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Dune HDCenter/Dune BDPrime, BD, MKV, ISO BD- part2

Message » 06 Mar 2010 23:37

Franchement çà fait plaisir, on voit qu'ils continuent à peaufiner leur FW pour aboutir vers un produit vraiment fini,

enfin les sous-titres directement dans les MT2S et l'autoframerate pour les BDs / DVDs galettes et Iso ou structures, çà aura mis le temps quand même :roll:
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Inscription Forum: 17 Déc 2004 15:47
Localisation: Migration dans le Calva
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Message » 07 Mar 2010 1:31

Pour les sous-titres je préfère qu'il puisse bouger et colorier les sous titres des BRD galette et ISO ;)
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Message » 07 Mar 2010 13:55

Sur quoi régler vous le mode vidéo lorsque vous visionnez un ISO blue ray?
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Message » 07 Mar 2010 16:53


95 % des Blurays sont conçus comme çà...

Mais certains Bluray sont en 24p (Studio Canal par exemple...)

Messages: 8948
Inscription Forum: 15 Mai 2006 23:12
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Message » 07 Mar 2010 18:42

Merci :D
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Message » 07 Mar 2010 18:56

De toute façon avec le prochain firmware, le pb ne se posera plus, puisque tout automatisé pour tout.

TEX :wink:
Messages: 6542
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Message » 07 Mar 2010 22:15

L'alim interne de ma Dune BD Prime V1 vient de lâcher :o J'ai beau essayer avec des câbles qui fonctionnent sur d'autres appareils : Ma Dune ne s'allume plus...

J'ai écris un mail à Moovika pour savoir si je peux en commander une vue que la garantie vient juste de passer...

Ca valait bien la peine de la brancher sur une multiprise anti foudre :roll:

Messages: 8948
Inscription Forum: 15 Mai 2006 23:12
Localisation: Loin ;)
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Message » 07 Mar 2010 22:16

L'alim interne de ma Dune BD Prime V1 vient de lâcher :o J'ai beau essayer avec des câbles qui fonctionnent sur d'autres appareils : Ma Dune ne s'allume plus...

J'ai écris un mail à Moovika pour savoir si je peux en commander une vue que la garantie vient juste de passer...

Ca valait bien la peine de la brancher sur une multiprise anti foudre :roll:

Messages: 8948
Inscription Forum: 15 Mai 2006 23:12
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Message » 08 Mar 2010 8:47

la nouvelle beta est en ligne .Et tous ce qui était annoncé est bien la :D

Changes since "091229_1411_beta:

NOTE: This firmware version includes quite a lot of internal code changes,
and, despite a lot of preliminary testing performed, there are good chances
that some functions may not function correctly under specific
circumstances. The most probable areas where things may be broken are:
- File browser (working with network shares, "dune_folder.txt"
mechanism, and any other file browser features).
- File playback.
- DVD and BD playback (especially when autoframerate is switched on).
- USB WiFi.

- Improvements for autoframerate:

- Implemented autoframerate also for DVD-Video and Blu-ray content (in
addition to autoframerate previously supported for files only).
- Supported for both optical discs and disc images.
- For DVD-Video, supports switching between 50 and 59.94 framerates
(no support for switching to 23.976 on NTSC pulldown content).
- For Blu-ray, supports all framerates (including 24p).
- If a disc constists of multiple fragments with different
framerates, framerate switching is automatically performed also
when switching between disc fragments.

- Improvements for HDMI output:

- Added a new Setup option (Video / Advanced / HDMI color depth)
allowing to switch between 8-bit / 10-bit / 12-bit HDMI output signal.
8-bit is now used by default to ensure the best compatibility with
various HDMI equipment and cables (this solves the problems with noise
on HDMI output).

- Added a new Setup Option (Video / Advanced / HDMI CEC) allowing to
enable/disable HDMI CEC. HDMI CEC is now disabled by default to ensure
the best compatibility with various HDMI equipment (this solves the
problems such as unneeded messages shown by TV on HDMI
reinitialization, wrong switching of HDMI input, etc).

