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Marantz AV8802 / 8802A processeur 13.2 XLR - HDMI 2.0 - Wifi

Message » 09 Jan 2015 16:30


Après le CES 2015, un point sur le contexte spécifique des Marantz 7702 et 8802 + futur DTS:X .

sur AVS, SteveH a écrit:I just got back from CES and was able to fondle the 8802 as it was a static display. At one point, I thought it purred back at me. :kiss:I need to write up a lot of 8802 stuff for my prepro and home theater database customers no later than tomorrow and email it off. If anybody wants that 8802 info, just PM me your email address. In summary, I would have called this 8802 a 9902. They really re-worked this thing top to bottom. Adding a sequence number (01 to 02) didn't do it justice. I have high hopes because on paper, it is impressive. So what does it mean to the ear? I hope to be find out soon.

I also asked about the DTS:X and they could not give me an inkle or definitive answer. One reason is they are under an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreements) with DTS and D&M that prevent them from talking with me or anybody else. So if there is some sort of hardware that is needed (or not needed) they could not tell me if they wanted to. That's because they would have just told me something about DTS that they cannot legally comment on. Everything I say is my opinion from here on out. I personally don't think there is a needed DTS hardware chip from what other vendors on other lines said during CES.

I know they wanted to give me an answer. But that wasn't their department and their plate was full with many tasks. I do know that they have had their engineering efforts focused on the traditional releases of the 2015 receiver line and specifically the 8802. They have publicly said they will support DTS:X on products (no specific models or timelines).

Stressing again these are only my words and I do not speak for D&M nor did they say these words: DTS:X just came out. There is no software possibly for months. The standards were just formalized. If DTS:X was standardized 3 or 6 months ago, DTS would have released it 3 or 6 months ago. Needless to say, the final DTS product was still being changed until their release last week. So while it could have looked like a no-brainer 6 months ago now could be more of an effort. Again, I am talking out loud. But early adopters want an answer in a day or week after it's release even though it is possibly months away from the 1st movie. I could only imagine there are technical decisions that have not been answered. Like are the speakers going to match-up? Will it overlay Auro 3D? Is there enough DSP headroom? Are they going to charge for it? Will the effort be worth it on this series or releases? Where is it in the priority in comparison of other pressing engineering efforts when there are zero movies out for many months? D&M has headphones projects, turntables, HEOS (that kicks butt by the way), stereo products in the queue etc. I quickly figured out that they are not going to get an answer in a week nor three. They are not trying to hide anything, they really don't know because their plate is full. I did hear that Auro3D was a massive effort to pull off? If I was them, I'd look at the number of downloads and figure out how many people really "need it". I personally view that as a good sign of them not saying no right now: if it was not able to be done they could have told us without telling me why.

In conclusion on the DTS:X thing. They don't know so I don't know. No tech that you call on a D&M can know so you should not read a word into what they say at this moment in time. I predict no one in D&M knows. So surely no one on this forum can possibly have any working knowledge shy of a smoking gun that a piece of hardware is needed which is just guessing.

With that said, even if DTS:X does not happen for any reason, I am going to stand by my customer. They will be delighted that I took extremely good care of them if DTS:X is important to them and it turns out that it doesn't happen. I've had to do that before and I will do it again. They won't be going backwards and I will leave it at that.

Re: the 8802. Again while they gave me no indication if it was going to be updated with DTS:X, I am going to put my butt on the line with my customers and figure out a way to guarantee that it will happen or swap them into something that does. As you might guess, I'm feeling extremely comfortable that the 8802 will have DTS:X. That's because it my opinion, there is more gross margin on a higher priced product so they can offer up the resources to make it happen. That 8802 customer expects it and I think they should expect it. I hope that it is determined or publicly released that DTS:X will be supported before a product ships.

