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[EPP]Plasma Panasonic millésime 2012

Message » 02 Mar 2012 11:54

Le premier avis d'un américain sur son nouveau 55ST50 :

"So just got my 55in ST50 in today and first impressions are generally good. The new louver filter is insane, it is just short of being a matte screen. Very good at not reflecting light, but I find some clarity/sharpness is taken away by having that type of screen (more so in video games). So its up in the air right now.

So far NO BUZZING! There is a little fan noise but that is to be expected. Aesthetically it looks very much like last years Samsung plasma TVs, which is nice. I haven't messed around with the setting too much, def. in need of calibration as out of the box the picture is just OK.

Input lag on video games doesn't even seem to be an issue, I am not using Game mode and I don't notice any input lag.

So far no sign of IR and I didn't run any break in slides, just let it warm up to room temp. And that is after playing video games with static images.

Can't comment on 3d since in all their wisdom, Panny decided not to include glasses and there aren't any 2012 Bluetooth glasses released yet. Fun!

Might try to use the ST30 calibration settings and see what that does or will have to wait a couple months for pro's to do this TV. So far I'm happy but I am still deciding on that screen for video games...."
Messages: 16046
Inscription Forum: 23 Mai 2005 18:28
Localisation: Paris, France
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Message » 02 Mar 2012 11:56

Messages: 16046
Inscription Forum: 23 Mai 2005 18:28
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Message » 02 Mar 2012 12:35

manuxs a écrit:Le premier avis d'un américain sur son nouveau 55ST50 :

"So just got my 55in ST50 in today and first impressions are generally good. The new louver filter is insane, it is just short of being a matte screen. Very good at not reflecting light, but I find some clarity/sharpness is taken away by having that type of screen (more so in video games). So its up in the air right now.

So far NO BUZZING! There is a little fan noise but that is to be expected. Aesthetically it looks very much like last years Samsung plasma TVs, which is nice. I haven't messed around with the setting too much, def. in need of calibration as out of the box the picture is just OK.

Input lag on video games doesn't even seem to be an issue, I am not using Game mode and I don't notice any input lag.

So far no sign of IR and I didn't run any break in slides, just let it warm up to room temp. And that is after playing video games with static images.

Can't comment on 3d since in all their wisdom, Panny decided not to include glasses and there aren't any 2012 Bluetooth glasses released yet. Fun!

Might try to use the ST30 calibration settings and see what that does or will have to wait a couple months for pro's to do this TV. So far I'm happy but I am still deciding on that screen for video games...."

merci manu :wink:
Messages: 10439
Inscription Forum: 13 Mar 2010 15:19
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Message » 02 Mar 2012 12:55

La différence de luminosité entre les deux est énorme !
Messages: 4259
Inscription Forum: 10 Jan 2005 9:54
Localisation: Bruxelles
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Message » 02 Mar 2012 12:57

fouche a écrit:La différence de luminosité entre les deux est énorme !

alors fouche tu va craquer pour un pana ? :wink:
Messages: 10439
Inscription Forum: 13 Mar 2010 15:19
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Message » 02 Mar 2012 13:07

Probablement pas cette année. Et toujours l'éternel problème de la non disponibilité d'un intermédiaire entre 55" et 65" :roll:
Messages: 4259
Inscription Forum: 10 Jan 2005 9:54
Localisation: Bruxelles
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Message » 02 Mar 2012 13:21

fouche a écrit:Probablement pas cette année. Et toujours l'éternel problème de la non disponibilité d'un intermédiaire entre 55" et 65" :roll:

bah si ya un 60ST50 qui à l'air pas mal :wink:
Messages: 10439
Inscription Forum: 13 Mar 2010 15:19
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Message » 02 Mar 2012 13:40

Pas vu de 60" dans les gammes ST50 ou VT50 pour l'intant.
Messages: 4259
Inscription Forum: 10 Jan 2005 9:54
Localisation: Bruxelles
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Message » 02 Mar 2012 13:44

fouche a écrit:Pas vu de 60" dans les gammes ST50 ou VT50 pour l'intant.

pas le VT50 mais le 60ST50 "devrait" sortir en france :wink:
Messages: 10439
Inscription Forum: 13 Mar 2010 15:19
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Message » 02 Mar 2012 13:50

Pana a pas intérêt a déconner en Europe avec le ST50 (comme avec le sucrage de tout les réglages du ST30 sur le modele Euro) Deja que l'absence du GT50 est juste incompréhensible :cry: :lol:.

Sinon comme chaque année on va attendre quelques semaines mois pour avoir des avis avec un peu de recul. car chaque année il n'y a plus de buzz, il n'y a plus de probleme :D. Sinon le ST50 a une tete correct je trouve.
Messages: 1283
Inscription Forum: 11 Aoû 2008 11:10
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Message » 02 Mar 2012 14:06

1er retour d'un UT et comparo avec un ST30 :

quelques extraits
I got the 50" UT50 in today and posted my review and pictures of it in comparison to the 55" ST30 over at ....another forum. Here's what i said.

Okay, so far my overall impression of the UT50 are pretty positive. One thing that I think we'll all appreciate is that I HAVE NOT SEEN LINE BLEEDING! I watched for it in a lot of our content and then hooked up a bluray player and waited for the famous green screen "The Following preview has been approved..." line bleed and did not see any. I even cycled through all picture modes including cinema and did not see it!

...I will say the ut50 is noticeably bright for a plasma. It reminds me of the brightness of samsungs PND7000...

...When I put the d530 into "movie" mode and that panasonic in cinema the brightness was pretty close, with the panny winning with certain content playing...

...Overall the panel itself is a slightly darker on the ut50 vs the D530 giving a less washed out appearance even though neither have any filters on the screen so it will be easy to expect a lower MLL on the UT50. The panny also just seemed sharper and clearer than the samsung when comparing each mode between eachother even w/ motion smoother on/off....

UPDATE: UT50 vs ST30
Overall, the UT50 is definitely noticeably brighter over the ST30... Colors also looked a little more accurate on the ut50 over the ST30...

I have very high hopes for the higher end series after seeing how impressive the UT50 is!

Messages: 10439
Inscription Forum: 13 Mar 2010 15:19
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Message » 02 Mar 2012 14:09

quelques photos

The Box


ST30 Louvre Filter vs UT50 No Filter


No Line Bleed






Messages: 10439
Inscription Forum: 13 Mar 2010 15:19
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Message » 02 Mar 2012 15:44

Le blanc est ...... blanc !!!! La luminosité a été autre qu'amélioré là !!! Trop peut etre :ko:
Messages: 926
Inscription Forum: 01 Oct 2007 18:19
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Message » 02 Mar 2012 16:28


Voulant changer de télé depuis fin 2011, on m'a conseillé la gamme VT30. Ce conseil m'a poussé à lire des articles sur ces produits, c'est donc comme cela que j'ai connu le forum que je lis régulièrement depuis plus d'un mois.

Mon choix s'orientait sur la nouvelle gamme GT50, mais vu que l'Europe n'a pas la chance de voir ces modèles, je me demandai si le ST50 de 2012 était au même niveau que le VT30 de 2011 ?

Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.
Messages: 1
Inscription Forum: 02 Mar 2012 16:19
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Message » 02 Mar 2012 18:36

Merci realzven pour les photos ;)
Messages: 16046
Inscription Forum: 23 Mai 2005 18:28
Localisation: Paris, France
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