- Bugfix: The setting "HDMI audio = off" could cause severe problems with
HDMI output (such as wrong picture/colors, no picture at all). Now, these
problems are fixed. NOTE: For file and DVD playback, using this setting
still, as before, may enable DVI output mode for HDMI output (with RGB
colorspace) instead of HDMI-native output mode (with YUV colorspace),
that may have some effects on the picture, depending on a particular used
equipment; this issue will be addressed in future firmware versions.

- Bugfix: Blu-ray playback could hangup when disconnecting/reconnecting
HDMI cable, switching off/on the attached HDMI equipment, or switching
HDMI input on the attached HDMI equipment.

- Improvements for subtitles support:

- Added support for PGS (Blu-ray) subtitles in M2TS/TS files. It is now
possible to use Blu-ray subtitles not only playing full BD-images, but
also when playing individual M2TS files.

- Added support for external subtitles in SUB/IDX format.

- Added support for UTF-16 encoding in SRT and SUB (MicroDVD) external
subtitle files.

- Improvements for USB WiFi support:

- Upgraded WiFi driver for RALink RT2870/RT2770 chipsets to the latest
available version, and allowed the use of all USB WiFi devices
supported by this driver (66 USB-IDs in total).

- See here for more details on the
supported USB hardware.

- Improvements for working with network shares:

- Added a new function "Add to Main Screen" for SMB shares in SMB
browser. Allows to easily add a new network folder corresponding to a
SMB share to the main screen. NOTE: Supported for the SMB shares only,
not supported for other items in SMB browser (SMB workgroups, SMB
servers, or folders inside SMB shares).

- Implemented a better scanning for available SMB workgroups and hosts
in SMB browser. Now, there are more chances that SMB resources are
found immediately, w/o the need to wait or restart network components.
(This should fix the problems such as certain SMB workgroups sometimes
visible, and sometimes not visible.)

- In SMB browser, all printer shares are now excluded from the list of
SMB shares (previously, some printer shares could be shown).

- Added showing drive information (total/used/available space) in the
"Information" dialog for network shares (the network share should be
in the "connected" state).

- Added a possibility to explicitly "disconnect" (i.e. unmount) a
mounted NFS or SMB share. Press INFO on a connected network folder, or
on a connected SMB share in SMB browser, and then choose "Disconnect".

- Bugfix: Iw was impossible to access SMB shares on a SMB server after
deleting some files from another SMB share on the same SMB server.

- The Setup option "Fast SMB Access" (introduced in the previous beta
firmware versions) is now disabled by default (since some users
reports problems when using this options with some SMB servers).
- NOTE: When upgrading to this firmware version from one of two
previous beta firmware versions, the value of this option is kept.
If you experience any problems with SMB access from the player,
please manually disable this option.

- Improvements for bookmarks:

- Reenabled support for bookmarks when using playlists (the initial
version of such a support introduced in 091211_1311_beta was disabled
in 091229_1411_beta, and now a more reasonable implementation is
- When starting playing a playlist (e.g. by presssing PLAY button on a
file in a folder containing several files), the bookmark is
checked/used for the initial file in the playlist.
- When stopping playing a playlist, the bookmark is saved for the
current file in the playlist (so, by pressing PLAY on this file, the
playback can be later resumed from the saved bookmark).
- When switching between files in the playlist, bookmarks are neither
checked/used nor saved (as in the previous firmware version).
- The Setup options for disabling autoresume for video/audio files
influence both individual files and playlists.

- Improvements for IPTV support:

- Added support for viewing the list of audiotracks and switching
between them when watching IPTV (multicast UDP) channels.

- Added online firmware check/upgrade function:

- A new Setup section "Miscellaneous / Firmware Upgrade" allows to
conveniently check for the presence of new firmware version directly
from the player, and, if a new version is available, automatically
download and install it (w/o the need to use a PC to download the
firmware upgrade file).

- Also, if the player is connected to Internet, the player periodically
automatically checks for the new firmware updates, and when one
becomes available, informs the user about it and proposes to
download/install it.

- System Storage or any other attached storage can be used as a
temporary location to download a firmware from Internet; if no
writable storage with enough free space is found, the user is prompted
to attach one.

- When downloading a firmware from Internet, progress is indicated, and
a possibility to stop/cancel the download is provided.

- Advanced users can fine-tune various online upgrade settings via Setup
menu: enable/disable checking for non-stable (beta) versions,
enable/disable automatic checking.

