Très belle construction


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Modérateurs: Modération Forum Haute-Fidélité, Le Bureau de l’Association HCFR • Utilisateurs parcourant ce forum: bgb, coatbihan, fabien_m2002, FerrisB, graftik, Humbertolo, jps31, Kokoroko, Luckyou34, pacpac69, philou de lille, rolex, themouloud et 181 invités
TAD's pro-audio background and close affiliation with Pioneer have resulted in the creation of the Model-1 flagship speaker ($20,000 each), which features the industry's first-ever beryllium diaphragm in the speaker's coaxial midrange/tweeter.
Five Model-1s were used in a multichannel configuration that certainly didn't need a subwoofer. The speakers were driven by three VTL 450 monoblocks for the front channels and one VTL MB150 stereo amp for the rears. A Pioneer DV-47Ai universal audio/video player and Lexicon MC12 surround preamp/processor provided the source signal. Roger Kanno, Anthony Di Marco and Jason Thorpe all commented on the startling dynamics and effortless bass.
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