Voici le datas: Regarde les temps de montée et de descente
: TO220 P-Channel Enhancement Mode Vertical DMOS FET.
( without '-' signs., used a copy of an other type and changing the values )
Absolute Maximum Ratings:
Drain Source Breakdown Voltage at Vgs=0, Id=10mA : 160 V ( VP0120: 200 V )
Drain Gate Voltage : 160 V ( 200 V )
Gate Source Voltage : +/- 20 V
Id continuous max 425 mA
Id pulsed max 1 A Power Dissipation at Tc=25 grdC.: 15 W
Operating and Storage Temp.: -55 to 150 grdC. Thermal Resistance Junction to Case : 8.3 grdC./W
Gate Threshold Voltage at Id=1mA : min 1.5 V, max 3.5 V
Idss at 25 grdC.:max 10uA,
at 125 grdC.: max 1 mA
Id ON-state at Vgs=5V, Vds=25V : min 100 mA, typ 400 mA at Vgs=10V : min 350 mA, typ 700 mA Rds ON-state at Vgs=10V, Id=100 mA : typ 15 Ohm, max 25 Ohm
Forward Transconductance at Vds=25V, Id = 100 mA : min 50 mS, typ 70 mS Capacitances at Vgs=0, Vds=25V, f=1MHz : Input : typ 50 pF, max 60 pF Output: typ 10 pF, max 30 pF Reverse:typ 5 pF, max 10 pF Times at Vdd=25V, Id=100 mA, Rs=50 Ohm :
Turn On Delay: typ 4, max 10 ns Rise : typ 4 , max 10 ns Turn Off Delay: typ 4, max 10 ns Fall : typ 4 , max 10 ns Vsd Diode Forward Voltage Drop at Vgs=0, Isd=0.5 A : typ 1 V Reverse Recovery Time at Vgs=0, Isd=0.5 A : typ 500 ns
IRF 9612
P-Channel MOSFET. Absolute Maximum Ratings:
Vds = -200V
Vdg = -200V
Vgs = +/- 20V
Id = -1.5A (at 100grdC = max 0.9A)
Id (pulsed) = -6 A
Pd (Tc=25grdC)= 20W Linear derating 0.16 W/grdC
R ds on (at Vgs=-10V,Id = -0.9A) = max 4.5 Ohm Forward Transconductance (Id=-0.9A) = min 0.9, typ 1.3 S (=1/Ohm) Input Capacitance (Vgs= 0 V) = max 300 pF Output Capacitance (Vds= -25V) = max 100 pF Reverse Transfer C. ( .. ) = max 35 pF Times at Vdd = 160V, Id=0.9A,Z=50Ohm:
Turn On Delay: max 15ns Rise : max 25ns Turn Off Delay: max 15ns Fall : max 15ns
Source Drain antiparallel Diode: Is = max 1,5 A Ism(pulsed) = max 6A Forward Voltage at Is= 1.5A: max 5.5V Reverse Recovery Time at If=1.75A, dI/dt=100A/us: typ 240ns
Moi, je n'y connais rien, mais sans parler des vitesses de montée et descente, ils paraissent quand même vachement différents ces transistors, non?