- "dune_folder.txt" mechanism improvements:

- Added support for "smb://...", "nfs://...", and "network_folder://..."
media_url values, allowing to reference media content on SMB and NFS
network shares.
- Syntax:
- "smb://[user[:password]@]host/share/path"
- "user" and "password" are optional.
- "host" can be IP-address, DNS-name, or SMB-name of SMB server.
- "share" is SMB share name.
- Example: "smb://"
- "nfs://host[:/export-path]:/path"
- "host" can be IP-address or DNS-name of NFS server.
- "export-path" is optional; when omitted, the player tries to
automatically deduce it from the specified "path" (by
analyzing all NFS-exports of the NFS-server). For better
performance and correct working, it is recommended to always
explicitly specify "export-path".
- Example (w/o explicitly specified "export-path"):
- Example (with explicitly specified "export-path"):
- "network_folder://network-folder-name/path"
- "network-folder-name" is the name of network folder
econfigured in the player.
- Example: "network_folder://MYSHARE/folder/file1.avi"
- So, it is now possible to use "dune_folder.txt" to organize links
(e.g. Media Collection Indexes) pointing not only to any locally
attached storage devices, but also to any network resources
accessible via NFS or SMB.
- Network URLs are supported for all kinds of content: regular media
files (video, audio, photo), DVD-images (VIDEO_TS, ISO), BD-Images
- Such network URLs are also supported in playlist files (M3U, PLS).
- The network shares are automounted by the player on-the-fly as
needed; when using "smb://" and "nfs://" URLs, there is no need to
manually configure the corresponding network folders.
- When playing a playlist consisting of items pointing to different
network shares, the player automatically unmounts/mounts network
shares as needed (in particular, it correctly unmounts a SMB share
before accessing another SMB share pointing to the same SMB server,
in order to avoid the limitation that Linux kernel can not work
with multiple SMB shares of the same SMB server simultanesouly).

- Added the following new "dune_folder.txt" parameters:

- "system_files = {pattern1}[,{pattern2}...]".
- Allows to specify which files should be treated as system and
thus hidden (when "Hide system files = Yes" option is enabled in
- Each "pattern" can be the exact name of file/folder, or a
pattern including wildcards ("*" means any sequence of
characters, "?" means any single character).

- "media_url_check = (yes|no)" (default is "no").
- Allows to specify whether the player should try to check if the
"media_url" is valid and points to an existing file when
painting the item corresponding to this media folder, and also
determine a suitable icon to show (e.g. video file, audio file);
if the "media_url" is not valid, the item is painted in the
"dimmed" way. Such a check may reduce browsing performance, so
it is now disabled by default, and this new parameter allows to
reenable it.

- Added support for specifying "dune_folder.txt" parameters which affect
not just the current folder, but also subfolders.
- This allows to provide custom look for the entire folder
hieararchies (e.g. all folders on a HDD) just by creating a single
"dune_folder.txt" file in the root of the folder hierarchy.
- Almost any "dune_folder.txt" parameter can now be prefixed in the
following way:
- "direct_children.{parameter} = {value}"
- "level2_children.{parameter} = {value}"
- "all_children.{parameter} = {value}"
- When "{value}" is a relative path to some file, the following
syntax can be used to specify how the relative path should be
- "rel_path://{relative-path}": treat path relatively to each
particular subfolder (default).
- "cur_path://{relative-path}": treat path relatively to the
parent folder (i.e. the folder where "dune_folder.txt" file is

- Other improvements and bugfixes:

- Improvement: Windows 7 Recycle Bin folder is considered to be system
file and is hidden by default.

- Minor improvement for the "Hard Disk" icon.

- Improved progress indication when preparing to play and building large

- Bugfix: Audio could be absent when playing specific TS files.

- Bugfix: When accessing Dune from a Windows PC via SMB, "dir" command in
Windows shell could work wrongly (filename case sensitivity problem; now
Dune's SMB server treats all filenames w/o case sensitivity).

- Bugfix: Photo viewer could hang up in specific rare cases.

- Bugfix: Optical disc eject was wrongly allowed when running file read
test on a file located on the optical disc.

