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Lecture BD sous zoom player

Message » 23 Mai 2008 20:29


Utilisant depuis longtemps Zoomplayer, j'ai installé PowerDVD 7.3 et j'ai cherché à lire des BlueRay via ZP : échec!
j'aibien sélectionné les décodeurs powerdvd , mais rien...

Quelqu'un a-t-il tenté ... et réussi?

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Inscription Forum: 01 Juin 2003 11:16
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Message » 24 Mai 2008 0:55

Guide: How to get perfect HDDVD, BluRay, H264 and mpeg2 HDTV and MKV Playback (with DXVA).

Two reasons why I wrote this guide:

1. I hate using multiple Players.
2. I hate Power DVD.

With this guide you only need 1 player and you won't need to change any settings, once everything has been set up.

Needed Software:

1. An Installation of Power DVD - preferably Version 8
2. installed CoreAVC
3. installed Haali Media Splitter (Run Zoom Player's install center after the installation to download the newest version)
4. Zoom Player 6 RC1
5. installed Sonic HDDVD Decoders
6. optional: AC3Filter

What we are going to do is create different Playback Profiles, using Zoom Player's Smart Play feature.
After this, BluRays will be decoded using the h264/AVC Decoder from Cyberlink (with DXVA), HDDVDs generally with the Sonic
Decoders (I don't know if they use DXVA), Mpeg2 Content with the Cyberlink Mpeg2 Decoder (DXVA) and x264 encoded Media with CoreAVC,
all without having to change anything before or after playing back a file. Zoom Player will automatically apply the desired Filter
Chain for each Material. Note that this will even work for the few HDDVDs which are encoded in AVC, in that case
the file will automatically be decoded with the CoreAVC Decoder. I would like to use the Cyberlink h264/AVC Decoder
for these as well, but unfortunately there are issues with some AVC HDDVDs when they are splitted by Haali and
decoded with the Cyberlink H264/AVC Decoder - e.g. Transformers will be played back @60fps with the Cyberlink
Decoder. CoreAVC has been able to decode all my AVC HDDVDs properly so far.

Getting started:

After installing and registering Zoom Player, you need to right click anywhere in the window and select "Options".
Then, select "Switch to advanced Mode".
Navigate to Smart Play. Then tick the box "enable Smart Play".
Now click on the right most tab labled "Audio & Video Decoders".

In the Audio Column, double click on the AC3 entry and select the Sonic Audio decoder from the selection box.
For the "DTS" and "DTS in container" entries I recommend using AC3 Filter, but you could use Cyberlinks Audio
Decoder for DTS and Dscaler for DTS in Container as well. There are a lot of other alternatives, but AC3Filter and
these 2 tend to work best.

Now, in the Video Column, create two new profiles by hitting the "New" Button. I suggest naming them HDDVD and BluRay.
Now, double click on your BluRay profile. On the bottom of the newly opened window, select "Advanced" (the button is right
besides the Cancel Button).

Now select the "Add Sub-Type" Button and enter (copy and paste)
Press OK and add another Sub Type:
Press OK

The box should display two newly added subtypes: FourCC H264 and FourCC AVC1

In the middle of the window are two smaller boxes,
on the left: Restrict to these File Extensions
on the right: Ignore these File Extensions

For the left box, click on "Add Extension" and enter m2ts and click OK.

Now, above said box, you can add a Filter which will be used to decode a H264 or AVC1 encoded Videostream in a m2ts container file.
This is what we specified in the lower half of the screen. So, Click on "Add Filter" and navigate to the Cyberlink H.264/AVC Decoder.

On the Top Right Side are the Profile Managment Buttons. Select "Save a new Profile" and enter a name - I suggest Cyberlink.
Click on "Update selected profile" to save all your entries - make sure the Cyberlink entry is highlighted when doing this.
After this, Close the BluRay Profile Window with the OK Button on the Bottom Right of the Window. You can check my screenshot if
anything hasn't been clear from the text explanation.

We will now do the same for the HDDVD Profile, so open up the configuration window by double clicking on the HDDVD entry in the right
Like before, add a sub-type to your profile by clicking on the Add Sub-Type Button and enter:

Restrict this profile to the EVO and EVOB extension and Ignore the m2ts extension.

