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Les softwares indispensable du PCHC - PCHIFI - PCPREAMP

Message » 18 Mar 2004 10:11

qui connaît AC3FILTER ? et comment le configurer ?
Messages: 50
Inscription Forum: 19 Aoû 2003 18:50
Localisation: au pays du pruneau
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Message » 18 Mar 2004 11:57

jaahriv a écrit:qui connaît AC3FILTER ? et comment le configurer ?

je l'ai ajouté a la liste des utilitaires
leur site est tres bien fait tu pourra trouvé tous pour le configuerai si tu fait un effort a traduire l'anglais
Messages: 347
Inscription Forum: 27 Déc 2002 3:00
Localisation: Paris
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Message » 24 Mar 2004 16:04


- mpeg video decoder: sse2 optimized motion compensation and deinterlacing
- mpeg splitter: 192 byte/packet ts files are supported, confuses mpeg and aac audio streams less likely, the duration reported for joined mpegs became more accurate (but the result of seeking such files is undefined .
- ogm sync problem fixed
- more tweaking of the core of all splitters

MAJ QCD player 4.11 build 73

# fixed installing new playback plugin resets active playback plugin
# fixed some single-mode skins not loading in B72
# fixed registry setting crash bug
# fixed stopping screensaver during video playback
# fixed video switching tracks on fullscreen issues
# fixed encoder prefs not saving
# fixed a number of skinning issues
# fixed many internal fixups
# updated many internal updates
# updated crossfader for better seemless playback
# updated eq presets dialog
# added 'instant seeking' progress slider playback option
# added VBRI header support to mp3 plugins
# added ability to autoload music data cds
# added skinning - extensions snap to default size on resize
# added skinning - resizenameN setting to set names for resize controls
Messages: 347
Inscription Forum: 27 Déc 2002 3:00
Localisation: Paris
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Message » 29 Mar 2004 13:23

- AAC decoder: mono sources fixed
- MPEG splitter: reads PVA streams, also fixed choppyness with some mpegs

MAJ QCD player 4.11 build 74
- fixed issue using more than one set of resonators in skin vis's
- fixed icon mananger not loading icons from external exes/dlls
- fixed converting CDs from playlist had wrong tags
- fixed more skinning issues
- fixed more internal fixups
- updated track context menu 'show'
- updated timer plugin UI
- updated hotkeys plugin UI
- updated watch plugin
- added 'Skin Layouts'
- added skinning - audio info text field for 'input format'
- added skinning - timer text field for simple duplicatable playlist timer
- added skinning - second playback progress slider
- added skinning - skin menu control
- added skinning - convert menu control
Messages: 347
Inscription Forum: 27 Déc 2002 3:00
Localisation: Paris
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Message » 30 Mar 2004 11:05

MAJ winamp 5.03

- made MP4 AAC the new default ripping encoder
- fixed a crash bug when playing some AVI files in in_dshow
- added multimedia keyboard keys in global hotkeys default configuration
- added "Manual playlist advance" in Repeat button popup menu in Classic mode
- improvements in MP3 encoder configuration (added --alt-preset standard, etc...)
- made the tabs in the preferences XP correctly themed under Windows XP
- revamped the Media Library preferences a bit
- new experimental WMA9 input plugin
- gen_jumpex updates from DrO
- added "Nuke library" action in Media Library
- more upside down videos fixes
- fixed crash if a plugin generated a pledit wm_windowposchanged on shutdown
- fixed crash exploit in in_mod (thanks Peter Winter-Smith)
- fixed various crashes in in_midi when playing invalid files
- made in_midi store its settings in winamp.ini instead of the registry
- fixed error during installation on computers with chinese/oriental regional settings
- removed AOD from installer
- added Shift-R to toggle manual playlist advance
- updated VP6 video decoder to latest VP6.2 code
- fixed crash when launching winamp with very long filenames from explorer
- made registration dialog to appear in Explorer's taskbar when installing pro version
- fixed pledit/video windows showing up at startup when minimized

