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Zidoo UHD2000 4k HiFi (màj)

Message » 17 Jan 2020 20:16

mirak a écrit:
didou54 a écrit:A quand un premier C.R

Deuxième quinzaine de février :wink:

Même pas un premier ressenti ?
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Message » 17 Jan 2020 20:33

Pour un ressenti concernant juste la partie vidéo tu peux regarder le retour des personnes qui ont une série Z ou x20/pro, c’est la même chose.

Là où ce sera intéressant c’est pour les audiophiles et voir ce qu’il a dans le ventre avec les améliorations par rapport au x20 pro.
Contributeur HCFR 2018
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Message » 17 Jan 2020 20:36

olivierQC a écrit:Pour un ressenti concernant juste la partie vidéo tu peux regarder le retour des personnes qui ont une série Z ou x20/pro, c’est la même chose.

Et on achète la Zidoo UHD2000 pour la partie hifi et son DAC intégré.... :wink:

La configuration dans mon profil

HC: JVC NP5 -Giec G5800 -Oppo 205 -Zidoo UHD8000 -AppleTV4K -Arcam(AV860+P7+P429)
-B&W(3xHTM4D2 6xDS3 2xDS6 1xDB1)
Salon HiFi : Panasonic 55Z95A -Panasonic UB820 -Technics SLG700M2 -Oppo 203 -B&W 804D2 -Advance(XPREAMP+XA160) -Zidoo NEO A
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Message » 17 Jan 2020 20:46

Donc direction z10
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Message » 17 Jan 2020 21:04

mirak a écrit:
olivierQC a écrit:Pour un ressenti concernant juste la partie vidéo tu peux regarder le retour des personnes qui ont une série Z ou x20/pro, c’est la même chose.

Et on achète la Zidoo UHD2000 pour la partie hifi et son DAC intégré.... :wink:

Oui éventuellement, tout dans un seul et même boîtier bien pratique je l’avoue.

d’autre préfère achète un z9s pas cher et avoir un DAC etc... à part dans une autre marque.

je n’y connais rien mais au vu du prix du uhd2000 j’espère que c’est du bon matos pour la partie audiophile.

Là où je m’inquièterai c’est sur la partie software et leur zidoo player 5, zidoo pêche à ce niveau je pense mais tant mieux si je me trompe.
Contributeur HCFR 2018
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Inscription Forum: 23 Avr 2003 14:01
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Message » 18 Jan 2020 8:45

Très grosse mise à jour disponible depuis le 16/01/2020 (v2.3.10) :

La configuration dans mon profil

HC: JVC NP5 -Giec G5800 -Oppo 205 -Zidoo UHD8000 -AppleTV4K -Arcam(AV860+P7+P429)
-B&W(3xHTM4D2 6xDS3 2xDS6 1xDB1)
Salon HiFi : Panasonic 55Z95A -Panasonic UB820 -Technics SLG700M2 -Oppo 203 -B&W 804D2 -Advance(XPREAMP+XA160) -Zidoo NEO A
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Message » 18 Jan 2020 9:08

hiroko a écrit:... sans compter qu une fois le mode exclusif désactivé la sortie HDMI se repositionne en mode LPCM 2 channel et non plus RAW.... Donc c'est un grosse contrainte pour moi en usage mixte HC/HIFI puisque il faut jongler entre les menus ...

Le problème vient d'être réglé par la nouvelle mise à jour. :wink:

La configuration dans mon profil

HC: JVC NP5 -Giec G5800 -Oppo 205 -Zidoo UHD8000 -AppleTV4K -Arcam(AV860+P7+P429)
-B&W(3xHTM4D2 6xDS3 2xDS6 1xDB1)
Salon HiFi : Panasonic 55Z95A -Panasonic UB820 -Technics SLG700M2 -Oppo 203 -B&W 804D2 -Advance(XPREAMP+XA160) -Zidoo NEO A
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Messages: 4393
Inscription Forum: 25 Déc 2006 0:09
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Message » 18 Jan 2020 9:10

Voici les changements apportés par le firmware v2.3.10 :

1.Optimize DLNA function
2.Fix the problem that DTS full-track music cannot be played
3.Fix the issue that HIFI music will not play to next track automatically occasionally
4. Optimize online playback
5. "Info" button on remote control could display the current HDMI output information
6. Optimize the abnormal sound problem when DTS music playback is paused
7.Fix the abnormal sound problem of Bluetooth device when set the Hdmi RAW output”
8.Fixed the freezes issue of few Dolby Atmos audio
9.Optimize occasional crashes on individual devices

