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Firmware pour les processeurs video Lumagen Radiance

Message » 20 Juil 2014 9:07


Je crée ce topic pour centraliser les annonces de mise à jour firmware pour les processeurs vidéo Lumagen Radiance. Comme Lumagen continue à produire des correctifs/améliorations sur les anciens modèles ce fil de discussion évitera de faire remonter les autres topics à chaque mise à jour car ils sont plutôt destinés à poser des questions ou à remonter d'éventuels soucis (mais rien n'empêche de parler des firmware dans ces topics).

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Dernière édition par alex_t le 20 Juil 2014 9:17, édité 1 fois.
Membre HCFR Contributeur
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Inscription Forum: 29 Oct 2005 23:04
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Message » 20 Juil 2014 9:07

Date de l'info : 20/07/2014

Firmware Radiance mini : ... ni_updates
Production 070714- Found 2 other issues with rs232 test pattern usage via calibration software. Update time ~3 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance XS : ... xs_updates
Production 070714- Found 2 other issues with rs232 test pattern usage via calibration software. Update time ~3 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance XD : ... ce_updates
Production 070714- Found 2 other issues with rs232 test pattern usage via calibration software. Update time ~3 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance XE : ... xe_updates
Production 070714- Found 2 other issues with rs232 test pattern usage via calibration software. Update time ~3 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance 20XX : ... XX_updates
Production 070714- Found 2 other issues with rs232 test pattern usage via calibration software. Fixed timing issue causing video corruption on output1 on some units. Update time ~15 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance 21XX : ... XX_updates
Production 070714- Found 2 other issues with rs232 test pattern usage via calibration software. Update time ~3 minutes @57k from previous firmware
Membre HCFR Contributeur
Membre HCFR Contributeur
Messages: 10852
Inscription Forum: 29 Oct 2005 23:04
Localisation: Ile-de-France, 77
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Message » 20 Juil 2014 17:48

Super initiative !

Bravo mon Alex !

La configuration dans mon profil

Tout peut se mesurer et se calibrer du moment qu'on dispose des bons outils.
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Message » 20 Juil 2014 17:59

jacko a écrit:Super initiative !

Bravo mon Alex !

Yo mon Jeff :)

L'idée n'est pas de moi mais je suis content d'avoir créé le topic :)

Membre HCFR Contributeur
Membre HCFR Contributeur
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Inscription Forum: 29 Oct 2005 23:04
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Message » 22 Juil 2014 8:26

Date de l'info : 22/07/2014

Firmware Radiance mini : ... ni_updates
Production 070814- A fix for exiting test patterns when using vertical shift (bottom of screen left uncleared).
Update time ~3 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance XS : ... xs_updates
Production 070814- A fix for exiting test patterns when using vertical shift (bottom of screen left uncleared).
Update time ~3 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance XD : ... ce_updates
Production 070814- A fix for exiting test patterns when using vertical shift (bottom of screen left uncleared).
Update time ~3 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance XE : ... xe_updates
Production 070814- A fix for exiting test patterns when using vertical shift (bottom of screen left uncleared).
Update time ~3 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance 20XX : ... XX_updates
Production 070814- A fix for exiting test patterns when using vertical shift (bottom of screen left uncleared). Update time ~3 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance 21XX : ... XX_updates
Production 070814- A fix for exiting test patterns when using vertical shift (bottom of screen left uncleared).
Update time ~3 minutes @57k from previous firmware
Membre HCFR Contributeur
Membre HCFR Contributeur
Messages: 10852
Inscription Forum: 29 Oct 2005 23:04
Localisation: Ile-de-France, 77
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Message » 01 Aoû 2014 7:57

Date de l'info : 01/08/2014


Une nouvelle fournée de firmware est disponible. Au menu : une correction sur le chroma, une correction pour la 3D et la possibilité désormais d'activer ou désactiver le filtre CUE.

Plusieurs d'entre nous ont rencontré des pbs lors des dernières mises à jour avec les 2XXX. Lumagen a travaillé pour diminuer l’occurrence de ce souci. Je vous conseille (comme le préconise Lumagen) de faire cette mise à jour à 28K maximum, les prochaines devraient fonctionner correctement à 57K.

