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Petites annonces pour Blocs d'amplification 3, 5 ou 7 canaux.
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PARASOUND HALO.A52 bradé 1400€!
tu devrais peut être modifier l'intitulé de ton annonce pour y reporter le nouveau tarif 

- denonjohn
- Messages: 8026
- Inscription Forum: 24 Juin 2005 23:05
- Localisation: VANNES (56)
denonjohn a écrit:tu devrais peut être modifier l'intitulé de ton annonce pour y reporter le nouveau tarif
exact , voila qui est fait ...merci l'ami

- ca fete sous zique
- Messages: 2221
- Inscription Forum: 14 Oct 2003 19:44
- Localisation: string.land.dans le 06.

- denonjohn
- Messages: 8026
- Inscription Forum: 24 Juin 2005 23:05
- Localisation: VANNES (56)
denonjohn a écrit::wink: en tout cas c'est du beau matériel et ce n'est pas humain de venir nous tenter avec
qui a dit que j'etais humain ?

bruno (skrull )
- ca fete sous zique
- Messages: 2221
- Inscription Forum: 14 Oct 2003 19:44
- Localisation: string.land.dans le 06.
me disais aussi
en passant je suis un voisin de Karu Kera 

- denonjohn
- Messages: 8026
- Inscription Forum: 24 Juin 2005 23:05
- Localisation: VANNES (56)
denonjohn a écrit:me disais aussi![]()
en passant je suis un voisin de Karu Kera
ah ,des bretons fous (pléonasme) ...

embrasse le pour moi

kenavo les poteaux...

*un gars qui possede une cd120 ne peut pas etre completement mauvais

bruno (mi-humain /mi-breton)
- ca fete sous zique
- Messages: 2221
- Inscription Forum: 14 Oct 2003 19:44
- Localisation: string.land.dans le 06.
amitiés du bro breizh 

- denonjohn
- Messages: 8026
- Inscription Forum: 24 Juin 2005 23:05
- Localisation: VANNES (56)
Bon allez, pour me faire pardonner :
The Theater Amp with Ultra-High End Audio Performance
"Editors' Choice" Award Winner -- The Absolute Sound
"Editors' Choice" Award Winner -- Home Theater
Guided by legendary audiophile designer John Curl, Parasound has created a five-channel amplifier with sonic qualities usually reserved for ultra high-end stereo models. The Halo A52 is essentially a less powerful version of the flagship Halo A51 amplifier and shares many of its best attributes. If your system's requirements are smaller in scale, but not in performance, the A52 is the perfect choice.
THX Ultra 2 certification ensures movie house-quality sound, though the A52 goes one giant step better than that by delivering Parasound-quality sound!
"Warm, Natural" Award-Winner
The A52 won the coveted "Editors' Choice Award" in the October 2006 issue of The Absolute Sound magazine, which praises it for "sound that is warm, natural, and never edgy."
The Halo A52 won an "Editors' Choice" award in the Winter 2007 Home Theater Buyer's Guide from The Perfect Vision magazine.
"Those who prize flexibility will appreciate this amp's balanced and single-ended inputs and individual level controls for each channel," reports The Perfect Vision. "The sound is warm, and never edgy…"
Effortless Musical Reproduction
The A52's 125 watts-per-channel at 8 ohms (or 225 watts-per-channel at 4 ohms) assures effortless reproduction of musical subtleties and movie special effects. Balanced inputs with discrete circuits and XLR connectors combine with high-bias Class A / AB operation. A 1.4 kVA encapsulated toroidal power transformer contains independent secondary windings for each channel, 100,000 µF power supply filter capacitance, and a current capacity of 30 amps per channel. The direct-coupled design uses no capacitors or inductors in signal path. The complementary MOSFET driver stage uses 20 beta-matched 15 amp, 60 MHz bipolar output transistors and works in combination with a JFET input stage.
"Instant" Warm-up Feature
Like all the other amps in the Halo product series, the A52 has Parasound's exclusive bias circuit, which permits the amplifier to sound perfect from the instant it's turned on, rather than having to wait for bias to gradually build up as the amp warms up over time. Very high bias allows greater Class operating range than others. Even Halo's implementation of its automatic turn-on feature is exceptional. Special relays bypass the AC "soft start" circuitry after it's done its job for the purest AC and the purest sound.
Even More Goodies
Other features include heavy-duty 24k gold-plated, five-way speaker terminals, gold-plated RCA input jacks, an audio trigger with adjustable sensitivity, 12-volt trigger input / output, a rear-panel ground lift switch, plus AC present, channel status, and high temperature indicators.
Gil, pas Gilles !

