sonata1 a écrit:Personne n'a eu l'occasion de tester l'istar mini HD ? Je ne trouve pas de thread dédié sur hcfr.
Interressé aussi par ce X-900 ( de part également la difficulté et le delais pour le popcorn hour ) , vivement les premiers CR
Concernant le mini HD a priori le disque dur est externe par defaut d'après ce site :
Je prefère pour ma part un premier HD interne et des extensions possible via USB ou E-sata
Toujours chez Istar le A800 me semble très interressant
Alu brossé ? Lecteur Dvd? et une gueule s'integrant bien dans un ensemble home cinema non ?
Par contre j'ai cru lire que les menu ne sont qu'en chinois pour l'instant .
Sinon pour info trouvé sur le Forum HDTV : ... 0be2e6f9a9
Good News and Bad News
First the bad news. We have stopped accepting payment temporarily as our Paypal account is going through limits review by So if you have have received the request for payment and have tried to submit payment and failed, please hold on until we place an announcement on our website to allow payment again. For those who have submitted orders and waiting for the bill, we will start sending them out once our paypal account is ready again. Delay is expected to be a week's time.
Now the good news, we have found a Shenzhen courier agent that is able to handle our shipments to all parts of the world using the few major courier companies such as UPS, DHL, Fedex, etc. Since different couriers offer different rates for different countries, we can match the lowest shipping rate for individual country. We no longer ship exclusively via TNT or Singpost. The difference can be as big as USD20. We will post the shipping rates to major cities on our web site next week.
We are still accepting orders and requests for quotation on our eshop currently.hdtv
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