Select was added in again. So for HDMI-connected sources, you can listen to one source while watching another.

3.) Digital-to-analog multi-source audio conversion for remote zones are again present. HDMI was added in 2014. So now all digital inputs are converted.

4.) More flexible Zone 2 HDMI features. Warning: Anytime zone two reconfirms handshakes, zone 1 will do the same and briefly interrupt the signal on the main zone. Perfect handshaking approaches cost $1K+ all by themselves. So this is not meant to be a substitute. I can expand on this if people care about this feature.

5.) Bluetooth streaming was added in addition to Airplay. Not aptX. Auto power on occurs when the AVR is selected as a BT device. Zone 2 BT is also capable with multi device memory (numerous users are allowed).

6.) HDMI 2.0/4K 60HZ.4K 60Hz 4:4:4 24bit, 4K 60Hz 4:2:2 36bit, and 4K 60Hz 4:2:0 24bit.

7.) ECO Mode enabled features were created to be "green". Off, On, and Auto are the three modes. In "On", sound quality is compromised. All USA models are factory set to "Off". Meaning, no Eco mode unless you enable it. If you enable "auto", energy saving starts automatically depending on volume level. The Auto mode means power saving happens without sacrifice in sound quality. I'm leaving it "Off". :)

8.) User experience/interface (GUI) have many improvements called "smart select".

9.) Significant App improvements for for phones and tablets (both iOS and Android) were created. Release date late October 2014.

10.) Microphone stand included.

11.) WiFi connectivity (hardwire is still recommended when it is available).

12.) 4 Shark Analog Devices DSP's. Important: This means D&M is the only vendors that can do Atmos AND Audyssey. Onkyo for instance chose to auto-upgrade a group of prepro's and receivers. Onkyo also saved on the BOM or Bill of Material by not adding the DSP horsepower to do both technologies. IMHO, a major fopaux to my customer base.

I have more bullets to follow. Got to run! :)

Steve with Sound Video

puis sur AVS, SteveH a écrit:Continued from above:

I was at the CEDIA and had a couple of long chats with Kevin Zarow who is the VP at Product development for D&M. I've known Kevin for several years and he is a great guy. I have always found his subjective opinion to correlate with my ears. I also talked off line with Jeff Cowan VP of training at D&M to find out what he knows. He is a walking database. Finally, I spoke with a lot of the Dolby folks trying to understand how SQ will be impacted with Atmos EVEN with a 5.1 system.

Here some more Cliff Notes (continued):

13.) I'm going to verify that Biamping is still allowed on the 7702 by reallocating other channels to replicate L&R. As a reminder, the 8801 does not have re configurable biamping yet it's 4520ci close relative was biampable. So I am not going to assume. But the best I can tell that feature is enabled.

14.) Marantz scaling uses the Analog Devices top-of-the-line 12-bit ADV8003 video processor. See

15.) New: The ADV8003 supports 6-channel direct stream digital (DSD) audio inputs. That means the 7702 supports DSD. YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

16.) As mentioned earlier, D&M will be the only receiver and prepro family to offer Audyssey. IMHO, this is especially important with Atmos because there will be more speakers. The Trifecta includes: I. Dynamic Volume which automatically moderates the difference between loud and soft programming. II. Dynamic EQ that automatically clarifies dialog intelligibility and adjusts subwoofer level and surround effects to deliver a reference quality listening experience at all volume settings. III. XT-32 which automatically sets the speaker distances, sizes, and levels and then equalizes the response for the room. As before, the Marantz allows users to bypass left and right as well as "LFE plus large" on the mains. Each and every user should experiment with this tweak. Also, never assume that Audyssey crossover settings are right. That is a subjective setting which depends on your room, speakers, and sub caliber + placement. Let your ears be the judge (not the microphone). Like other years, PRO calibration is still available.

17.) Dolby Atmos. I spoke with Mr. Mark Tuffy Ph.D. from Dolby (PhD in Signal Processing). In short the Atmos tools are superior EVEN IN A 5.1 SYSTEM. It's a software platform that will allow mixers to get more aggressive and therefore yield more dynamics both in the vertical and horizontal plane. Basically more wiz-bang effects are being mixed in. Additionally, 5.1 and 7.1 HOME mixes assumes wimply sides and rears. With Atmos, full range will be delivered to all speakers and an Atmos enabled prepro will sound more impressive using Atmos mixed movies even on 5.1 and 7.1 (no ceiling speakers). So yes, 5.1 and 7.1 Atmos enabled systems WILL factually sound better so long as the movie mixer took advantage of what Atmos can do. Putting it another way, the platform of tools are not available on discrete consoles and they are told to mix the rears in full range. I can also point to some Dolby dog-and-pony show interviews which say the same thing.

18.) According to Mr. Tuff, with discrete mixing and for optimum results, your speaker placement should match the mixers exact layout to yield the most immersible sound. I asked to clarify a couple of times but it went over my head. I'll take him at face-value. Basically he said there are compromises with all of our discrete 5.1 and 7.1 systems/mixes which will benefit from object based rendering. During our Lyngdorf demo at CEDIA, I asked Peter to play a A-B clip in 7.2 Atmos versus discrete 7.1. Verdict: Night and day difference. What hit me immediately was the full range experience that was much more impressive. Now all we need is a lot of Atmos content!

finalement sur AVS, SteveH a écrit:Continued from above:

Kevin Zarow who is the VP at Product development for D&M called me back with some additional information. He is "the man behind the curtain" that helps direct product strategy. I'll add to the other 18 bullets linked above ^^.