Now let's put this all in perspective. I sold 6 8801's this month. They all knew about HDMI 2.0 and HDCP 2.2. I told them about Auro 3D, DTS:X, and Atmos. They did not care nor did they take my recommendation. They wanted a 8801. They didn't want to wait and they felt comfortable with that decision. Today dealers around the country will sell brand new Anthem's, Krell's, Bryston's, and other extremely expensive products. Many people don't care about these new formats. Of course D&M knows this and if I am a betting man, they understand that a guy might want to wait. But they just don't have an infinite amount of resources to get an answer as quick as we want. If people want to wait and that makes the most sense for them, then they should. But for others to preach that people who are enjoying ATMOS today were too quick to jump I think is wasted bandwidth. Some have postulated in this thread that without this feature, somehow it is going to depreciate quickly and D&M is going to discount the item because of it. Nonsense! If that was the case would they sell one $10,000 Anthem today? If I was worried about DTS:X, I surely would not be taking delivery on a batch of 12, 7702's next week. They will all sell because people realize that the following generation will have stuff that their current generation doesn't.

Hugo S
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Message » 09 Jan 2015 17:12

Hugo S a écrit:Bonjour,

Après le CES 2015, un point sur le contexte spécifique des Marantz 7702 et 8802 + futur DTS:X .

[quote="sur AVS, SteveH]... "Now let's put this all in perspective. I sold 6 8801's this month. They all knew about HDMI 2.0 and HDCP 2.2. I told them about Auro 3D, DTS:X, and Atmos. They did not care nor did they take my recommendation. They wanted a 8801. They didn't want to wait and they felt comfortable with that decision. Today dealers around the country will sell brand new Anthem's, Krell's, Bryston's, and other extremely expensive products. Many people don't care about these new formats. Of course D&M knows this and if I am a betting man, they understand that a guy might want to wait. But they just don't have an infinite amount of resources to get an answer as quick as we want. If people want to wait and that makes the most sense for them, then they should. But for others to preach that people who are enjoying ATMOS today were too quick to jump I think is wasted bandwidth. Some have postulated in this thread that without this feature, somehow it is going to depreciate quickly and D&M is going to discount the item because of it. Nonsense! If that was the case would they sell one $10,000 Anthem today? If I was worried about DTS:X, I surely would not be taking delivery on a batch of 12, 7702's next week. They will all sell because people realize that the following generation will have stuff that their current generation doesn't.
Je me sens moins seul. :D

La configuration dans mon profil

Magnetar UDP800 / Lumagen Radiance Pro 4242 / JVC DLA-N7 / MicroPerf'Oray HD 4K / Anthem AVM90 / 9 x Focal SM6 Be & 1000 Be + 4 x Focal 300 / 2 x Subs DIY Beyma 18LX60 V1 / Amplis HPA / Etudes, traitements & calibrations pros
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Message » 10 Jan 2015 20:38


Par delà le buzzz, pour les probables réalités de disponibilité du DTS:X, voir ici :


Hugo S
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Message » 11 Jan 2015 10:51


sur AVS, SteveH a écrit:
I spent some time with the Directors at D&M during CES this past week specifically to discuss the Marantz AV8802. They had a static display of the 8802 (pictured below). The 8802 smells of quality. One of the 1st thing I noticed was that this specific 8802 has a serial number on it. When I got an early 7702 back in October, it didn't have that. That means at least some production has happened. It was confirmed during the meeting that delivery to the States is imminent. More specifically it will be hitting the USA for February (next month) delivery. No dealers in the county have been able to enter orders as of yet. But they accepted my initial 20, AV8802 processor order. I did that to squeeze at the head of the line in order to get my unfairshare. :D I've learned in order to get my product right away, order more than you need. So all of my preorders so far will have guaranteed 1st batch deliveries.

I need to write up a lot of additional 8802 info for my prepro and home theater database customers no later than Sunday and email it off. But this is a quick post to give people an general update. If anybody wants this info which includes more technical information, just PM me your email address. I also was officially given authorization to give the manual to my customer base. That will be in the email blast.