Add the Sonic Cinemaster Video Decoder Filter to your profile and Save it under the name "Sonic". Then click on update selected profile.
Again, see my Screenshot for reference.

On another note, you can use the Windows Media Video DMO Decoder as well for this, but I find the Sonic Filter delievers superior Quality.
You can do this by removing the Sonic Filter from the "Decoding Filter(s)" Box and adding the Windows Media Filter (it is at the bottom of
the scrolling box after you select "add filter"). Then Save this under WMV and click on update selected profile. The Sonic Filter profile
is unaffected by this, you can switch with one mouseclick between profiles, if you want to. The bottom Half of the screen remains the
same as well (Sub Types and Extensions).

Now you need to double click the H264 Profile in the Video Decoders Column that comes bundled with Zoom Player and make some adjustments there:
You will notice that the CoreAVC Decoder has a predefined Profile, so just select it in the top most box.
Restrict to the following Extensions: EVO EVOB MKV X264
Ignore the m2ts Extension - this is important because if you do not do this, your Blurays will be decoded by CoreAVC.

Leave the sub types alone and close the dialogue box with OK.

Now open the MPEG2 Transport Profile that comes with Zoom Player. There, you will see that Zoom Player already has a Cyberlink Profile, but you
may need to remove the entry under "Decoding Filters" and manually Add the Version of your Cyberlink Installation. Do this by selecting one
of the two "Cyberlink Video/SP Decoder" entries in the top most box and remove the entry in the "Decoding Filter(s)" Box. Then Add the proper
Cyberlink Video/SP Decoder from your installed version by using the "Add filter" Button. Power DVD 8 has a great mpeg 2 Decoder by the way.
If you are using an ATI Card, you can install the ATI Avivo package from their site and create an ATI Profile and use the ATI Mpeg Video Decoder.
It works great with the old Mpeg2 Discussions. Whatever you decide, do not forget to highlight any profile you change and click once on the "Update
Selected Profile Button to save any changes you made to the Profile.

The last thing you need to do is, select the Windows Media Video Profile from the Vide Decoders Column and double click it.
There, remove the FourCC: WVC1 Sub-Type. We have this sub type covered in our HDDVD profile. Also, ignore the EVO and EVOB File

Okay, that's it. You can play back your BluRays or HDDVDs by simply adding the corresponding EVO and m2ts Files to Zoom Player's Playlist. You can switch
between Audio and Subtile Streams by right clicking the Haali Media Splitter icon in your tasktray during playback.

On a side note, if a BluRay is encoded with Mpeg2 you need to rename the Main Movie File (the largest m2ts file) to "<Filename>.m2t"
This is necessary so that Zoom Player will use the specified Mpeg2 Transport Stream decoder instead of trying to load our AVC Decoding
chain which would cause Zoom Player to use Direct Show Filters by the Windows Merit System instead of the Smart Play Feature.

The other thing I haven't mentioned in this guide, is the option to use different Renderers for each profile. If you look at my sceenshots, you can see
that I use the VMR9 Renderless Renderer in my profiles. You need to find out what looks best on your system, just keep in mind that you can select a
Video Renderer for Zoom Player to use under the "Video & Subtitles" entry. There you can also specify a lot of other Tweaks, like VMR9 Renderless with
exclusive fullscreen for instance. With the VMR9 Renderers, you can also try enabling seamless playback (Interface -> Playlist) but this does not work
for me at the moment. It has worked in older versions but since Version 5 it has been broken, maybe it will work again in the final Version 6.
Messages: 2399
Inscription Forum: 19 Juin 2000 2:00
Localisation: Paris
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Message » 24 Mai 2008 8:22

Bon, ben... çà a l'air simple tout çà :D :o Je m'y attèle tout de même! Merci pour ta réponse :wink:
Messages: 774
Inscription Forum: 01 Juin 2003 11:16
Localisation: yvelines
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Message » 31 Mai 2008 15:17

J'ai suivi les explications... et pas de résultat... :-?