File manager
1.Fix the problem that NFS displays the same share name(only one can be found for multiple Usbshares of Synology external hard disk cabinets)
2. Cancel the top navigation category and add the circulation list
3. Add tips when CD-ROM insert into
4. Optimize sorting function (save separately by path)
5. Add the function to return to the top of the list by pressing "Popup" button
6. Fix the problem that the played video does not prompt the watched icon
7.Modify the problem that the volume label does not display for when it’s more than 20 characters
8. Add CD ripping function

Poster wall
1.Optimize the display of videos for a same series movies
2. Optimize segmented video scanning
3. Optimize scanning to solve the problem that stopping scanning during scanning may cause unmatched videos to not match properly when continuing scanning
4. Solve the problem that the child lock set is not displayed synchronously after the movie rating is initially set
5. Increase the HDR corner mark (scanned videos will not be displayed)
6. Optimize file name recognition
7. Optimize application stability
8. Optimize bracket processing for title recognition
9. Add trailer filtering, the word 'trailer' in the file name will no longer be scanned
10.Optimize the NFS mount method
11.Fix the problem that the background service causes the setup wizard language to be incorrect
12.Fix the problem of disordered videos in the folder list interface
13.Fix the problem that poster information cannot be obtained by the file path
14.Fix the problem that the incorrect total number of videos on the device after moving some videos out of the poster wall
15.Clear device and delete device will remove related video information from database
16.Fix the issue that the posters do not refresh after modifying the rating of the child lock
17. Child lock setting interface adds description and child lock reset function
18. Optimize the collection function
19.Fix the issue that playback records cannot be saved when playing NFS files
20.NFO added sorttitle field support, only use this field for sorting in movie collection interface

Music Player
1. Optimize folder browsing function
2. Add CD playback function (CD-ROM is needed)
3. Optimize the sorting function
4. Optimize the calculation method of scanning progress
5. Optimize track identification for SACD and CUE albums
6. Improve API to obtain track list, and solve the problem that the mobile phone Controller APP cannot get CUE / DSF track of the temporary list
7. Modify the time display format of CUE to keep the same with SACD
8. Optimize focus control logic to solve the problem of focus flicker
9. Modify the recording method of the playlist to solve the problem that“prev track”will not work in random playing mode.
10. Add screen saver in playing details interface
11.Fix an issue that list interface displayed incorrectly after the grid layout removed the list
12.Fix the problem of getting albums incorrectly when playing music from file manager
13.Fix the problem that the lyrics could not be disappeared without playing the details interface
14.Fix the problem that sometimes the detailed interface picture cannot be obtained
15. Add automatic full-screen playback switch
16. Add music file information display in the list
17.Solve the problem that search interface focus may be lost
18.Fix the problem that the song is switching abnormally in the playback interface
19. Modify singer details interface
Add album sub-categories, you can directly enter album details interface from the list
Add a picture sub-class, you can set the default picture, delete and add pictures
Add a details sub-category, you can browse all the information of the singer
20. Add "Artist viewing" and "Album viewing" functions
21. Add song names that could not be matched as"track + number"
22.Fix the problem of flashing back when pressing the "Home" button in the folder song interface
23.Fix the paused playing problem when Bluetooth remote control is connected
24. Add multi-folder scanning,
25. Fix the problem that the time of the song displayed on the front panel is incorrect
26. Fix the problem that the sample rate of the playback details interface is incorrect.
27. Fix the problem that the DAC switch is switched to play music automatically in pause mode
28. Fix the problem that some DTS-CDs cannot be played

Local player
1. Optimize incorrect bit rate problem
2. Fix incorrect movies files name problem
3.Add ZOOM function
4. Increase the video ratio
5.Fixed the issue that Polish subtitles are displayed in Portuguese
6. Optimize subtitle download function
7. Optimize the front panel USB icon display issue
8. Optimize the problem that DVD cannot select chapters
9. Optimize ASS subtitle displaying
10.Fix the problem that the srt subtitle space is not displayed completely
11.Fix the problem that the file name of the DVD folder was displayed abnormally during playback
12.Optimize the setting of video scale interface display
13.Add function to play in order

Blu-ray navigation
1. Add shortcut keys to display subtitle track list
2. Optimize subtitle downloading function
3. Fix the problem of incomplete display of srt subtitle space

