Hello colleagues! )
My BD10A originally came with the v2.3 firmware. This machine worked very well both on blu-ray discs and regular dvd-s. I was happy with this player until I bought a "Quantum of Solace" blu-ray (French release). The player refused to play this disc (I successfully got the main menu of the disc but it was not possible to start playing the film). Because of that situation, I decided to perform a firmware upgrade to the latest firmware v2.5 (dated August 2008). That was done. The installation was successful and the player currently runs FW v2.5.
As a result of the FW v2.5 installation, I got two things. One is good: the player can now play the "Quantum of Solace" blu-ray. However, the other thing is quite negative: my BD10A completely lost its ability to play (in normal way) those blu-rays, which have DTS-HD High Resolution sound-tracks. On such discs, I am now getting sound from the front speakers only, and a complete silence from the surround speakers! (I use a 5.1 Analog output of the player). Before the FW v2.5 installation, the player did not have this problem and all DTS-HD High Resolution discs worked well, producing multi-channel sound in all speakers.
For example, I tested the following discs:
- "Star Gate" (an American release);
- "Quantum of Solace" (a French release. It has an English track encoded in DTS-HD HR);
- "Arthur et les Minimoys" (a French release, it has two DTS-HD HR tracks, English and French, both do not work now).
I remember exactly that "Star Gate" and "Arthur et les Minimoys" did work fine with FW v2.3, i.e. I had a normal multi-channel sound from the Analog output. With v2.5, I am getting just two front channels!!!
My conclusion is that with FW v2.5, we got this problem for ANY blu-rays encoded in DTS-HD HR. Thus, the latest FW v2.5 certainly has a BUG in the part of processing DTS-HD HR.
I notice that all other sound-formats (a regular Dolby Digital, a regular DTS, Dolby True HD, DTS-HD Master Audio, LPCM) do work fine with FW v2.5. Thus, the problem only deals with DTS-HD HR (not with DTS-HD MA!)
Does anybody have this DTS-HD HR problem with FW v2.5? Could you please check any of the three discs I mentioned on your BD10 or BD10A? Do you also get just two front channels and nothing from the surround speakers? Please check this for the Analog multi-channel output of the player. I will very appreciate your results.
Merci d'avance.
P.S. Please write your responses in French, I understand it (but unfortunately, my knowledge is not sufficient to write in French, yet)
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jacko - Membre d'Honneur - Contributeur & Délégué
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- Inscription Forum: 12 Juin 2002 12:45
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