Now select the "Add Sub-Type" Button and enter (copy and paste)
Press OK and add another Sub Type:
Press OK

The box should display two newly added subtypes: FourCC H264 and FourCC AVC1

===> c'est à ce niveau que ça coince! : pas d'affichage FourCC H264 and FourCC AVC1 dans la "box"

j'ai poursuivi l'installation , mais sans résultats

aurais-tu le lien vers le site où tu as récupéré cette page stp?
Messages: 774
Inscription Forum: 01 Juin 2003 11:16
Localisation: yvelines
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Message » 01 Juin 2008 15:13

J'ai suivi les instructions et cela marche sans problèmes chez moi sous xp avec zp6.
Attention cela ne fonctionne pas visiblement avec les pistes true hd, j'ai essayé sur quelques BR et le haali splitter ne voit pas les pistes true HD mais aucun pb avec les pistes pcm.
Messages: 2399
Inscription Forum: 19 Juin 2000 2:00
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Message » 16 Juin 2008 21:28

j'ai fini par faire fonctionner le bidulle... mais finalement, compte tenu des restrictions (que tu signales, entre autres) , je laisse tomber ZP.

J'ai trouvé bien mieux , polyvalent , et tout et tout : KMPlayer !!!!!!!!!!! génial un peu complexe en approche , mais finalement, il fait tout.

Je me demande désormais comment certains peuvent s'enquiquiner avec PowerDVD et autres............ (mais j'en ai fait partie!)

Vive KMPlayer pour lecteure des BluRay et DVD
Messages: 774
Inscription Forum: 01 Juin 2003 11:16
Localisation: yvelines
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Message » 16 Juin 2008 22:02

zorros a écrit:Je me demande désormais comment certains peuvent s'enquiquiner avec PowerDVD et autres............ (mais j'en ai fait partie!)

:D ben quand je vois la galère pour lire un BD avec les autres , je préfère encore PowerDVD , Windvd ou TMT , tu mets le BD et hop... 8)
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Message » 16 Juin 2008 22:23

zorros a écrit:j'ai fini par faire fonctionner le bidulle... mais finalement, compte tenu des restrictions (que tu signales, entre autres) , je laisse tomber ZP.

J'ai trouvé bien mieux , polyvalent , et tout et tout : KMPlayer !!!!!!!!!!! génial un peu complexe en approche , mais finalement, il fait tout.

Je me demande désormais comment certains peuvent s'enquiquiner avec PowerDVD et autres............ (mais j'en ai fait partie!)

Vive KMPlayer pour lecteure des BluRay et DVD

Cela m'intéresse énormément car je trouve aussi KMP ultra puissant, alors que ZP fut mon lecteur préféré :wink:
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Inscription Forum: 24 Aoû 2007 17:34
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Message » 17 Juin 2008 2:04

Même problème avec kmplayer, les pistes true hd ne sont pas vues et cela rame énormement plus qu'avec powerdvd.
Messages: 2399
Inscription Forum: 19 Juin 2000 2:00
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Message » 17 Juin 2008 9:53

si si , ça marche très bien sur toutes les pistes audio :wink: (ex: blade runner ) et le programme se lance beaucoup plus vite que powerdvd ou windvd :o
Messages: 774
Inscription Forum: 01 Juin 2003 11:16
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Message » 17 Juin 2008 11:33

zorros a écrit:si si , ça marche très bien sur toutes les pistes audio :wink: (ex: blade runner ) et le programme se lance beaucoup plus vite que powerdvd ou windvd :o

Un tuto serait le bienvenu :wink:
Bardamu voyage
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Message » 17 Juin 2008 21:05

Bon...ben.... je vais me lancer alors !

je vais l'ouvrir de ce pas!
Messages: 774
Inscription Forum: 01 Juin 2003 11:16
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Message » 17 Aoû 2008 17:51

jubei1 a écrit:Now, in the Video Column, create two new profiles by hitting the "New" Button. I suggest naming them HDDVD and BluRay.

Je reste malheureusement bloqué ici, le bouton "New" restant désespérément grisé et donc inutilisable. :(

Une idée?

Xavier Aupetit
Messages: 143
Inscription Forum: 10 Juil 2004 19:27
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