Quick settings
1.Add ignoring EDID function
2.Add video sequence playback function
3. Add USB audio switch
4.Fix the issue that the HDMI RAW output will automatically become LPCM after switching the DAC switch

Picture manager
1.Optimize blur image problem when playing slideshow

Controller APP (need to update mobile app v.1.5.5)
Method 1: Download and install manually (
Method 2: Re-scan the QR code in Control Center to download the application
1.Add audio offset setting in the setting interface
2.Folder browsing function has been added to the music device interface
3. Application interface adds sorting function
4.Fix the problem that the same device is repeatedly added to the music device interface
5.Fix the issue that the CUE / DSF track list cannot be obtained from the temporary list songs
6.Optimize the problem that icon is not displayed in the application interface
7. Optimize poster wall interface
8. Solve the problem that the file management will return to the upper directory when rescanning SMB or NFS because of the influence of search bar
9. File manager adds list refreshing function
10. File Manager adds CD-ROM list

La configuration dans mon profil

HC: JVC NP5 -Giec G5800 -Oppo 205 -Zidoo UHD8000 -AppleTV4K -Arcam(AV860+P7+P429)
-B&W(3xHTM4D2 6xDS3 2xDS6 1xDB1)
Salon HiFi : Panasonic 55Z95A -Panasonic UB820 -Technics SLG700M2 -Oppo 203 -B&W 804D2 -Advance(XPREAMP+XA160) -Zidoo NEO A
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Messages: 4393
Inscription Forum: 25 Déc 2006 0:09
Localisation: Alsace
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Message » 18 Jan 2020 10:46

La configuration dans mon profil

HC: JVC NP5 -Giec G5800 -Oppo 205 -Zidoo UHD8000 -AppleTV4K -Arcam(AV860+P7+P429)
-B&W(3xHTM4D2 6xDS3 2xDS6 1xDB1)
Salon HiFi : Panasonic 55Z95A -Panasonic UB820 -Technics SLG700M2 -Oppo 203 -B&W 804D2 -Advance(XPREAMP+XA160) -Zidoo NEO A
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Message » 18 Jan 2020 13:58

Toujours aussi pratique cette application même si pas encore parfaite.
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Message » 20 Jan 2020 10:44

Pas de LPCM dispo sur la sortie Hdmi, c'est un peu dommage! :grr:

La configuration dans mon profil

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Message » 20 Jan 2020 11:21

domin a écrit:Pas de LPCM dispo sur la sortie Hdmi, c'est un peu dommage! :grr:

Les hifistes purs et durs ne jurent que par les sorties en stéréo analogique. :mdr:

La configuration dans mon profil

HC: JVC NP5 -Giec G5800 -Oppo 205 -Zidoo UHD8000 -AppleTV4K -Arcam(AV860+P7+P429)
-B&W(3xHTM4D2 6xDS3 2xDS6 1xDB1)
Salon HiFi : Panasonic 55Z95A -Panasonic UB820 -Technics SLG700M2 -Oppo 203 -B&W 804D2 -Advance(XPREAMP+XA160) -Zidoo NEO A
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Messages: 4393
Inscription Forum: 25 Déc 2006 0:09
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Message » 20 Jan 2020 15:38

domin a écrit:Pas de LPCM dispo sur la sortie Hdmi, c'est un peu dommage! :grr:

Et pas de passthru du DSD sur l'HDMI.

Aujourd'hui existe t il une box apte à sortir le DSD en natif?
Contributeur HCFR 2022
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Inscription Forum: 08 Juil 2000 2:00
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Message » 02 Fév 2020 18:27


Je ne sais plus qui fait le test du UHD2000 sur HCFR,

voici le lien d’un fil de discussion d’un membre du forum zidoo concernant Zidoo player 5, il remonte pas mal d’information/de point pour de possible amélioration futur. ... ted.64832/

Cela pourra peut être vous aider dans votre aperçu de la partie audiophile.

A bientôt
Contributeur HCFR 2018
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Inscription Forum: 23 Avr 2003 14:01
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Message » 05 Fév 2020 10:29


La nouvelle vidéo réalisée par Mirak sur l'OSD de l'UHD2000 est dispo en ligne en attendant la publication des CR des participants. :thks:

Video HCFR Zidoo UHD2000 présentation des menus :
Contributeur HCFR 2022
Messages: 30985
Inscription Forum: 08 Juil 2000 2:00
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