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Nouveau Firmware et drivers Lynx

Message » 02 Mai 2006 11:23

New driver :

Version 2.0 Build 013i May 1, 2006

1. Unified driver release that includes 32-bit and 64-bit driver.

2. Fixed an issue with the Lynx Mixer about box where an Aurora may be misidentified.

3. Fixed an issue where the driver could not read the serial number on newer cards due to a change in the EEPROM.

+firmware du 18 avril

Enjoy :D
Messages: 1269
Inscription Forum: 20 Juin 2002 20:05
Localisation: Orléans
  • offline

Message » 04 Juin 2006 1:25

Version 2.0 Build 013l May 31, 2006

1. Lynx Mixer now stores Mixer Scenes as files on disk instead of in the Registry. To save a scene, simply select Mixer > Save Scene... (or press CTRL+S), specify the location and name of the file (the .LMS extension will be automatically added) and press Save. To recall a scene, select Mixer > Open Scene... (or press CTRL+O), point to the scene file you wish to recall and press Open. Lynx Mixer keeps track of the 9 most recently used scenes for quick recall. Either select them from the Mixer menu, or use the shortcut key sequence CTRL+#, where # is the number of the file on the Mixer menu. Mixer scenes may also be recalled from Windows Explorer by double-clicking on them; by right-click and selecting Open; or by dragging and dropping the .LMS file onto the Lynx Mixer.

2. Added the ability to change both the left and right Mute or Dither controls together by holding down the SHIFT key while clicking on Mute/Dither. This works for the Record Mute, Record Dither, Output Monitor Source Mute, Output Master Mute and Output Master Dither.

3. Fixed a problem where the Lynx Mixer About Box would not correctly identify the 64-bit kernel driver version (LynxV264.Sys).

4. Fixed a problem that prevented selection of 'Digital In 4' as the 'Preferred Clock Source' on an AES16 or AES16-SRC.

5. LynxTrayVolume now unhooks keys as soon as the 'Active' box is unchecked.
Messages: 1269
Inscription Forum: 20 Juin 2002 20:05
Localisation: Orléans
  • offline

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