La question que beaucoup se posent : pourquoi tant de mise à jour en si peu de temps ? En fait Lumagen est en train d'écrire le code pour passer la taille de la 3DLUT des 21XX à 17x17x17. Comme le code est le même pour tous les Radiance, Lumagen en profite pour appliquer les corrections et améliorations apportées aux 21XX dans le code des générations précédentes dès lors que cela est techniquement possible (les critères sont la place dispo dans le FPGA, la puissance requise pour le FPGA, la place dispo en mémoire). Cela ne signifie pas que tous les Radiance auront une 3DLUT à 17x17x17, seuls les 21XX en bénéficient. ATTENTION : cette explication ne vient pas de Lumagen mais de moi donc à prendre avec des pincettes.

Firmware Radiance mini : ... ni_updates
Production 072014- Small horizontal and vertical chroma improvements. Added a CUE (chroma upsample error) setting under Input: Video Setup: RES: Picture. Fixed an issue to handle 720p50 framepacked 3D source. Update time ~9 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance XS : ... xs_updates
Production 072014- Small horizontal and vertical chroma improvements. Added a CUE (chroma upsample error) setting under Input: Video Setup: RES: Picture. Fixed an issue to handle 720p50 framepacked 3D source. Update time ~9 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance XD : ... ce_updates
Production 072014- Small horizontal and vertical chroma improvements. Added a CUE (chroma upsample error) setting under Input: Video Setup: RES: Picture. Fixed an issue to handle 720p50 framepacked 3D source. Update time ~9 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance XE : ... xe_updates
Production 072014- Small horizontal and vertical chroma improvements. Added a CUE (chroma upsample error) setting under Input: Video Setup: RES: Picture. Fixed an issue to handle 720p50 framepacked 3D source. Update time ~9 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance 20XX : ... XX_updates
Production 072014- Small horizontal and vertical chroma improvements. Added a CUE (chroma upsample error) setting under Input: Video Setup: RES: Picture. Fixed an issue to handle 720p50 framepacked 3D source. Fixed an issue that sometimes caused problems updating at 57k baud (so after this update is made subsequent updates should run smoothly at 57k). Preferable to perform this update at 28k to avoid problems. Update time ~15 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance 21XX : ... XX_updates
Production 072014- Small horizontal and vertical chroma improvements. Added a CUE (chroma upsample error) setting under Input: Video Setup: RES: Picture. Fixed an issue to handle 720p50 framepacked 3D source. Fixed an issue that sometimes caused problems updating at 57k baud (so after this update is made subsequent updates should run smoothly at 57k). Preferable to perform this update at 28k to avoid problems. Update time ~15 minutes @57k from previous firmware
Membre HCFR Contributeur
Membre HCFR Contributeur
Messages: 10852
Inscription Forum: 29 Oct 2005 23:04
Localisation: Ile-de-France, 77
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Message » 02 Aoû 2014 23:43

Date de l'info : 02/08/2014, édité le 03/08 pour les 20xx

ATTENTION :bug dans 072014, 072114 ci-dessous la remplace :

