Type : AMPLI 6 X 133 W reels
Marque : CARVER
Model et options : AV 908 THX
Prix de vente : 900 euros
voir le sujet d'origine: http://www.homecinema-fr.com/forum/view ... highlight=
Département où la marchandise est visible : CAZAUX a coté d'arcachon
Possibilité d'expédition : OUI
Montant des frais d'expédition : faut que je vois ca rapidement !
État de la marchandise : impeccable
Première main : non
Prix neuf : heu
Facture disponible : oui si nicolas G me l'envoi

Date et lieu d'achat : janvier 2005 a NICOLAS G

Garantie et date d'expiration : heu y a pas
Numéro de série : faut que je regarde derriere
Emballage d'origine conservé : oui
Documentations conservées : oui
Description générale : Bon etat, je prends grand soin de mes affaires, il sera nettoyé intérieurement (souflette douce

Site web du constructeur :
Commentaires : Tres puissant bridgeable, excellente sonorité en HC il m'a impressionné avec
mes jamos THX 2 , la scene du pont dans hellboy (les craquements saisissants) ou encore la piste son DTS de terminator 2 au debut ou encore le soldat ryan en DTS alors la attention !!! bref je le vends car je compte acheter un ecran TFT DELL 24". j'ai un autre ampli HC qui me fera patienter.
sa consomation :
40W stby
110w idle
600W en fonctionnement
1440W full power
Poids : 20.4kg
taille: 133x432x439 sans poignées ni pieds, 152x483x475 avec.
Pour les anglophones, un extrait du test de Thomas J. Norton, le gourou de Stereophile Guide to Home Theater, l'une des références US :
1 was expecting competent performance which I always hope for. What I got instead was magic. If any one obser-vation will tell you what I thought of the Carver AV-806x used in a two-channel system (or in the multi- channel mode, for that matter), it is this: I had originally intended to make two-channel comparions of each of the amplifiers I reviewed in this issue with the excel-lent Proceed AMP 2, and while I did that I wound up spending more time comparing them against the Carver. I nearly ran out of positive things to say about the Carver in my listening notes. It had a natural warmth and palpability that served all music well but was particularly disarming on vocals. Its top end was wonderfully subtle and self-effadng. Some may find the top dark (its midbass warmth contributed to this), but it had all the detail and delicacy I could wish for. its resolution was not up to that of the best audiophile ampli-fiers, but without a direct comparison, you would be unlikely to sense that anything was missing. The Carver's perspective seemed a little forward of neutral, but I was never conscious of the problems that this can sometimes cause: an unnatural aggressiveness or a lack of depth. The bottom end of the Carver was amazingly potent and full-bodied. It never ran out of steam, and it kept pace with other amplifiers having signifi-cantly more power.
CONCLUSIONS Of all the amplifiers in the group I've reviewed in this issue, only while listening to the Carver did I not wonder what this or that selection would sound like on one of the other amplifiers. When lis-tening to one of the others, I often felt the desire to return to the Carver. That, for me, is the bottom line. That plus the fact that only the Carver excelled equally on both the two-channel audio set-up and the full high-end home theater rig. In a telling example, on at least two occasions I deliberately demonstrated my high-end, audio-only system do jour (reviewer's systems do change a lot) for visitors, using two channels of the Carver instead of several more visibly high-end candidates I had on hand. The AV-806x drove the system with no apologies offered or required. System compatibility and personal preference are still strong influences on the sound you will experience, of course. You may prefer, for example, the tighter, brighter sound of the Parasound to the sweeter, warmer quality of the Carver. Fair enough. But if you've seen my three recommended systems in this issue, you'll note that I chose to use the AV-806x in two of them&emdash;including the highest-priced system. That, I believe, says it all. Comment: The frequency-response, distortion, and crosstalk results were all excellent. The unweighted signal/noise rat o was good. Measur
ements: Clipping ( 1% THD+noise at 1 kHz): 180Wpc into 8 ohms, 290W into 4 ohms, two channels driven; 380W into 2 ohms, one channel driven. Clipping (8 ohms, bridged): 500W (two channels bridged, others undriven).