Cliff Note (continued):

19.) Because D&M engineering used 4 Shark DSP's, there is enough MIPS to support the Auro-3D platform. D&M's engineering team has been working closely with Auro-3D and will be releasing a firmware update Q-1 or possibly sooner. There will be a fee associated with this for licencing and engineering development. TBD on the price but it will be reasonable. But he did mention that this was a very large engineering effort. Once the Auro-3D platform firmware is released, new 7702's will not get it for free. Rather it is an alacarte approach similar to Audyssey Pro.

20.) The DTS-(U)HD firmware path has not been established. I could not get a date nor even a slight inkle. He refused to over commit until knows more. So the answer is TBD.

21.) Kevin said more analog sections were re-worked from the 7701. In other word it was not only the HDAM's but rather "several updates". When asked to describe the sonic differences/benefit he said another "veil" was lifted.

22 and beyond.) I'll be writing up this and more in a PDF to forward off to my customers. Those who are interested in more technical information can PM me and I can send them a courtesy email. Kevin is heading off to Japan early next week. He is going to answer my additional questions after he speaks with engineering.

I hope this helps!:)

Hugo S
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Message » 27 Sep 2014 15:28

futur achat
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Message » 27 Sep 2014 15:37

Il donne les base du 8803
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Message » 27 Sep 2014 17:47

Spaceangel a écrit:Il donne les base du 8803

Plutôt du futur 8802 (voir ici)... :wink:

Hugo S
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Message » 28 Sep 2014 9:08

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Message » 30 Sep 2014 8:48

Je vais suivre ce post, je suis pour l'instant toujours autant satisfait de mon 8801.

La configuration dans mon profil

@+ sur le site et bon cinéma. Lukyfish
Ma salle 7.2.4 terminée : ICI
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Message » 15 Oct 2014 20:42

Je plante aussi un drapeau ici :mdr:

Hugo pour le barbecue c'est mort, ça va se finir en fondu bourguignonne :mdr: :wink:

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Message » 16 Oct 2014 15:52

On vient de m'annoncer fin Novembre maintenant pour la disponibilité :evil:
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Message » 16 Oct 2014 17:32

Peut être le retard est il dû à la mise à jour Auro 3D..... ... rantz.html
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Message » 17 Oct 2014 12:27

La grosse différence sera le prix de l'update: 149€ seulement (contre 3000€ chez datasat et + de 1000€ chez d'autres)...
Et en sachant qu'il y à de grandes chances qu'ils proposeront le DTS-UHD en option (gratuite) également!
road rebel
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Message » 21 Oct 2014 13:49

Hi Guillaume,

Firebird a écrit:Je plante aussi un drapeau ici :mdr:

Hugo pour le barbecue c'est mort, ça va se finir en fondu bourguignonne :mdr: :wink:


Suite à nos divers échanges, je pense maintenant que ce 7702 pourrait vraiment te convenir, d'autant plus après une conversation avec mon revendeur Eric P. d'Illel lorsque j'ai failli craquer et ai demandé son prix... :wink:

Sachant que ce 7702 est bien compatible Audyssey Pro avec une toute nouvelle version du soft Pro 4.0 spécifiquement dédiée à la gestion des nouveaux produits intégrant Atmos.


PS: ... et j'adore les fondues bourguignonnes... :D
Hugo S
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Message » 21 Oct 2014 18:44

Et également bientôt compatible Auro 3D :bravo:
J'attend le mien avec impatience
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Message » 21 Oct 2014 20:54

Hugo S a écrit:Hi Guillaume,

Firebird a écrit:Je plante aussi un drapeau ici :mdr:

Hugo pour le barbecue c'est mort, ça va se finir en fondu bourguignonne :mdr: :wink:


Suite à nos divers échanges, je pense maintenant que ce 7702 pourrait vraiment te convenir, d'autant plus après une conversation avec mon revendeur Eric P. d'Illel lorsque j'ai failli craquer et ai demandé son prix... :wink:

Sachant que ce 7702 est bien compatible Audyssey Pro avec une toute nouvelle version du soft Pro 4.0 spécifiquement dédiée à la gestion des nouveaux produits intégrant Atmos.


PS: ... et j'adore les fondues bourguignonnes... :D

Bonjour Hugo :D

Cool pour Illel c'est là que j'avais acheté mon Denon AVR-A100 :bravo:
Si tu en prend un chez eux fais moi signe on grouoera l'achat :wink:

Ps: Oups je voulais plutôt écrire raclette, mais va pour la fondue :lol:

A très bientôt,
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Message » 22 Oct 2014 5:49

Hi Guillaume,

Mode HS = On

... la raclette c'est aussi bon... :P

Mode HS = Off

Concernant un éventuel 7702 dont l'attrait est des plus certain, je ne le prendrais que s'il s'avérait qu'un 8802 ne peut finalement pas offrir tout ce dont il est potentiellement capable... et je ne parle pas seulement d'une "simple" capacité Auro 3D incluse... :wink:

Sachant que pour le moment le DTS Neo X 11 Cinema du 8801 offre une superbe immersion des plus crédibles, y compris avec un (le seul) titre Atmos sur BRD Transformers 4, donc rien ne presse... sauf si la "changite"... :lol:

Hugo S
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