Firmware Radiance mini : ... ni_updates
Production 072114- Small horizontal and vertical chroma improvements. Added a CUE (chroma upsample error) setting under Input: Video Setup: RES: Picture. Fixed an issue to handle 720p50 framepacked 3D source. (note: bug occurred in 072014 and this update replaces it) Update time ~9 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance XS : ... xs_updates
Production 072114- Small horizontal and vertical chroma improvements. Added a CUE (chroma upsample error) setting under Input: Video Setup: RES: Picture. Fixed an issue to handle 720p50 framepacked 3D source. (note: bug occurred in 072014 and this update replaces it) Update time ~9 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance XD : ... ce_updates
Production 072114- Small horizontal and vertical chroma improvements. Added a CUE (chroma upsample error) setting under Input: Video Setup: RES: Picture. Fixed an issue to handle 720p50 framepacked 3D source. (note: bug occurred in 072014 and this update replaces it) Update time ~9 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance XE : ... xe_updates
Production 072114- Small horizontal and vertical chroma improvements. Added a CUE (chroma upsample error) setting under Input: Video Setup: RES: Picture. Fixed an issue to handle 720p50 framepacked 3D source. (note: bug occurred in 072014 and this update replaces it) Update time ~9 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance 20XX : ... XX_updates
Production 072114- Small horizontal and vertical chroma improvements. Added a CUE (chroma upsample error) setting under Input: Video Setup: RES: Picture. Fixed an issue to handle 720p50 framepacked 3D source. Fixed an issue that sometimes caused problems updating at 57k baud (so after this update is made subsequent updates should run smoothly at 57k). Preferable to perform this update at 28k to avoid problems. (note: bug occurred in 072014 and this update replaces it) Update time ~15 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance 21XX : ... XX_updates
Production 072114- Small horizontal and vertical chroma improvements. Added a CUE (chroma upsample error) setting under Input: Video Setup: RES: Picture. Fixed an issue to handle 720p50 framepacked 3D source. Fixed an issue that sometimes caused problems updating at 57k baud (so after this update is made subsequent updates should run smoothly at 57k). Preferable to perform this update at 28k to avoid problems. (note: bug occurred in 072014 and this update replaces it) Update time ~15 minutes @57k from previous firmware
Membre HCFR Contributeur
Membre HCFR Contributeur
Messages: 10852
Inscription Forum: 29 Oct 2005 23:04
Localisation: Ile-de-France, 77
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Message » 03 Aoû 2014 15:24

merci pour l'info :wink:
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Inscription Forum: 28 Aoû 2009 15:42
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Message » 29 Aoû 2014 19:49

Date de l'info : 29/08/2014.

Edité pour le 20XX et XE/XD/XS/mini

Firmware Radiance mini : ... ni_updates
Production 081514- Added faster serial port IO to enable faster operation with calibration software.
Update time ~3 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance XS : ... xs_updates
Production 081514- Added faster serial port IO to enable faster operation with calibration software.
Update time ~3 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance XD : ... ce_updates
Production 081514- Added faster serial port IO to enable faster operation with calibration software.
Update time ~3 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance XE : ... xe_updates
Production 081514- Added faster serial port IO to enable faster operation with calibration software.
Update time ~3 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance 20XX : ... XX_updates
Production 081514- Added option to enable Darbee enhancement for just 2d or just 3d sources.
Update time ~3 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance 21XX : ... XX_updates
Production 081514- Added 17x17x17 CMS along with corresponding menu and rs232 command options. Added option to enable Darbee enhancement for just 2d or just 3d sources. If you back up your setup to a PC Be sure to download the new configuration (v1.8 ) utility from the utilities page to use with your Radiance 21xx. Update time ~15 minutes @57k from previous firmware
Membre HCFR Contributeur
Membre HCFR Contributeur
Messages: 10852
Inscription Forum: 29 Oct 2005 23:04
Localisation: Ile-de-France, 77
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Message » 30 Aoû 2014 7:53

up, message du dessus édité pour 20XX, mini, XS, XD, XE
Membre HCFR Contributeur
Membre HCFR Contributeur
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Inscription Forum: 29 Oct 2005 23:04
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Message » 03 Sep 2014 12:33

Date de l'info : 03/09/2014.

Firmware Radiance mini : ... ni_updates
Pas de nouvelle mise à jour

Firmware Radiance XS : ... xs_updates
Pas de nouvelle mise à jour

Firmware Radiance XD : ... ce_updates
Pas de nouvelle mise à jour

Firmware Radiance XE : ... xe_updates
Pas de nouvelle mise à jour

Firmware Radiance 20XX : ... XX_updates
Production 081714- The audio configuration menu had lost the spdif/coax selectable options from 050114-081614 in 20xx models only.
Update time ~3 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance 21XX : ... XX_updates
Pas de nouvelle mise à jour
Membre HCFR Contributeur
Membre HCFR Contributeur
Messages: 10852
Inscription Forum: 29 Oct 2005 23:04
Localisation: Ile-de-France, 77
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Message » 04 Sep 2014 7:35

Date de l'info : 04/09/2014.