modern skins updates:
- winamp modern skin now uses a 3 state repeat button: no repeat/repeat all/repeat track
- added appplication desktop toolbars capabilities for layouts, add
- appbar="left|top|right|bottom" to use them
- upped maki binary version, improved stack protection
- current skin version number is 1.2 (this should not change for a long while now, and of course we continue to support 0.8 to 1.1)
- (very) limited maki debugger (for now you can bring it up with invokeDebugger(); in a script then use 'x' to continue and 'i' to trace into)
- fixed obscure capture problem with dragging windows
- fixed rectrgn being forced to 1 in xml xuiobject buttons that are originally imageless
- fixed hilited state not on after clicking on buttons while the mouse stays in area
- fixed scripted onEnterArea/onLeaveArea not being always correctly called while mouse button stays down
- fixed getToken being passed NULL throwing guru
- fixed clipping of painting within the background's region of a group rather than within the composed region (the one you can change with sysregion)
- fixed image cache problem when using the same bitmap as a map and a button image parameter
Messages: 347
Inscription Forum: 27 Déc 2002 3:00
Localisation: Paris
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Message » 03 Avr 2004 13:05

le lien vers l'utilisation de ZP dans Myhtpc ne marche pas, quelqu'un a un autre lien??
Messages: 10577
Inscription Forum: 25 Fév 2002 2:00
Localisation: Ici,la bas, ailleurs
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Message » 03 Avr 2004 13:08

DScaler 4.1.9

Attention, il y a risque pour l'EEPROM de la carte avec les MSI TV@nywhere.
Messages: 4873
Inscription Forum: 31 Aoû 1999 2:00
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Message » 03 Avr 2004 15:27

Pour configurer Zoom player avec myHTPC (ou sans)
Messages: 111
Inscription Forum: 12 Nov 2003 2:09
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Message » 04 Avr 2004 13:16

C-moi a écrit:Pour configurer Zoom player avec myHTPC (ou sans)
Merci :D
Messages: 10577
Inscription Forum: 25 Fév 2002 2:00
Localisation: Ici,la bas, ailleurs
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Message » 04 Avr 2004 23:08

C-moi a écrit:Pour configurer Zoom player avec myHTPC (ou sans)

Le lien a changer il y avait l'ancien
maintenant c mis a jour
Messages: 347
Inscription Forum: 27 Déc 2002 3:00
Localisation: Paris
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Message » 05 Avr 2004 13:19

girder semble ne plus etre gratuit, si quelqu'un qui possede la version 3.2.9 veut bien me l'envoyer par mail je lui serais eternellement reconnaisant.

Est-ce que pour profiter des tout les avantages de windvd sur ZP faut il avoir tout l'application installé ou il suffit d'avoir quelques dlls??

Messages: 10577
Inscription Forum: 25 Fév 2002 2:00
Localisation: Ici,la bas, ailleurs
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Message » 05 Avr 2004 19:54

dernière version gratos téléchargeable sur mon site ... er329b.rar
Messages: 111
Inscription Forum: 12 Nov 2003 2:09
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Message » 06 Avr 2004 9:09

C-moi a écrit:dernière version gratos téléchargeable sur mon site ... er329b.rar
salut, merci mais il semble que le lien ne marche pas :cry: en fait le lien marche sans la partie girder mais c'est normal il n'est pas present sur ton repertoire de download :cry:
Messages: 10577
Inscription Forum: 25 Fév 2002 2:00
Localisation: Ici,la bas, ailleurs
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Message » 06 Avr 2004 17:27

avec mes excuses ! je l'avais détruit : je l'ai remis en téléchargement : même adresse
Messages: 111
Inscription Forum: 12 Nov 2003 2:09
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Message » 06 Avr 2004 18:48

C-moi a écrit:avec mes excuses ! je l'avais détruit : je l'ai remis en téléchargement : même adresse
Merci infiniment!!! :D

j'ai une autre question concernant WinDVD, quel version faut-il installé, j'ai une version qui etait dans la boite de ma carte mere asus est-ce que ca suffit ou faut-il vraiment que j'achete la toute derniere version?

Messages: 10577
Inscription Forum: 25 Fév 2002 2:00
Localisation: Ici,la bas, ailleurs
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