I would have called this 8802 a 9902. The term 8802 didn't do it justice. They really re-worked this thing top to bottom. I have high hopes that this will be a killer prepro. Because on paper, a lot of measurements moved forward. Both the digital and analog audio section was re-worked and re-tweaked. Hopefully the oscilloscope plots that were shown will mean great things to our ear. I hope to be find out VERY soon what it sounds like.;) More on that later.

In order to remain a card carrying AVS member, I like to dodge talking about subjective sound quality differences on these threads. If you are in the camp that hear differences in preamps, then expect to be ecstatic. That's because to my ears, the analog tweaks inside of the 7702 leaped over the 8801. I've taken in 15, 8801's on trade for 7702's. Everyone was delighted and felt they sonically moved forward. Marantz engineering says that the bulk of the performance increases on the 7702 was related to the re-worked HDAM's. I understand that the 8802 has a better series of HDAM's (same layout but better parts), bigger better power supply than on the 8801, and a new front end section and all of the lower noise tweaks that were to the next level over the 77xx series. So if the 8802 can trump the 7702 and it surely did on paper, it should butt up against the very best of the very best. IMHO, the 8801 sonically beat products that I sell for far less $$'s. The 7702 then beat the 8801. So if the 8802 re-work is to the next level again, it's going to be a fun to hear.

DTS:X conversations were under NDA (between D&M and DTS). So they could not talk about it to me. But I am personally going out on a limb with my 8802 customers guaranteeing them it will happen. I'm not guaranteeing when. But just that it's going to happen. I made that same guarantee with Auro 3D and 7702 customers. While we are talking guarantees, no customer of mine will ever be down for a HDCP 2.2 upgrade.

I hope that helps.

8802 front.JPG

8802 back.JPG

Bonne lecture,

Hugo S
Membre d'Honneur - Président de l'Association & Relations PROs
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Message » 11 Jan 2015 11:25

re Bonjour,

Et pour le plaisir des yeux:

8802 AV panneau ouvert.JPG
Marantz AV8802 face Av panneau ouvert
8802 AV panneau ouvert.JPG (31.1 Kio) Vu 3360 fois

8802 construction.JPG
Marantz AV8802 construction

8802 détails transfo.JPG
Marantz AV8802 détails transfo

8802 vue intérieur.JPG
Marantz AV8802 vue intérieur avec 13 modules HDAM

Marantz AV8802 vue du dessus.JPG
Marantz AV8802 vue du dessus

Une superbe construction avec (directement à l'image de son prédécesseur Marantz AV8801) 13 modules HDAM, mais avec 13+2 sorties XLR et RCA.

Dernière édition par Hugo S le 13 Jan 2015 12:59, édité 1 fois.
Hugo S
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Message » 11 Jan 2015 11:45

C est vrai qu il semble superbement construit. La seule chose a laquelle je n adhère pas c est cet afficheur central rond.
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Message » 11 Jan 2015 13:57

re Bonjour,

Fre.Mo a écrit:C est vrai qu il semble superbement construit. La seule chose a laquelle je n adhère pas c est cet afficheur central rond.

C'est le même type de superbe construction que le Marantz AV8801 :wink: dont on peut voir les photos d'intérieur ici : ... olyvalent/

Hugo S
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Message » 12 Jan 2015 20:25

la fonction hub réseau a disparu... :cry:
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Message » 13 Jan 2015 9:24

Yes, c'est dommage, parce que c'était novateur et tout à fait dans l'esprit d'un préampli : une sorte d'aiguillage entre diverses sources et divers diffuseurs. :roll:

La configuration dans mon profil

Magnetar UDP800 / Lumagen Radiance Pro 4242 / JVC DLA-N7 / MicroPerf'Oray HD 4K / Anthem AVM90 / 9 x Focal SM6 Be & 1000 Be + 4 x Focal 300 / 2 x Subs DIY Beyma 18LX60 V1 / Amplis HPA / Etudes, traitements & calibrations pros
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Message » 13 Jan 2015 13:01


En complément aux photos ci-dessus du Marantz AV8802 et vu qu'on ne peut mettre que 5 photos par pst :