Firmware Radiance mini : ... ni_updates
Pas de nouvelle mise à jour

Firmware Radiance XS : ... xs_updates
Pas de nouvelle mise à jour

Firmware Radiance XD : ... ce_updates
Pas de nouvelle mise à jour

Firmware Radiance XE : ... xe_updates
Pas de nouvelle mise à jour

Firmware Radiance 20XX : ... XX_updates
Production 081814- Location values displayed for 9x9x9 gamut adjustment via the menu were off by 1 for a couple locations due to a rounding error. Update time ~3 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance 21XX : ... XX_updates
Production 081814- Location values displayed for 17x17x17 gamut adjustment via the menu were off by 1 for a few locations due to a rounding error. (also in 9x9x9) Update time ~3 minutes @57k from previous firmware
Membre HCFR Contributeur
Membre HCFR Contributeur
Messages: 10852
Inscription Forum: 29 Oct 2005 23:04
Localisation: Ile-de-France, 77
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Message » 09 Sep 2014 7:54

Date de l'info : 09/09/2014.

Firmware Radiance mini : ... ni_updates
Pas de nouvelle mise à jour

Firmware Radiance XS : ... xs_updates
Pas de nouvelle mise à jour

Firmware Radiance XD : ... ce_updates
Pas de nouvelle mise à jour

Firmware Radiance XE : ... xe_updates
Pas de nouvelle mise à jour

Firmware Radiance 20XX : ... XX_updates
Pas de nouvelle mise à jour

Firmware Radiance 21XX : ... XX_updates
Production 082014- Bugfix for configuring analog composite inputs (2143, 2144 only). The menu would show settings being made for these inputs without corresponding changes to the picture. Update time ~3 minutes @57k from previous firmware
Membre HCFR Contributeur
Membre HCFR Contributeur
Messages: 10852
Inscription Forum: 29 Oct 2005 23:04
Localisation: Ile-de-France, 77
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Message » 20 Sep 2014 14:34

Date de l'info : 20/09/2014.

Firmware Radiance mini : ... ni_updates
Pas de nouvelle mise à jour

Firmware Radiance XS : ... xs_updates
Pas de nouvelle mise à jour

Firmware Radiance XD : ... ce_updates
Pas de nouvelle mise à jour

Firmware Radiance XE : ... xe_updates
Pas de nouvelle mise à jour

Firmware Radiance 20XX : ... XX_updates
Pas de nouvelle mise à jour

Firmware Radiance 21XX : ... XX_updates
Production 091014- Fix for a bug which under some circumstance could give strange colors in grayscale intermittently. Update time ~15 minutes @57k from previous firmware
Membre HCFR Contributeur
Membre HCFR Contributeur
Messages: 10852
Inscription Forum: 29 Oct 2005 23:04
Localisation: Ile-de-France, 77
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Message » 23 Sep 2014 9:00

Date de l'info : 23/09/2014.

Firmware Radiance mini : ... ni_updates
Production 091114- Fix for a bug which under rare circumstances could give strange colors in grayscale that a user may have remedied by turning off and back on. Update time ~9 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance XS : ... xs_updates
Production 091114- Fix for a bug which under rare circumstances could give strange colors in grayscale that a user may have remedied by turning off and back on. Update time ~9 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance XD : ... ce_updates
Production 091114- Fix for a bug which under rare circumstances could give strange colors in grayscale that a user may have remedied by turning off and back on. Update time ~9 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance XE : ... xe_updates
Production 091114- Fix for a bug which under rare circumstances could give strange colors in grayscale. Update time ~9 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance 20XX : ... XX_updates
Production 091114- Fix for a bug which under rare circumstances could give strange colors in grayscale that a user may have remedied by turning off and back on. Update time ~15 minutes @57k from previous firmware

Firmware Radiance 21XX : ... XX_updates
Production 091114- Fix for an issue that changes a 17x17x17 CMS to an 8 point CMS when copying from a CMS location to another. Update time ~3 minutes @57k from previous firmware
Membre HCFR Contributeur
Membre HCFR Contributeur
Messages: 10852
Inscription Forum: 29 Oct 2005 23:04
Localisation: Ile-de-France, 77
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