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GUIDE & CR carte NEXUS-S + Progdvb

Message » 11 Aoû 2003 14:10

"quelqu'un est-il équipé de la sorte ? "

Pas grand monde, je le crains ! Surtout au vu du prix de ces options que je trouve dissuasif !
Messages: 2352
Inscription Forum: 08 Juil 2001 2:00
Localisation: Avignon
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Message » 11 Aoû 2003 16:42

va voir sur il propose un soft qui utilise carte off avec un simple programmateur phoenix +nexus + progdvb ou autres, ca permet de se passer de lecteur et de cam ,options tres chéres.
Messages: 69
Inscription Forum: 14 Fév 2003 8:25
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Message » 11 Aoû 2003 18:16

Au fait, quelqu'un a t'il testé la dernière version de mytheater(v3.00b7) qui semble trés prometteuse au pt de vue désentrelacement:

2. New rendering engine - Independant Video Renderer (IVR)
It uses Direct3D and VMR7 technics. This mode allow work with Video frames directly and implement some video realtime processing features.
VMR7 not available in Win2000 as default, but i know one trick: You need install DX9. Copy from DX9 installation archive file qiartz.dll (or copy from WinXP with installed DX9) to where generic win2k quartz.dll lies. Then reregister it "regsvr32.exe quartz.dll". Then you'll got VMR7 feature and all WinXP DirectShow specific features. I didn't tested it by myself but one user successfully using it.

3. OSD directly on video
This working only in IVR mode. Currently OSD has limited functionality, but already very useful when you're navigating by RC and watch on TV.
Currently implemented:
- Favorite Channel List Navigating
- File List Navigating/Management
- DVD Title/Chapter Navigationg
- Channel name/File Name displaying
- input channel by number
- Live/File/DVD mode display
- Current event information
- TimeShift/File Buffer positioning
- Other miscellaneous displays (record, mute etc..)

4. De-Interlace Independent from decoder.
Works only in IVR mode. Very good quality.

5. Hardware+ mode
SS1 isn't forgotten! in IVR mode you can use HW decoding video (HW+ Mode) with all IVR features (OSD, De-Interlace - better than from TT)!

6. Twinhan Legacy mode.
For those Twinhan users who experienceing problems with several last versions of DVBCore. Now you can choose between my mode (lower CPU usage) and Legacy mode (High CPU usage). Go Test it!

7. Automatic TV-Out Color System Mode.
Only in IVR. This mode maybe actual only for Matrox users. PAL/NTSC standard switching automaticaly depend on video framerate. This feature supersedes Matrox TV-Out autoswitch (which is still working in generic mode)

8. New official Skin. Thanx to deadhead!
Old one now included in addons. Also another cool looking skin included.

Many bugfixes in MyTheatre and DVBCore (incl. some scanning bugs were found!)

I must say MaTheatre becomes Shareware from this version. I spend a lot of time for making MyTheatre which excludes almost all my hollydays and other works. I was thinking about future status of MyTheatre and only two ways is possible: close project (and working on it sometimes only for my needs) or continue as shareware. I choosed second. I'm sorry if someone will grieve. But if all will good and users will reward me then i'll have good incentive to continue my work and constatly improve my program.
DVBCore remains freeware and SDK included as before. Any developer can freely use DVBCore.dll in their freeware projects. DVBCore can be used in commercial projects as well after personal permition from me.

currently, buying isn't possible. But i hope i'll finish all needed to make buying possible before trial periond end. or will extend this period..

9. Installation splitted into two packages.
- Main package which is Shareware which includes MyTheatre executable and all necessary components to work.
- Addons which is free and NOT SUPPORTED by me. It includes Additional skins, plugins from 3rd party developers. This package isn't necessary for MyTheatre and created ONLY for newbies to help them. All these addons are free downloadable from internet sites. This package MUST not to be included in any MyTheatre distributions! Probably, This is first and last version of these addons (mayby except skins)

10. Format of Channel/EPG Databases Changed to MDB (MS Access).
Now almost any development system can interact with DB because MDB format is very popular. You need convert old DB format to MDB by utility DBZtoMDB.exe.

Some words about IVR:
As i mentioned this mode uses Direct3D technics and thus require good video cards. I tested some cards: nVidia TNT2M64/GF2MX/GF4Ti, Matrox G550, ATI Rodeon 9000. And found that:

- nVidia GF2MX and GF4Ti is very good and almost doesn't additionaly loads CPU. But IVR Overlay mode currently not implemented for these cards. I need additional work to do that. I recommend use it if you preffer watch SatTV on Monitor.

