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[EP_3D] SHARP PRO-60/70X5FD-FULL LED 3D Local Dimming
- Messages: 4452
- Inscription Forum: 04 Oct 2007 18:15
Dimensions du 60/70" en 1ere page 

- Messages: 4452
- Inscription Forum: 04 Oct 2007 18:15
Dernière édition par HYMER DAXTER le 12 Aoû 2011 19:56, édité 1 fois.
- Messages: 4452
- Inscription Forum: 04 Oct 2007 18:15
Vont se marrer les livreurs.
Edit : han grillé, ça m'apprendra à peaufiner mes liens =)
Edit2 : Tricheur !
Edit : han grillé, ça m'apprendra à peaufiner mes liens =)
Edit2 : Tricheur !

Dernière édition par Orso le 12 Aoû 2011 20:30, édité 1 fois.
- Orso
- Messages: 848
- Inscription Forum: 04 Aoû 2010 19:21
en tout cas le design n'est pas pour me déplaire
- hydrosaure
- Messages: 6050
- Inscription Forum: 12 Sep 2005 14:49
- Localisation: Strasbourg
- "HI everyone,
Zone count: 23x13, as best we can tell from running the PC mouse test. That yields 299 discrete zones.
Kevin was absolutely right: this thing has the best color properties I have ever seen (plasma or LCD), an out-of-the-box RGB balance that is shockingly good, an out-of-the-box gamma that needs a bit of tweaking, but is very strong, motion resolution that is the best I've seen on any LCD so far (but plasma still trumps it here for sure), black levels that I just don't believe, picture adjustment controls a-go-go (and they all work, as best I can tell), and what look like very minimal halo/blooming (I don't want to swear to that until I do more testing). If I had the money for one of these things, I think I'd buy it.
More tomorrow. It's late here.
- Messages: 4452
- Inscription Forum: 04 Oct 2007 18:15
C'est à espérer au prix de bête...
- fouche
- Messages: 4259
- Inscription Forum: 10 Jan 2005 9:54
- Localisation: Bruxelles
fouche a écrit:C'est à espérer au prix de bête...
Ouaih et puis franchement ils auraient pu ajouter de série un GPS et des jantes alliages.
- Orso
- Messages: 848
- Inscription Forum: 04 Aoû 2010 19:21
- "I'll say a lot more tomorrow when I write up my report, but for now I'll say this:
The RGB balance is almost perfect right out of the box in THX Movie mode.
Ditto for the colors.
Optimizing contrast and brightness so as to minimize clipping only involved moving one or two clicks from the defaults.
The only thing that visually jumped out at me as needing correction was the gamma, which was too bright and not quite as smooth as calibrators like. All the same, it was the best OOB gamma I've seen since, well -- since the you-know-whats.
Good calibration will always improve the picture on any TV, but that Elite was good enough out of the box that all but the really fussy videophiles (like me) should be happy just to put the thing in Movie THX mode and call it a day. This is the only TV I have ever seen about which I am remotely willing to say that, mind you.
- Messages: 4452
- Inscription Forum: 04 Oct 2007 18:15
Salut Urga.Oui,ces menus ressemblent vraiment au G9
...D'ailleurs,quand je repense à mon 6090H...si ces escrocs de chez ....(non je vais pas les citer) ne m'auraient pas refourgué une dalle "brûlée" dixit le technicien pio...je l'aurais encore ce kuro et je serais pas en train de me prendre la tête à chercher la perle rare.

- Messages: 4452
- Inscription Forum: 04 Oct 2007 18:15