buss a écrit:Mode d'emploi du DVD-3800BD en français ici.
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22,3 c'est en lbs, 2.2 lbs = 1 kg soit 10,3 kg (quand même) pour la 3800BD.arnuche a écrit:Poids du Denon 3800 = 22,8 kg !
arnuche a écrit:Poids du Denon 3800 = 22,8 kg !
Il décode tous les formats audio mais n'est que profil 1.1. Déjà très bien puisque le 2.0 apporte surtout la connection à internet, rien d'indispensable.
Il lit le divx6 mais pas les Sacd ni les Dvd-audio.
lb is short for libra, which is the latin word for the Roman version of the pound.
The symbol pd is used for per diem, a unit of frequency meaning once per day.
By international convention, lb is a unit of measure and thus does not have a plural. So stricly speaking it is incorrect to write 10 lbs; it should be 10 lb without the 's'. This rule applies to all units of measure as, for example, gram whose symbol is 'g'; you wouldn't write 'gs' for grams.
The word “pound” comes from the Latin word pendere, meaning “to weigh”. The Latin word libra means “scales, balances" and it also describes a Roman unit of mass similar to a pound. This is the origin of the abbreviation “lb” for the pound. The “s” at the end of “lbs” simply denotes the plural form.
arnuche a écrit:Ils mettent 22,8 kg ou 10,3 lbs.
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