des infos à propos des saves de ME1 dans ME2 ( ... highlight=)
The major things that will matter in terms of your import playthrough are:
- The choices you made in dialog your last playthrough - this has the biggest impact by far. I can not emphesize this last point enough.
- Your level
- Your achievements, to a limited extent. For example, the rich achivement is a good one to have. You must have finished the game after you acquired the achievement to get the benefit on your imported character.
We didn't want to make it so you'd have to create some kind of maxed out character in ME1 to achieve the most powerful character in ME2, with that said, an imported ME1 character will have small permanent advantages over a brand new ME2 character.
I don't want to over emphesize these advantages though. If you are obsessed with min maxing and want to be as powerful as is possible at the end of ME2, importing a level 60 character from an account with all ME1 achievements is the safest bet.
For most people, just importing any character who made choices you're interested in having carry over is the way to go.
donc si je comprends bien, l'importance c'est de choisir une save avec des choix qui nous intéresse. Le niveau aura un impact mais pas important dans ME2. Donc je suis dans la merde vu que j'ai fait un premier tour à fond et un deuxième en rushant. Quelle save devrais-je choisir ??? Celle avec plein de choix mais un faible level, ou celle avec un gros level mais peu de choix ? (vu qu'ils prennent en compte TOUS les choix...)