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zorros a écrit: A contrario, une date de sortie annoncée proche ralentit fortement la vente des produits en cours ( matrice 1280x720) : il s'agit d'une difficulté de marketing classique.
rlemesle a écrit:Thanks for these informations.
I have the following questions :
- where can we find the official press releases about these new products (HD72, HD7300, HD3000, HD81, ?) ?
- is the HD3000 the external scaler box of the HD81 ? If not, what's the difference between them ?
- will the HD3000 be sold alone ? is it the same as the VX3000 referred on the gennum site ?
- what's the benefits of the RGBCYM wheel since it seem's that only Optoma uses such wheel ?
- does the HD7300 has the same RGBCYM wheel ?
- is the scaler box of the HD81 is the same as the scaler box of the 7300 ?
- is there a version of the HD81 sold without his external scaler box ?
- is there a version of the HD7300 sold without his external scaler box ?
- is there a difference between the projector of the HD7300 "bundle" and the HD72 (one seems to be HD2+DC3 since the other has the new 1280x768 TI chip) ?
- is there any difference between H81, HD81 and H72, HD72 ?
The same post is needed for the other upcoming Optoma products !!!
TzungILin a écrit:
1. Optoma USA web page: here is the link
2. The version HD81 will use is a dedicated-1080p version of HD3000 (slight different H/W and S/W, dedicated for 1080p)
3. HD3000 is the same as VX3000, Optoma USA updates the name to "HD" (I like the original VX better, but that's just me ...) A stand alone scalar box is being considered, please contact Optoma USA for this.
4. We are still investigating various color wheels, so not decided yet.
6. (answered in item 2)
7. No, they are a 2-piece system, sold together only.
8. No.
9. HD7300 uses the 0.8" DC3 DMD, as found in H79, while HD72 is a new, smaller 0.65" WXGA DMD.
10. HD81/H81 and HD72/H72 are the same, they just use HD from 2006 on.
11. I'll try to start a HD7300 and HD72 official discussion link as well.
jat.gab a écrit:
Sauf que là c'est sharp pas optoma![]()
asterix a écrit:jat.gab a écrit:
Sauf que là c'est sharp pas optoma![]()
Regarde plus bas... et tu tomberas là dessus !![]()
TIBUS 69 a écrit:pdf dispo sur le site de cinedream du hd3000 ... hd3000.pdf
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