The Theater Amp with Ultra-High End Audio Performance
"Editors' Choice" Award Winner -- The Absolute Sound
"Editors' Choice" Award Winner -- Home Theater
Guided by legendary audiophile designer John Curl, Parasound has created a five-channel amplifier with sonic qualities usually reserved for ultra high-end stereo models. The Halo A52 is essentially a less powerful version of the flagship Halo A51 amplifier and shares many of its best attributes. If your system's requirements are smaller in scale, but not in performance, the A52 is the perfect choice.
THX Ultra 2 certification ensures movie house-quality sound, though the A52 goes one giant step better than that by delivering Parasound-quality sound!
"Warm, Natural" Award-Winner
The A52 won the coveted "Editors' Choice Award" in the October 2006 issue of The Absolute Sound magazine, which praises it for "sound that is warm, natural, and never edgy."
The Halo A52 won an "Editors' Choice" award in the Winter 2007 Home Theater Buyer's Guide from The Perfect Vision magazine.
"Those who prize flexibility will appreciate this amp's balanced and single-ended inputs and individual level controls for each channel," reports The Perfect Vision. "The sound is warm, and never edgy…"
Effortless Musical Reproduction
The A52's 125 watts-per-channel at 8 ohms (or 225 watts-per-channel at 4 ohms) assures effortless reproduction of musical subtleties and movie special effects. Balanced inputs with discrete circuits and XLR connectors combine with high-bias Class A / AB operation. A 1.4 kVA encapsulated toroidal power transformer contains independent secondary windings for each channel, 100,000 µF power supply filter capacitance, and a current capacity of 30 amps per channel. The direct-coupled design uses no capacitors or inductors in signal path. The complementary MOSFET driver stage uses 20 beta-matched 15 amp, 60 MHz bipolar output transistors and works in combination with a JFET input stage.
"Instant" Warm-up Feature
Like all the other amps in the Halo product series, the A52 has Parasound's exclusive bias circuit, which permits the amplifier to sound perfect from the instant it's turned on, rather than having to wait for bias to gradually build up as the amp warms up over time. Very high bias allows greater Class operating range than others. Even Halo's implementation of its automatic turn-on feature is exceptional. Special relays bypass the AC "soft start" circuitry after it's done its job for the purest AC and the purest sound.
Even More Goodies
Other features include heavy-duty 24k gold-plated, five-way speaker terminals, gold-plated RCA input jacks, an audio trigger with adjustable sensitivity, 12-volt trigger input / output, a rear-panel ground lift switch, plus AC present, channel status, and high temperature indicators.

Gil, pas Gilles !

Dernière édition par Gilor le 08 Fév 2008 2:09, édité 1 fois.
- Gilor
- Messages: 1661
- Inscription Forum: 20 Aoû 2000 2:00
- Localisation: 13 - Les Pennes Mirabeau
forcément cela énerve...

- the thing
- Messages: 1150
- Inscription Forum: 04 Oct 2003 23:49
- Localisation: paris
Gilor a écrit:Gil, pas Gilles !![]()
Gillou quoi

- chris
- Membre HCFR
- Messages: 11893
- Inscription Forum: 27 Aoû 2004 20:56
Christian a écrit:Gilor a écrit:Gil, pas Gilles !![]()
Gillou quoi

Tu m'cherches toi !

- Gilor
- Messages: 1661
- Inscription Forum: 20 Aoû 2000 2:00
- Localisation: 13 - Les Pennes Mirabeau
Gil, pas Gilles !
merci a toi

t'énerve pas ,reste souple mon gigi

- ca fete sous zique
- Messages: 2221
- Inscription Forum: 14 Oct 2003 19:44
- Localisation: string.land.dans le 06.
Gilor a écrit:Christian a écrit:Gilor a écrit:Gil, pas Gilles !![]()
Gillou quoi
Tu m'cherches toi !![]()

- chris
- Membre HCFR
- Messages: 11893
- Inscription Forum: 27 Aoû 2004 20:56
Bon, revenons au sujet de cette annonce...

Bon, revenons au sujet de cette annonce...

- Gilor
- Messages: 1661
- Inscription Forum: 20 Aoû 2000 2:00
- Localisation: 13 - Les Pennes Mirabeau
up la 

- ca fete sous zique
- Messages: 2221
- Inscription Forum: 14 Oct 2003 19:44
- Localisation: string.land.dans le 06.
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