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Balance HD-DVD - Blu Ray

Message » 11 Aoû 2006 20:59

Sony annonce que son premier lecteur Blue-Ray ne pourra pas lire les films protégés. ... ion-18695/
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Message » 11 Aoû 2006 23:04

excellent, ils ont vraiment pas envie de le vendre leur BR :-)
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Message » 12 Aoû 2006 8:59

c'est vraiment des tanches chez presence pc, ils traduisent un article et la seule chose qu'ils rajoutent c'est une c.onnerie.
Le lecteur n'est pas AACS compliant, rien a voir avec l'hdcp ...
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Message » 12 Aoû 2006 10:10

Un document qui vient de chez Toshiba.Pour l'impartialité,on repassera. :roll: ... Ray-FR.pdf
USL Devereaux
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Message » 12 Aoû 2006 10:52

Ah oui, effectivement! :roll:
S'ils se plantent, on devra leur ressortir cet article pour voir leur tronche! :lol:
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Message » 12 Aoû 2006 15:27

vairulez a écrit:c'est vraiment des tanches chez presence pc, ils traduisent un article et la seule chose qu'ils rajoutent c'est une c.onnerie.
Le lecteur n'est pas AACS compliant, rien a voir avec l'hdcp ...

Sony officially announced its BWU-100A product at its "Experience More 2006" event in Sydney yesterday, all the while acknowledging that there's significant room for improvement before the product is viable for integration into media centre PCs.

Vincent Bautista, Sony's product manager for data storage, told that due to copy protection issues and lagging software development, the drive will only play user-recorded high-definition content from a digital camcorder, and not commercial movies released under the BD format.

Bautista says that one of two reasons for this is the fact that commercial content is encrypted with High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP), which can only be decrypted using a HDCP-compliant graphics card that offers DVI or HDMI connections. Since there are currently no PCs for sale offering graphics chips that support HDCP, this isn't yet possible
Messages: 10873
Inscription Forum: 16 Mai 2003 22:57
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Message » 12 Aoû 2006 17:43

les 1 ers blu-ray annoncer en france :wink:
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Inscription Forum: 19 Avr 2003 12:55
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Message » 13 Aoû 2006 1:02

Comment Blu-Ray, avec BD+, peut jouer des tours à votre platine ?

Originally Posted by Sony BD+ Security Presentation
From p. 25 of the April 11, 2006 BDA "Overview of BD-ROM Security" internal presentation, delivered at a BDA conference, concerning the "3 phases of BD+ deployment":

Advanced Countermeasure (when basic countermeasure code does not work)

BD+ includes the ability to load native code (code that runs directly on the player’s host process). It is allowed to deploy it only after countermeasure code cannot address the hack.

So, yes, Parsons, chat up the FUT and Basic Countermeasure components of BD+ all you want. Just don't tell us what really happens when a Basic Countermeasure spawned from a BDA-sanctioned Hack Study fails to achieve its goal. The arrogance of this man never ceases to astound me.

EDIT: Just so we're all on the same page here, there is a distinction between co-called BD+ Content Code (which runs in the BD+ VM) and native code. It's a distinction that I first failed to recognize, as I didn't read the BDA documentation very carefully, and was willing to believe the smoke and mirrors. As the BDA will gleefully tell everyone who will listen, "BD+ Content Code works only while Disc with the code is loaded. After its ejection, Player to return to its state before the code is loaded." Alas, Advanced Countermasures don't have anything to do with BD+ Content Code

In other words, Sony Rootkit Part 2. Basically if a Blu-Ray disc detects something it doesn't like and can't get rid of it, it can run native code of its choosing (a la rootkit) on your machine and possibly even permanently disable it. Something good to know if you are on the fence between the two formats - note that HD DVD does not include this "feature." ... p?t=239992






Image ... wsId=17598
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Message » 13 Aoû 2006 8:07

Daigoro a écrit:
vairulez a écrit:c'est vraiment des tanches chez presence pc, ils traduisent un article et la seule chose qu'ils rajoutent c'est une c.onnerie.
Le lecteur n'est pas AACS compliant, rien a voir avec l'hdcp ...

Sony officially announced its BWU-100A product at its "Experience More 2006" event in Sydney yesterday, all the while acknowledging that there's significant room for improvement before the product is viable for integration into media centre PCs.

Vincent Bautista, Sony's product manager for data storage, told that due to copy protection issues and lagging software development, the drive will only play user-recorded high-definition content from a digital camcorder, and not commercial movies released under the BD format.

Bautista says that one of two reasons for this is the fact that commercial content is encrypted with High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP), which can only be decrypted using a HDCP-compliant graphics card that offers DVI or HDMI connections. Since there are currently no PCs for sale offering graphics chips that support HDCP, this isn't yet possible

qd il parle de
copy protection issues and lagging software development
il parle d'AACS ou de BD+ mais pas de HDCP.
HDCP ne concerne que la carte graphique, l'OS et le diffuseur (le lecteur software accessoirement aussi) ...
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Inscription Forum: 03 Fév 2002 2:00
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Message » 14 Aoû 2006 0:41

C'est vraiment un monstre du Loch Ness ce HDCP ... :mdr:
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Message » 14 Aoû 2006 7:36

Et encore, le monstre du Loch Ness, on l'aime bien!
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Message » 15 Aoû 2006 0:59

Article HD-DVD vs Blue-Ray sur DVDrama, ils n'ont pas tester "même si nous avons assisté à quelques démonstrations. Pour faire un rapide résumé, voici ce que tous les internautes avertis ayant pratiqué les deux supports s’accordent tous à dire :"
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Inscription Forum: 22 Mai 2005 13:23
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Message » 15 Aoû 2006 7:54

c'est du déjà vu!...dvdrama est eb retard...on est déjà à des milliers années de lumière de là :wink:
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Message » 21 Aoû 2006 15:03

des graveurs HD DVD en slim par lite on ... dvd-18821/

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Message » 21 Aoû 2006 15:10

sur les ventes des 2 formats: avantage HD DVD?

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Attention, il se peut que ce post comporte des private joke navrantes, des poils de troll, voire des morceaux de boulets. Employé de l'année 2015. Aussi connu comme Admin dada. M'embêtez pas.
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