- nVidia TNT2M64 - very high CPU usage. almost 100% while file playback. I not reccommend use such cards. TNT2 Vanta is same class.

- Matrox G550 DualHead (G450DH): Although it loads CPU more in IVR Overlay than in generic mode, it best for viewing on TVSet. Picture quality is excellent on TV-Out RGB. In IVR Offscreen mode Matrox loads CPU less than generic mode and preffered if you doesn't using Matrox TV-Out. I reccomend CPU P4 2GHz and more with SS1.

- ATI Rodeon 9000 TV: Surprisingly, it loads CPU very high like TNT2M64.. I don't know about other models but i don't recommend use ATI R9000.

Video Card must have at least 32MB of Video RAM and use AGP
IVR setup has antialias filter settings for video and OSD. Lower value may loads CPU higher. For nVidia cards i reccomend choose Linear/Linear. For Matrox - Linear for Video and Nearest for OSD.

Currently, MyTheatre 3.0 is in beta stage thus you can expect many bugs. Speed of bugfixing depend on how clear you can report about bug with description how to reproduce it.
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Géo trouvetout
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Messages: 2402
Inscription Forum: 16 Avr 2001 2:00
Localisation: Yonne
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Problème Filtre...

Message » 16 Aoû 2003 16:09


GRAPH version="1.0">
<FILTER ID="Default_DirectSound_Device" clsid="{79376820-07D0-11CF-A24D-0020AFD79767}">
<PARAM name="data" value="30003000300030003000300030003000300030003000200000000000000000000000000000000000"/>
<FILTER ID="Video_Mixing_Renderer_9" clsid="{51B4ABF3-748F-4E3B-A276-C828330E926A}">
<PARAM name="data" value="30003000300030003000300030003000300030003000200088010000040000000000803F0000000000000000000000000000803F0000803F0000803F0000000000000000000000000000803F0000803F0000803F0000000000000000000000000000803F0000803F0000803F0000000000000000000000000000803F0000803F000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"/>
<FILTER ID="NVIDIA_Audio_Decoder" clsid="{212DC700-3235-44A4-BD29-E1652BBCC71C}">
<FILTER ID="ffdshow_MPEG_4_Video_Decoder" clsid="{04FE9017-F873-410E-871E-AB91661A4EF7}">
<FILTER ID="Pinnacle_MPEG2_Demux_II" clsid="{AD119551-E651-4587-823E-B0AC997984AD}">
<PARAM name="data" value="300030003000300030003000300030003000300032002000000000000000000000000000"/>
<FILTER ID="MPG_Source_0" clsid="{E436EBB5-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770}">
<PARAM name="src" value="F:\Eurosport - March 13 17 01 10.mpg"/>
<connect direct="yes" src="MPG_Source_0" srcpin="Output" dest="Pinnacle_MPEG2_Demux_II" destpin="Input"/>
<connect direct="yes" src="Pinnacle_MPEG2_Demux_II" srcpin="Video" dest="ffdshow_MPEG_4_Video_Decoder" destpin="In"/>
<connect direct="yes" src="Pinnacle_MPEG2_Demux_II" srcpin="Audio" dest="NVIDIA_Audio_Decoder" destpin="Audio Input"/>
<connect direct="yes" src="NVIDIA_Audio_Decoder" srcpin="Audio Output" dest="Default_DirectSound_Device" destpin="Audio Input pin (rendered)"/>
<connect direct="yes" src="ffdshow_MPEG_4_Video_Decoder" srcpin="Out" dest="Video_Mixing_Renderer_9" destpin="VMR Input0"/>

J'ai le message suivant :
- Erreur ! Filtre Non trouvé !

Pourtant J'ai Bien WM9 & Co installé...Une personne pouurait elle me donner un coup de mai car question Graph je suis un naze !
Messages: 563
Inscription Forum: 14 Mar 2002 2:00
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Message » 16 Aoû 2003 18:45

Tu as mis dx9 ?
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Géo trouvetout
Membre HCFR
Membre HCFR
Messages: 2402
Inscription Forum: 16 Avr 2001 2:00
Localisation: Yonne
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Message » 16 Aoû 2003 22:37

J'ai bien installé DX9...Toujours le même Message...
Messages: 563
Inscription Forum: 14 Mar 2002 2:00
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Message » 18 Aoû 2003 23:32

Bon alors les gars vous zallez pas me dire que vous coincé la dessus !!! :o :o

Un super grand merci pour celui qui trouvera ma solution...!
Messages: 563
Inscription Forum: 14 Mar 2002 2:00
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OUééééé !!!!!!