- Bugfix: JPEG images (assigned via dune_folder.txt) could be displayed
wrongly in the right panel of the file browser (when using "Extended
List" view mode).

- Bugfix: screensaver could become non-functioning after using photo

- Added Thai characters into fonts (adds support for Thai language in
filenames and subtitles).

- Added more menu languages: Greek, Danish, Czech. Some other languages
calimero 28
Messages: 1738
Inscription Forum: 31 Juil 2006 18:32
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Message » 08 Mar 2010 10:35

Yes Yes Yes.

Bon va falloir que je l'install celle là ;)
Messages: 46287
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Message » 08 Mar 2010 13:18

>- Improvement: Windows 7 Recycle Bin folder is considered to be system
>file and is hidden by default.

Messages: 2533
Inscription Forum: 18 Nov 2003 18:50
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Message » 08 Mar 2010 13:52

rann a écrit:Juste une petite info
que se passe t il sur l'image entre le 50Hz et le 24Hz et pourquoi préférer le 24?

costaud a écrit:on préfère le 24Hz (23.976) car les film HD (BD) sont encodés à cette fréquence , voilà pourquoi il faut régler sa platine à cette valeur pour lire de la HD.
Après EUROPA sort du 24 pour ses BD , et quelques 50 trainent par là aussi :wink:

Excusez de revenir la dessus, je ne vois pas de différence, dois je consulter???

rann a écrit:Merci pour l'info
Comment connaître la fréquence d'encodage d'un BR ou d'un DVD?

djoole a écrit:mediainfo !

On doit trouver sur la jacquette non ??? remarque faut une loupe :mdr:

Je récapitule
PAL 50
95% des BR en 23,976
Quelques BR en 24P bon ca veut dire 24Hz progressif mais quelle différence avec le 23,976,Hz a part la différence arithmétique après la virgule ??
J'ai vu des BR en 1080i, j'avoue pourquoi font ils ça , pour nous emmerder ???

J'anticipe le merci pour votre patience et surtout de votre clémence

La configuration dans mon profil

Et je regardai, et je vis apparaitre un cheval couleur pale, et son cavalier se nommait la Mort, et l'enfer le suivait...Bigre c'est terrifiant tout çà !!
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Membre HCFR
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Message » 08 Mar 2010 14:32

rann a écrit:
rann a écrit:Juste une petite info
que se passe t il sur l'image entre le 50Hz et le 24Hz et pourquoi préférer le 24?

costaud a écrit:on préfère le 24Hz (23.976) car les film HD (BD) sont encodés à cette fréquence , voilà pourquoi il faut régler sa platine à cette valeur pour lire de la HD.
Après EUROPA sort du 24 pour ses BD , et quelques 50 trainent par là aussi :wink:

Excusez de revenir la dessus, je ne vois pas de différence, dois je consulter???

rann a écrit:Merci pour l'info
Comment connaître la fréquence d'encodage d'un BR ou d'un DVD?

djoole a écrit:mediainfo !

On doit trouver sur la jacquette non ??? remarque faut une loupe :mdr:

Je récapitule
PAL 50
95% des BR en 23,976
Quelques BR en 24P bon ca veut dire 24Hz progressif mais quelle différence avec le 23,976,Hz a part la différence arithmétique après la virgule ??
J'ai vu des BR en 1080i, j'avoue pourquoi font ils ça , pour nous emmerder ???

J'anticipe le merci pour votre patience et surtout de votre clémence

si tu ne vois pas de différence entre 23.976 et 24 , oui tu peux consulter :wink: , périodiquement tu as une saccade , ou alors ton diffuseur ne gère pas le 24p :wink:
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Message » 08 Mar 2010 14:37

JcB84 a écrit:>- Improvement: Windows 7 Recycle Bin folder is considered to be system
>file and is hidden by default.


Et ça fonctionne parfaitement. Mes menus s'affichent désormais parfaitement sans ce foutu fichier qui venait tout décaler.

La configuration dans mon profil

HC: JBL Pro, JVC NZ7, Marantz 7706, Zidoo Z1000pro, Pana UB9000
HIFI: JBL Array 1400, Marantz PM14S1 SE
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Message » 08 Mar 2010 18:29

J'espère que ça sera le cas aussi pour vista 64 bits
Messages: 6542
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