Marantz AV8802 nouveau module HDAM.JPG
Marantz AV8802 nouveau module HDAM
Marantz AV8802 nouveau module HDAM.JPG (43.35 Kio) Vu 3181 fois

Hugo S
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Message » 16 Jan 2015 19:15


Les spécificités et manuel d'emploi du Marantz AV8802 sont dispo ici (en Anglais) : ... tId=AV8802

Bonne lecture,

Hugo S
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Message » 16 Jan 2015 23:04

Bonsoir Hugo,

Les spécificités du futur Blu ray UHD ont, me semble t'il, été définies lors du CES, qu'en est il de la compatibilité du 8802 avec celui ci ?
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Message » 17 Jan 2015 10:27


MissTTik a écrit:Bonsoir Hugo,

Les spécificités du futur Blu ray UHD ont, me semble t'il, été définies lors du CES, qu'en est il de la compatibilité du 8802 avec celui ci ?

Dans le contexte du BRD UHD, il y a 2 contextes : Vidéo et Audio, pour lesquels il y aura lieu d'être compatible.

1- Vidéo : dans ce contexte le futur BRD UHD exigera une compatibilité HDMI 2.0 18Gbps et HDCP 2.2. Or et de ce qui est actuellement connu, la connectique HDMI du 8802 répond bien au standard HDMI 2.0 18Gbps, mais pas au HDCP 2.2 .

Alors - et bien qu'à ma connaissance ceci n'ait pas été officiellement écrit nulle part -, il sera possible de "convertir" les actuelles prises/chipset HDMI 2.0 du 8802 au nouveau standard HDMI2.0 18Gbps et HDCP 2.2, par échange de la carte vidéo. Ceci se fera très probablement par retour du 8802 dans un centre SAV. Ce qui rendra ainsi la Vidéo du 8802 parfaitement compatible avec le futur standard BRD UHD.

2- Audio : dans ce contexte le 8802 est doté de tous les processings actuellement disponibles sur le marché, y compris le Dolby Atmos et Dolby Surround. Et il est possible de le doter du processing Auro, par un upgrade d'un coût de 149€. Alors se pose la question de sa future compatibilité avec le processing DTS:X qui pourra être utilisé par le futur BRD UHD.

Toutefois les réelles spécificités du DTS:X ne seront connues qu'à partir de la fin du mois de Mars. Aussi il est des plus prématuré de parler de "compatibilité", puisque par exigence de DTS, rien ne doit transpirer à l'extérieur des sphères constructeurs avant cette date d'annonce officielle. De ce fait et à ce stade, il ne peut y avoir que de pures spéculations ou probabilité de la compatibilité, du 8802 avec le DTS:X.

Maintenant puisqu'on parle de probabilité, le 8802 étant un appareil HDG dont le cycle de vie est - semble-t-il et à ce stade - prévu être de 2 ans. Il est ainsi raisonnable de pouvoir espérer qu'il est des plus probable ( :wink: ) que le 8802 sera compatible avec les DTS X. Ceci se fera-t-il par update/upgrade Firmware ou par upgrade hardware comme pour le HDMI? Impossible de répondre pour le moment.

Tout ceci fait que le Marantz 8802 est un processeur potentiellement bien né pour répondre au mieux à toutes les exigences du moment et avec suffisamment d'ouverture hardware pour s'adapter aux évolutions futures actuellement prévisibles.

Mais ceci se matérialisera-t-il tel qu'évoqué ci-dessus? Ce n'est que dans quelques mois et lorsque le 1er appareil upgradé nous sera confirmé comme étant parfaitement conforme tant en Audio, que Vidéo, que l'on pourra en avoir la certitude.

Bon WE,

Hugo S
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Message » 17 Jan 2015 13:58

OK merci.
Mon message n'était pas clair mais je parlais de la compatibilité vidéo, ce à quoi tu as parfaitement répondu ;-)
Pour ma part, il convient donc d'attendre la next génération ;-)
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Message » 19 Jan 2015 20:54

pré-commandable...annoncé début février à 3499€ :hehe:
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