Message » 29 Aoû 2003 12:01

Alors ca y'est bonheur et félicité sur ma maison :

Voici l'état des lieux :

- Commandage d'une Nexus-S
- Installation du système : LE BONHEUR :lol:
- Tout Fonctionne ! (Signal 75/80% Qualité 100%) Qualité d'image TOP TOP TOP...Sortie.TV de la Nexus impressionnante (Malgrés qu'elle soit uniquement composite)...Télécommande fonctionnelle avec ProgDVB...

Pour conclure :
- Ne pas se prendre la tête, prendre une Nexus-S
- ProgDVB c'est vraiment sympa (EPG - Assez user Friendly)
- Un Cubsat 50 C'est quand même un peu juste pour une carte DVB...

Une Question :
- Qui a un graph pour ProgDVB avec : Audio=Windvd, Video=Sonic/ffdshow...renderer=WRM9 ????

Une seconde question :
- Lorsque j'utilise la sortie TV de la Nexus, le signal est directe, les filtres ne sont pas utilisés, ni l'OSD par exemple...A part passer par la sortie TV de ma carte graphique et récupérer une image filtrée FFDSHOW et compagnie...Y a t il une solution ????
Messages: 563
Inscription Forum: 14 Mar 2002 2:00
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Message » 29 Aoû 2003 12:16

Ben sortie directe = hardware (pas ffdshow),
Sortie carte vidéo = software (ffdshow ok)

Dans mon cas, la seule config qui marche / utilisable avec des filtres,
c'est progdvd 4.07,

Sonic => pas fluide.

(cpu duron 850 :P)
Messages: 1517
Inscription Forum: 24 Jan 2002 2:00
Localisation: Europe - France - Vexin
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ouhéééé !!!!

Message » 29 Aoû 2003 15:46

Pile poil pareil ! Le seul Graph avec FFDSHOW qui fonctionne
bien chez moi c'est celui avec elecard...Dès que j'utilise Sonic tous s'effondre...

Tiens une question...Je tourne sur la dernière version de progDVB (4.23)...Je vois que vous etes tous sur la 4.07... :o :o
Des différences ??? Car moi elle marche nickel : Plug-in / ECM / EPG / Enregistrements etc...
Faut que je passe sur la 4.07 ??? Je gagne kouaa ?
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Inscription Forum: 14 Mar 2002 2:00
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Message » 29 Aoû 2003 16:00

Ben, avec les versions > à la 4.07 , l'utilisation des filtres était devenue impossible / galère sans nom...

Si ils fonctionnent avec la 4.23 ... à nos download !
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Inscription Forum: 24 Jan 2002 2:00
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Message » 29 Aoû 2003 16:09

bah écoutes je pense que cela fonctionne...!
Si je coche l'OSD sur FFDSHOW il apparait bien dans à l'écran...
La fonction Resize fonctionne aussi mais j'ai l'impression que ma carte graphique ne reformate mal l'image...
Je peux faire un Flip de l'image etc...

Essaye donc !
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Inscription Forum: 14 Mar 2002 2:00
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Message » 29 Aoû 2003 16:15

"reformate mal l'image" ?
explique !
ps : attention, toutes les chaines n'émmettent pas dans les mêmes définitions !
sur la largeur en particulié ! au resize, en passant par ffdshow, certaines ce retrouvent "stretched" !
Messages: 1517
Inscription Forum: 24 Jan 2002 2:00
Localisation: Europe - France - Vexin
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Message » 29 Aoû 2003 16:21

C'est exactement ce qui se passe...J'ai effectivement des
chaines complètements écrasés !!!
Du coup j'ai désactivé la fonction...Je reste sur un unsharp mask, gradual denoise...Et voilà...
Mais bon vu que j'utilise la sortie TV de la carte cela est utile lorsque j'utilise mon VP...!
Messages: 563
Inscription Forum: 14 Mar 2002 2:00
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hummmm !!!

Message » 30 Aoû 2003 0:14

Je viens d'essayer la nexus avec les filtres sur mon VP...
Mon gentil Plus PIANO 3100 me délivre une image à tomber par terre...
J'ai encore rien fait pour améliorer le rendu... j'ai juste laissé mobn paramétrage classique FFDSHOW...
Le DVB c'est vraiment trop bon....

Questions : Qui à un graph genre SONIC / WINDVD / FFDSHOW...comme sur notre bon vieux ZoomPlayer !?!
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Inscription Forum: 14 Mar 2002 2:00
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