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Calibration Device Not Recognized

Message » 15 Fév 2009 0:03

Please pardon me for not being able to speak French and I hope I am posting this message to the correct forum. :)

After installing ColorHCFR (latest version), I manually copied the "EyeOne.dll" file from \Program Files\X-Rite\i1Diagnostics to \Program Files\ColorHCFR\ and it is the latest "EyeOne.dll" file version dated June 26, 2007. When starting a new file and the screen appears and ask me to choose a sensor, I choose "Eye One" (no "Eye One Pro" selection is available). When I click the green arrow to start continuous measurement, I get an error reading "Eyeone.dll returned an error during initialization. Device not connected." I then click OK and get another box that says "Error during initialization." Can anyone please help me troubleshoot this?

The Eye One Pro is recognized by Windows Vista SP1 and calibrates correctly in the iMatch monitor calibration software as well as in the ProfileMaker Pro software, so it seems to be operating correctly.

I also have an Eye One Display (version 1). If I use that instead of the Eye One Pro, it the ColorHCFR software operates correctly.

I see a number of posts referencing the use of the Eye One Pro with the ColorHCFR software, so it must work for many people. Thanks for any help you can provide!
Messages: 2
Inscription Forum: 14 Fév 2009 23:07
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Message » 15 Fév 2009 17:45

In case others have this problem, "RayJr" gave me the following information that allowed the device to work:

Start the program and choose i1......when program is running...before you hit the green arrow.....go to the function bar menu choose "Measures > Sensor > Configure" In the Eye One tab under Configuration > Calibartion Mode.... set the version of Eye One being used by choosing Eye One Pro from the drop down box.
Messages: 2
Inscription Forum: 14 Fév 2009 23:07
  • offline

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