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[ACC_3D] Visiocasque SiliconMicroDisplay ST1080

Message » 30 Mar 2012 1:15

Un petit essai en anglais :

I know, long delay from CES, please be sympathetic. I worked a 29 hour shift this past week, crazy stuff.

At CES, I saw a lot of stuff, and the most exciting thing I saw (from a consumer standpoint) was probably the ST1080. I did not see SMD's booth until the end of CES, and was wondering why none of the big gadget sites seemed to be covering it. It ended up being pretty obvious: They were stuck in the Hilton exhibit hall, which is dominated by component vendors, raw hardware developers, and other things in that vein. Not much reason for the average press pass to venture in there, and I think that really hurt their coverage.

I spent most of my time talking to Wally Phillips, the Principle Engineer of SMD. He was a pleasure to talk to, and said that SMD would be paying attention to feedback made on MTBS3D, woo!

Comfort: It was good for what it is. They did not clamp your head, stayed on pretty stable, and were lightweight. They do rest the weight on your nose, though, but that is unavoidable with glasses-style HMDs. More comfortable than the VR920, though, which is no small feat considering the weight differential. Us VR nerds might want to mod these into a pair of ski goggles for long term use, but the average person will probably be fine.

Optics: They showed me several different models. One of them was the white ST1080 we all know and love, 10% transparency. On the showroom floor, it seemed a little dim for AR use, but that is probably a good thing. The other one I was was a black model that had effectively no transparency, which I tried out both display Toy Story, and hooked up to a PS3 running Gran Turismo. Truth be told, this is the model I want, being into full immersion VR and all. The optics had a very large exit pupil, much more than I expected! You can shift this thing all over the place, jump up and down, the image is still clearly viewable from edge to edge. It wipes the floor with the HMZ-T1 on exit pupil! The field of view is also really nice for what it is. 45 degrees is still far higher than anything from most consumer HMDs, particularly for a unit this small. I am spoiled by the kind of gear I get to work with, so I am not sure if I can have an objective opinion on FOV anymore.

Displays: It uses LCOS, and it looks fantastic. No screen door effect at all, you can't discern the pixel structure! Colors seemed a little washed out with the Toy Story demo, but Gran Turismo looked much better for some reason. I need more time with it so I can use all my test patterns, but my initial impression was good. Black levels were not that great, but I am willing to bet a dark environment or light blockers would help with that, based on my other LCOS based HMD, the Cy-Visor. Definitely worlds better than the Emagin Z800, but not as good as the HMZ-T1.

Speaking of the HMZ-T1, the ST1080 is brighter. A LOT brighter. The Sony has great contrast and black levels, but to be honest, there is just not much light coming out of those panels. I was also shown a prototype 3D printed unit that was around 50% transparent, I believe, and even in the bright showroom floor, I was still able to clearly see the image.

Finally, the 4K prototype: AMAZING! It was being driven by 4 HDMI inputs, and it was hard to believe what I was looking at. It was beyond not seeing the pixel structure, it may as well have been a tiny window into a real life scene. The resolution was incredible! I only wish that it was spread out across a 90+ degree FOV, but that is not going to happen with microdisplays. I wish I could go on, but it was about the same as the ST1080 in all regards but resolution.

All in all, I am very excited, and am 100% going to be a day 1 pre-order. That is not even including my work, I mean for personal use! This HMD is going to change mobile computing for me, I am tempted to go buy some high end netbook with a cracked screen to dedicate to this.

Any questions, fire away. I took pictures, but they are not nearly as nice as the ones SMD has now put up. I will post them if people still want them for some reason, though.

Le site du fabriquant :

Les pré-commandes ont commencé pour la FRANCE.
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Inscription Forum: 06 Aoû 2010 16:39
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Message » 14 Avr 2012 12:43

Ca à l'air d'un produit surprenant à souhait. A surveiller.
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Message » 08 Mai 2012 22:42

Les premiers envois se feront mi-mai visiblement.

Vivement les tests ! :D
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Inscription Forum: 06 Aoû 2010 16:39
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Les expéditions ont commencé aujourd'hui

Message » 14 Mai 2012 18:41 ... ers-today/

A quick note here — it’s been a long time coming, but Silicon Micro Display begins shipping the ST1080 1080p HMD to pre-order customers today! Paul Jin, SMD CEO, says that pre-order customers can expect a confirmation email and tracking number when their device gets send out for delivery.Silicon Micro Display just about hit their ‘second week in May‘ shipping target. Shipping begins today to all localities. Jin says that there is a fairly large pre-order demand to work through but that they will be working hard to get it done:

We will work through this weekend (many in the future, I’m sure) and through multiple production-shifts to fulfill orders. We have a very big backlog of orders, so we will endeavor to work through them to the best of our ability.
Congratulations to Silicon Micro Display on the launch. Stay tuned, reviews should be hitting the web soon!

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Inscription Forum: 06 Aoû 2010 16:39
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Message » 17 Mai 2012 10:13

L'adresse de leur Blog, actualisé :

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Message » 18 Mai 2012 17:03 ... e-display/

It may still be some time before you can take Google's ambitious wearable computing project for a spin, but there's certainly no shortage of head-mounted displays out there for those looking to blaze a trail of their own. You can now add Silicon Micro Display's new ST1080 glasses to that list, a full 1080p display that will handle both 2D and 3D content (in a variety of formats), and also allow you to see through the glasses for augmented reality applications (albeit with just 10 percent transparency). As with most such glasses, however, you won't get head-tracking capabilities, and you'll have a couple of tethers to contend with (HDMI for video and USB for power, including via an optional battery pack). Those not put off by those constraints or the whole visor look can place their order now for $799.
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Inscription Forum: 06 Aoû 2010 16:39
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Message » 18 Mai 2012 17:08

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Message » 18 Mai 2012 20:21

D'après ce que je comprends, le casque est alimenté via une prise USB...Ca, c'est très bien... :love:
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Message » 24 Mai 2012 20:00

:D Ca y est ; j'ai commandé le casque hier :D

Pour les amateurs, n'oubliez-pas de commander AUSSI le cable HDMI qui n'est pas livré avec... :oldy:
J'ai pris le 6 feet. A A

J'espère ne pas avoir à payer les frais de douane...
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Inscription Forum: 06 Aoû 2010 16:39
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Message » 27 Mai 2012 10:37

Pour les anglophones, il y a pas mal de tests sur le lien suivant :

:love: :love:
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Message » 28 Mai 2012 11:43

Un autre ici: ... 8Part+1%29

Rahahaaaaaaa! :P Je me tâte....Marre d'attendre la disponibilité du Sony HMZ-T1! Ce ST1080 a l'air plutôt prometteur mais j'ai un peu peur des frais de douane.
Tiens-nous au courant JPBACMAN. :wink:
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Message » 28 Mai 2012 13:39

En gros, hors frais de douane, il me coûte 757,43 euros avec un cable HDMI slim de 6 feet ; port compris.
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Message » 06 Juin 2012 9:14

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Message » 06 Juin 2012 9:36

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Message » 06 Juin 2012 9:40

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